A-Z Challenge

2019 The Little Mermaid #art sketch series ‘shipWRECK’ #AtoZChallenge

Thanks for joining in today.  If you missed previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series you can find them easily under Latest Mews in my side menu.  ☞ ☞ ☞

My first thought was to illustrate the Wedding Kiss between Ariel and Prince Eric but then I decided on sketching a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean. A place the Little Mermaid and her best friend, Flounder, would explore and to salvage treasures from the human world.

W is for WRECK

Do you see the Little Mermaid and her pal, Flounder? How about the vicious shark off in the distance?

Pixelmator Line Die effect added to original drawing after uploading to computer.

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. W is for WRECK. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]

Friday Sillies
I’m breaking away to join Ellen and Lorraine in 😻Friendly Fill-ins😻 who incidentally are doing the A to Z Challenge, too. 😉
1. I got my first cell phone in 2005, a Kyocera flip phone. It was so tiny that it slid easily in my small front jean pockets.  I barely can squeeze my iPhone in the same pocket.
2. I wish the word f*&# could be removed from the English language. This is a horrible little four-letter word that’s casually thrown around in conversation without a thought and sounds so classless.
3. I’ll never outgrow the magic of Christmas!
4. My reflection sometimes in the mirror make(s) me feel old.  There’s little I can do about effects the hands of time has on my appearance but I’m trying to accept the different phases in my life.  After all, the alternative to not growing old is death, so I guess I should be happy I see an older me in the mirror. 🙂
This is DH’s off Friday, so I’ll be missing in Blogosphere. I encourage you to find more alphabet fun with other fellow AtoZers.  Don’t forget to leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you.  You’re invited to return tomorrow for another the next installment in my Little Mermaid Artsketch Series!
X💋X💋, Cathy







  • Ronel Janse van Vuuren

    I like what the computer did with your sketch! I first thought that I was hallucinating 😉

    Ronel visiting with the A-Z Challenge music and writing: most amazing

  • Birgit

    This shipwreck is another excellent drawing showing great perspective. you know it is deep and that the shark is coming closer. I like your image which reminds me of those art images where you scratch away the black to reveal the colours below. The shark pun is cute. I am with you about Christmas but the 4 letter word I would love to disappear is C^%$. I despise that word. When i look in the mirror, after I scream, I start noticing the hairs that are growing around my chin

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The Pixelmator line die reminds me of the scratch away doodle pads, too. 🙂 Oh yeah, C^%$ is a poor word that gets used more than it should in society. I despise it as well. It’s a classless, nasty way to describe anyone. I have crazy hair on my chin, too. It drives me insane. The thing is I have such a hard time spotting them to pull out. Poor lighting in the house, I guess. Anyhow, I feel them but can’t see them. I’d like to have them removed permanently but that’s expensive. 🙁

  • aandj8804

    I love the meme at the bottom of your post Cathy! That drawing looks pretty awesome with pixelmator filter. Do you often use programs to adjust your drawings on the computer?

    • Cathy Kennedy

      No, I don’t use Pixelmator or other photo-editing software to adjust my sketches, other than cropping or straightening my image. Of course, I did do it a little more in this round of A2Z because sometimes the filters added a nice touch. It’s all in fun, nothing is permanent meaning my original is fully intact. Thanks for visiting.

  • kislaya

    Great sketch, I can see Ariel and Flounder. But I can only spot one shark in the background. I hope there is no more than one.
    What a co-incidence, even I get my first cell phone in 2005 and it was a Korean flip phone and the brand was Pantech(relatively less known brand). It was bright red and i loved it. Unfortunately one day I was riding bicycle from hostel to my lab class and it slid from my pocket and fell on the road. I only panicked after 50 minute class that my phone was missing – I searched all the way, filed a missing complaint, requested the person who picked up my phone by calling him to return my phone, but in-vain. I still miss it fondly cause it was my first.
    I agree with your point 2. And as per looking in the mirror, aging is a wonderful thing – Age gracefully – it is a blessing 😊🙂
    Read my W post here Wonderful Woes

  • Keith's Ramblings

    The shark is on its way!

    I’m with you on F. In my younger days it was a terrible swear word but today it’s part of everyday lazy speech among the young. Comedians depend on it for laughs! There is no equivalent ‘shock factor’ word today, I’ve often wondered how four random letters ever became obscene.Who decided? Sorry, I’m rambling!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      You right, using swear words is just laziness. People have no desire to put forth the effort to demonstrate class when it’s easier to just blend in and be like the rest of dunderheads spouting rubbish. Comedians who resort to the f-word are not funny in my book and I won’t listen to them no matter how much they make people laugh. I don’t know how a word categorized as obscene but it is and such words should be reserved for use in private. Don’t worry about the rambling. I have moments where I need to do it, too. 🙂 Thanks for visiting, my friend!

