A-Z Challenge

2019 The Little Mermaid #Artsketch Series ‘ERIC’ #AtoZChallenge

Thanks for joining in today.  Before I continue, I wanted to share that yesterday evening I added a second post, Dudley in living color.  I’m not sure what’s the best way to get the word out there. Perhaps, you have a suggestion, if so feel free to offer your thoughts in comments. You can find all previous A2Z links in my Little Mermaid Art sketch series easily under Latest Mews in my side menu.  ☞ ☞ ☞

Okay, moving right along to today’s illustration – Prince Eric.  To transfer my pencil drawings to the computer, I use my iPhone camera to photograph and then upload the file. Unfortunately, the lighting balance in our home isn’t equal enough to do this job well which doesn’t do my sketch justice. Hopefully, you are enjoying my shares despite the image quality.

In the step-by-step directions on how to draw Eric, the illustrator drew the Prince with a toothy grin.  I couldn’t get that nailed and it didn’t translate well when I photographed it, so I changed him to have a closed lip smile.

What can I say about Eric, except he’s a hopeless romantic and shy around girls? That’s why he was reluctant to kiss Ariel in the ‘Kiss the Girl’ scene. 😉

I don’t know when I’ll offer a Prince Eric in living color but as soon as I do, I’ll either add it to the original or do a separate post like last night.  Which way do you like best? 

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. E is for Eric. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]

I want to squeeze in the Friendly Friday fill-ins hosted by my good buds, Ellen and Lorraine.
1. The highlight of my week is participating in the A2Z hop each day. Seriously, what else did you think I would say? 🙂

2. Only 16 more days until Easter. I thought about counting the days down till Christmas but then I figured it’ll by fast enough the way it so why wish the days away, right?

3. I believe I was born to be an artist but didn’t learn this until much later in life.
4. Age is an indicator of how long you’ve been doing stupid stuff. Hey, we all know by this stage in the game that age is relative; it’s what you make of it. You either feel old & act it or you feel youthful & alive! Don’t let life pass you by, make the most of each day beginning now!
The weekends generally mean I’m MIA in Blogosphere. That sometimes includes Fridays but not today. So, if you’re new here then don’t worry I will get around to all return visits as long as I have a breadcrumb to follow to your place. 
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along.  You’re invited to return tomorrow for the next installment in my Little Mermaid Art sketch Series! X💋X💋, Cathy







  • L.M.G. Miller

    Such lovely art! I really appreciate discovering artists who draw by hand, using pencil or pen and paper. I still draw in that same style, using my pencils, pens, and markers in my sketchbook. Though there is certainly nothing wrong with digital art, I do love knowing that there are still other people out there using good ol’ paper and pencils and pens. I am not a technological sort of person, so digital art is something I don’t see myself tackling anytime in the nearby future. The most technological I get is scanning my drawings so as to upload them to my blog. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Your thoughts on age sum it up perfectly.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I often wondered if how you did your sketches old or new school. I’m glad to finally know the answer to that question. 🙂 I love your images and the colors are furtastic! The markers provide vivid color saturation which is hard to achieve with color pencils. I need to practice using markers to fill in my artwork. Thanks for visiting!

  • sandy

    you’re posts are so interesting to read … another good sketch – I like simple sketches but also will look forward to you painting it in – !

    • Cathy Kennedy


      No worries with catching up here. lol I totally understand. I’m generally away in Blogosphere on the weekends and spend Monday mornings replying to comments and doing return visits. It keeps me busy! Heading your way soon!

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    Eric is a handsome dude, the way you draw him. I have no idea how he’s supposed to look because I never have gotten much into Disney, so I have no preconceptions. Eric definitely seems to be a dreamer. Perhaps he’s dreaming of escaping from your pad and becoming a real young man. Wouldn’t that be something?

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The resemblance is there – clothing, hair, and general psychic. His facial features need a bit more work but I was happy with the way he turned out. I hope my characters don’t jump off my sketch pad for fear they’d give me a heart attack. I mean, how do I explain to DH that I have Prince Eric in our house? lol

  • -Eugenia

    Great job on Eric, Cathy! He’s quite a handsome fellow! I would definately look into the copyright laws –
    Copyright infringement (colloquially referred to as piracy) is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission, infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I will check into copyright infringement laws. I don’t want to do anything wrong. Is there any harm in placing my content in e-format as long as it’s free for others? Does the real problem come into play if I were to try to make money from these illustrations without giving a person or in this case an entity a cut of the profit? Thanks for making me think. I need people to flip a switch in my brain on every now and then. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Thank you, Kislaya! Sometimes fulfilling one’s dreams take time. Can I do more with my art abilities than to just be a doodler? I don’t know and it really doesn’t matter just as long as I’m having fun. It’s a delight having your visit and I hope you come again! 😉

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I think our generation can say, yeah we didn’t know better when we did something stupid before the age of 12 but I have to wonder about kids today. Thanks for visiting!

