Are you looking to join me on the dance floor? Here’s where to find my Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me tunes! After you’re done boogieing come back to check out my thoughts on last month’s blogfest.
This year, I almost did not participate in the April alphabet blogfest. Gasp, right? But, thanks to Lee (aka ArleeBird) and John gentle encouragement I felt a surge of excitement to take part in the event’s 10th-anniversary bash. I also want to say thank you to all the other co-hosts for pulling off another successful year of A to Z.
Don’t procrastinate when you know you’re gonna do it anyhow!
Being late to commit to the challenge, it was the end of February, I had to act fast. The only thing I knew was I wanted to keep with my art sketch series but this time I wanted to focus on a single subject, unlike anything I’ve done in the past two years. Thinking back to last year’s seed planted in my head after drawing a couple of different cartoon characters, I wanted to draw Disney princesses but that didn’t narrow my art theme enough to suit me. That’s when I figured out I’d go with one Disney production sketching characters from the movie. The Little Mermaid was the first film to pop in my mind.
After mentally committing to the challenge and now with a theme firmly in place, I began my research going from A to Z jotting down characters to illustrate. That’s when I discovered the 1989 movie didn’t always have character representative for the alpha-prompt, so I widened my theme to include the sequel and the animated TV series. Even then, I was stuck on some letters in the alphabet which left me to improvise by keeping an ocean-related subject for those difficult letters.
Make your theme about something you love!
I managed to get all but two illustrated, including accompanying posts, completed before the April 1st kick off. I knew this might happened but entered the frenzy with the mindset to enjoy myself, not stress over what I can’t reasonably do. The two I remaining drawings weren’t a big deal to work in after the affair was underway.
The ‘Master List’ of participants this year really didn’t help me a lot. I think after the first day, I didn’t consult it again. The reason being is there were very few bloggers listed in the art category. I wanted to connect with others who dabble in the arts no matter what their level – novice to expert. I just wanted to learn from others!
However, I did manage to drop in for the daily post contribution on the host site to comment and leave my direct link for those interested. It was from the comments section that I most often visited other bloggers playing along, oftentimes visiting the site before me. That worked well to introduce myself while exposing myself to new content.
Be the kind of blogger you want others to be in turn – geninue with commenting and loyality to visiting.
Many of the bloggers’ path I crossed were people I’ve come across in past years but really didn’t get to know very well before now. For instance, Keith’s Ramblings who writes adorable short stories for children which stirred a memory from my childhood or that of my children, so I felt more of kinship to him this time around.
Trudy from Reel Focus is another blogger I knew but not very well until now. She’s a screenplay author who talks a lot about movies in general and for the challenge, she gave us the A2Z to why she loves watching movies. Who doesn’t like movies? We spend a lot of our free time in front of the TV so bonding with her was natural.
Jade from Tao Talk ‘Signs & Symbols’ theme was educational and sometimes a bit weird in a fun way, especially the P post, which left me giggling.
A new blogger I discovered this year…well, I think she’s new. You know how it is sometimes you meet someone on this journey once and you might forget. I blame it all on a condition I got as a once new mother that I labeled ‘Mommy Amnesia’. Anywho back to the new blogger. Kislaya from Dew Pure Gentle Soothing! writes of her pregnancy experience A through Z. My baby is now 25 so to read her thoughts served to restore lost fond memories. I offered encouraging words to the mom-to-be but I don’t think she’ll need it, as she seems like a well anchored young woman with an excellent family/friend base to guide her in her parenthood journey.
The challenge proved to be just that ‘a challenge’ despite having my posts scheduled ahead. Maintaining daily replies, return visits, social media shares, and leaving a message on each site was a plateful of activity. I did my best to keep up but was my best enough? I don’t know and if I missed you please accept my apologies and tell me to get back over to your place to check out your posts.
Build on what you started in April carrying your A2Z experience throughtout the year with new post contributions or visiting others in the community.
Who would’ve thought two years ago when I entered the A2Z Challenge with the notion of picking up my pencil and sketch pad to rekindle a lost hobby that it would turn into an infectious passion that I can’t seem to stop?