  • 15andmeowing

    That came out great. I like the line die effect. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I feel old looking in the mirror too, but I agree it beats the alternative. I wish that word didn’t exist either. Have a nice weekend! XO

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I think we all feel old sometimes when we catch our reflection but aging is part of the natural order of things, so I’m embracing where I am and trying to be the best me in each phase. I’m not going down without a fight that’s for sure. 😉

  • John Holton

    I like the color version of the sketch. Can’t see Ariel or Flounder, but that’s par for the course.

    re #4 above: Better over the hill than under it, huh?

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I agree, definitely better to be ‘over the hill’ instead of under it! lol The line die effect makes it more difficult to see Ariel and Flounder but you can see them easily in the pencil drawing.

  • Sandee

    Love your sketch today. You draw so very well.

    Love all your answers and especially the f word. I’d not thought of that.

    Have a fabulous day of with hubby.

    Hubby and I are heading to the boat for the weekend. Got some things that need doing and we’re meeting up with some boating friends for dinner.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Sounds like you and the hubs has a wonderful weekend planned. I hope you had a lovely time out on your boat. Thanks for stopping by, dear friend!

  • Arlee Bird

    The drawing with the effects creates a very eerie scene. Very nice!

    I’m so sick of the flippant overuse of the ‘f’ word. Used sparingly it has impact and means something, but the way that it’s thrown around now it just sounds crude and low class. I sometimes get very distracted when it gets used too much in films. Not necessary!

    Another word that I’m equally and maybe more sick of hearing anymore is “racist”. It’s become something that just gets spewed without people thinking about the broader implications. Listening to all lot of commentators and Democrats on TV it’s like they think a large portion of America is racist. Well, I’ll take it one step further to say that if they think so many people are racist, I say that everyone is racist to some degree at some time or another.

    “Racism” and its word variants are profanities, slanders, and insults when just casually tossed out as labels for individuals and groups. I think it now should be banned from common usage.

    And that’s my early morning rant (It’s 6 AM here now)

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Ranting is always welcome here, especially when someone is on the same page as me. 🙂 I totally agree with you on the word ‘racist’ it’s just as overused and misused every single day. It doesn’t matter what you say, you can say, I don’t like Mexican food, and it’ll get interrupted as a racist remark. smack forehead Unfortunately, there’s no reasoning with people like this and they’re just a miserable group, never satisfied or happy about anything unless it fits with their views 100%. Thanks for dropping in for a visit, my friend!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Sillyless Friday and “W” day, dear friend. The end of the A to Z draws near!

    I love your shipWreck scene, especially the second version with the beautiful Pixelmator Line Die effect added. The theme, composition and color scheme make this one suitable for framing and hanging on the wall. Yessum, I do see Ariel and her fishy friend Flounder getting ready to enter and inspect the ship in search of treasure from the human world. I also see the shark in the distance probably closing in to ruin their fun. I love the shark dressed man meme you posted. I suppose we can count that as your Friday Silly. 🙂

    I appreciate your Friendly Friday fill-ins. Like you I am tired of hearing so much potty mouth talk. I find it especially off-putting when such words come from women and girls. I agree that we should never outgrow the magic of Christmas and that we should spread the spirit of the season all year round. We should never outgrow our childhood wonder and our need to play and have fun. You are very youthful looking, Cathy. Your reflection in the mirror is much more like Vanessa than Ursula. 🙂

    I wish you and DH a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I found a bit of time to respond to your comment. Yesterday’s rainy conditions, high winds, and cooler temps kept us in town. We checked out three homes on the market; knocking one off the list and keeping the other two on for a closer look. Both are priced above what we want to spend, so we’ll wait and see. I’m glad you like the photo-edit effect, ‘Line Die’. It makes the illustration more mysterious. You’re so much like me when it comes to women/girls degrading themselves. I don’t like foul language but to hear it from a female is a million times worse in my book. There was a time when if a man swore in the presence of a woman, he would apologize for the slip of the tongue. I don’t think it’s like that anymore. People just don’t have any class nor do they strive to be classy. It’s like a dinosaur to them but I say, class is always in style! Thank you for saying my youthfulness is more like Vanessa than Ursula. I don’t dwell on the new me I see because I’m thankful for the years given and for God’s goodness. He has helped me to keep the years at bay a little better than some can say. Have a good weekend, my friend!

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