I will continue down this path for as long as it carries me enjoying every step of the way; chances are favorable I’ll sign up next year doing the same thing and I already have an idea in mind for my 2020 art sketch series.
Thank you for hanging with me in April but in between now and next year, I hope you’ll tune in for my spin-off series ‘In Living Color‘ using my A2Z Little Mermaid pencil drawings with the first installment beginning in this week’s not-so-Wordless Wednesday time slot.

Illustrations are in no particular order
A quick links to my 2019 Little Mermaid art sketch series:
Ariel, Bishop, Carlotta. Dudley & Dudley in Living Color (two posts on the same day), Eric, Flounder, Grimsby, Hammerhead shark, Intertidal Zone, Jetsom, King Triton, Louis, Max, Neptune, Ollie, Pearl, Queen, Ray-Ray, Sebastian & Scuttle, Treasures, Ursula, Vanessa, shipWreck, Xylophone player, Yazzy Yellowfin, & Zeus
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What a nice Reflections post. I’m glad you did decide to join in again. And you did a really great job with it!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Thanks, I am glad that I joined, too. I knew if I didn’t then I’d regret it so I’m happy that you and John encouraged me.
My passion for sketching continues to bloom. At one time, I had apprehensions to try to draw something that looked hard but now I see it as a challenge ready to conquer. It seems most people liked my series. Perhaps they were being kind but I think many liked the idea because nearly everyone has fond memories tied to The Little Mermaid animated classic. I had a lot of fun with it! I’m semi-working out in my head a theme for next April already.
It sounds like you really enjoyed the challenge. And wow, your sketches are fantastic!
Oh, wow! Thank you for mentioning my blog in your post. I’m so grateful to have met you through the challenges. I also feel a connection to you… seeings how I used to live in Eastern Tennessee for 15 1/2 years. I still consider that area my “home” and tell people, even though I was raised in the northwestern states, when I feel homesick, it’s for Tennessee.
I enjoyed your A to Z theme and admire your talent!
WOW, I didn’t know that you lived in my neck of the woods for so long! We grew up in southern WV and after we got married in 1979, we moved here. This is our home and definitely, it’s where our heart belongs. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. You’re most welcome for the mention. I was happy to do it. Have a good evening and thanks for popping by!
This Challenge was… well, a challenge, and you did a great job! Your drawings are cute and I will come again to see your future work. It was part of the challenge to visit all visitors, and return comments,and I enjoyed a lot yours. Thank you!
You’re right, just keeping up with all the in-between stuff is challenging in itself. Thanks for sharing this adventure with me.
Cathy, you did a fantastic job on the A2Z challenge. You’re a talented artist and you must have tons of patience to do your sketches. You rock!
I don’t know that I have tons of patience as much as this is something that’s truly captured my interests. I’m so grateful for the rediscovery of my passion for drawing. Thank you for being so supportive – you rock!
Congratulations on your successful completion of another A to Z Challenge! It is SO much work and you do it all in great style, Cathy. Great words of advice, as well. If only more bloggers would understand this is a social activity. Some never ever reciprocate and that’s just frustrating. Looking forward to the new series!
Debbie, it took me a long time to realize that this challenge was meant to be fine. Unfortunately, too many people look at stats and forget that they are having fun or had fun putting a post together to start with. It’s all in one’s perspective and if you lose sight of that then the fun is lost. I wish others would remember why they started the challenge to begin with, because they’re doing something that brings them joy!
I get what you’re saying and agree, it shouldn’t be about statistics. If someone visits my posts, I always try to reciprocate, though, or at least acknowledge them in some way, (post like or share). IMO, it’s the best way to build connections. Some bloggers, however, (not you – you’re the best!
) completely ignore their comments and that’s what I find frustrating. IMO, if someone is interested enough in my post to leave a comment, I should give something in return. (I guess that’s why these challenges leave me so burned out. LOL)
Dittos! In my early years of blogging, I knew to leave a comment on all posts that I read even if it wasn’t something I fully understood or even liked. It was showing appreciation for the author’s time and creativity but I didn’t get doing replying to comments left on my site until I noticed the pattern of relationships forged among bloggers and that’s something I wanted. That’s when I began putting more importance on this part. Most blog hops I participate seem to have this problem to a degree not everyone seems on board with leaving comments. I later found out that just because someone doesn’t say something doesn’t mean they aren’t reading my content but they are too busy. Maybe, they’ll get to it and then maybe not. In my learning process over the years, I found it more relaxing to not worry about what someone else is or isn’t doing if I’m having fun then that’s what matters. When blogging becomes work then it’s not fun, so that’s a good time for a hiatus. BTW, thanks for recognizing that I do try connect with people. That’s something as I said I always wasn’t good at doing but picked up on how to do it from others such as you.
I forgot to do a reflections post. I love the collage of all your drawings.
You did very well with all your drawings and posts. It is nice to meet new bloggers.
You did a great job, and if you missed any of my posts, it’s okay, i meandered!
We sure did enjoy your sketching series, it was fun and we were always waiting to see the next one!
I really enjoyed visiting your blog all month long. It was fun and you did so very well. I’m guessing your working on next years A2Z.
Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I think you did really well, Cathy
I had several themes in mind for this year, but between writing and publishing books, didn’t start writing and scheduling posts until the 1st of April (good thing I decided on music!). I really enjoyed your sketches — as always 
Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge Reflections: Reflecting on the A-Z Challenge 2019>
I loved your sketches and look forward to continuing to follow your blog. Curious if you still live in Knoxville – we are over by Cookeville. Small world…was in Knoxville last Friday for hubby’s carpel tunnel surgery!
DB McNicol, author
A to Z Reflections
My Author Page
My Personal Blog
I enjoy your AtoZ because it’s different. I am sorry you couldn’t find many kindred artists. Personally, I used the master list maybe twice. But I’m glad they don’t rely on Facebook. I’ll read you through the year, Cathy!
Cathy, may I firstly thank you for the kind words you’ve written about my blog. I so enjoyed my visits to your watery world.. Your illustrations where delightful. Your theme was totally different from anything else I came across this year which made it all the more enjoyable. Keep up the good work!
Here’s what I thought…’
You’re very welcome. I feel the same about your theme and writing style. I have always been a huge kiddie-lit fan and your stories really come to life with few words.
Glad you decided to participate, Cathy. I’ve enjoyed your artistic renderings of one of my favorite Disney movies and look forward to seeing the color versions! Thanks for stopping by my blog when you could!
What a great debrief on AtoZ. I can’t believe you didn’t decide until February and got it all don! I’ve done it twice (but not this time) and started about six months early! I love the summative image of your drawings.
It was quite a ride, wasn’t it? My reflection post is here. Congratulations on being a fellow “survivor!”
themes are not helpful because even though I have no theme, I also posted artwork. I admire you for creating your post ahead of time, for me, I just couldn’t do it.
honestly, I wasn’t interested in your theme because I’m not much of a fan of the little mermaid and I didn’t watch the sequels or the tv shows. but I did read each of your post & you did well though I have no idea who most of these characters are.
I think you could have invented new characters for the ones you couldn’t find that fit the alphabet, it would have been kind of fun to create something new and you get to name them just like you did with yazzy.
have a lovely day.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Monday, dear friend! I enjoyed reading your Reflections on the A to Z. I am happy to know you didn’t let the hop stress you out even though you hadn’t yet completed all of the month’s posts by the time the challenge got underway. As you know by now I love your artwork, and I am delighted to learn that you already have a theme in mind for the 2020 art sketch series. You have hit upon a successful formula by creating art for the A to Z, successful because your drawings delight readers like me and because you get so much satisfaction from producing them. I am pleased to know that your participation in this year’s Challenge enabled you to meet some new and interesting bloggers. I look forward to seeing some of the sketches you displayed during April coming up in your In Living Color series.
Once again congratulations on completing the A to Z run again this year and doing it in style. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!