  • Trudy

    Okay, seeing Eric made me think (again) about the ballet we took our granddaughter to. We paid extra for her to meet with the main dancers after the production but she absolutely refused to go near them. Later, she admitted that she was soooo MAD at Eric for not marrying Ariel (the ballet was based on the original story, not Disney’s version) she didn’t want a picture taken with him!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      That’s cute about your granddaughter. I prefer much better the way Disney changed the story with a happily ever after. I guess your granddaughter didn’t understand that the ballet was based on the original storyline, did she? I’d be upset, too. 🙂

  • scr4pl80

    Love the colored version of Dudley and your interpretation of Eric. No teeth required. I like the link to the updated version. Whatever way is easier for you!

  • MNL

    I like Eric much better with this smile, not the toothier kind. The toothy kind makes me think of cars salemen for some reason. I don’t think a shy guy would flash teeth like that. My vote is for a separate post but you can do this pic — I think it is more likely to be seen if you do it that way. Since you’re doing a character a day, you might have to add another character at his feet or in the sky to keep to your own challenge or wait until the challenge is done because omg! i just realized how much work it would be to add a second post of just eric when you’re doing one a day this month of characters. I still haven’t come up with e. Midnight is purring on my lap though giving me suggestions.

  • XmasDolly

    Personally Cat, I think you did a better job then the cartoonist! You made him look more manly!!! Ya know what I mean there jelly bean! Oh yeah, so it’s Saturday and I must go shop and although normally I don’t go grocery shopping on Saturdays,. Too many people, but THE SHOW MUCH GO ON!!! hahaha The only show going on here is in my kitchen with me cookin’! Although Dave has been helping with the idea of learning how to cook! Pray for me!!!! hahahaha Have a great week-end girlfriend!!! Hugs

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I hate to grocery shop or any kind of shopping. We try to do ours on Sunday afternoon when the crowd is a bit thinner or sometimes DH will stop off at the store to pick up a handful of things to make life easier on us for the weekend. He’s a good helper and if I need him in the kitchen, he’d do that as well. I just tell him, ‘You can be my taste tester’ and he’s happy to do that, too. lol I appreciate your words of praise on my manly Eric. 🙂 Have a good weekend, darlin’!

  • 15andmeowing

    Great drawing. I would just add the colored version to the post later, but it is up to you. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am counting the days until Easter too when I can have chocolate again 🙂 You are a talented artist and I am glad you discovered it. XO

  • Birgit

    I know what you mean about teeth. Whenever i tried to draw an open mouth smile, they turned out to look like the sinister joker. Another great sketch and however you wish to do the coloured one is fine by me. I like your answers and I should watch The 10 Commandments again and Ben Hur…of course, the Charlton Heston versions. I think I was born to help people in some way. At least I like to think that because of all the bullying and abuse, life is just too damn short for negative people and to take life so seriously. Getting older is not for sissies, as Bette Davis said but it tells me how much stuff I need to get rid of once I go to an apartment.

  • Sandee

    I’ve always enjoyed your sketches. This will be a fun month going through the characters of The Little Mermaid.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  • Morgan

    Prince Eric, he’s an interesting one. As I am looking at your posts, it reminds me of the Little Mermaid ride at Disney California Adventure. When I rode it, we got stuck in the Under the Sea room. The song was on repeat. It was stuck in my head for half the day.

  • Ronel Janse van Vuuren

    He is the obvious choice for “E” 🙂 I like what you did with him — and a toothy grin usually looks silly in pencil IMO. As for the colour update: a separate post, please! I get those in my inbox so I won’t miss out.

    Ronel visiting from the A-Z Challenge with Music and Writing The E

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “E” day, dear friend!

    This is another fine drawing and Eric is a prince of a guy. 🙂 Your sketch reveals him to be handsome, strong, brave, and also, as you described, incurably romantic, a dreamer perhaps, who becomes shy and tongue-tied when an intimate moment with Ariel presents itself. It was the same with Barry Allen, the lead male character in The Flash television series Mrs. Shady and I watch. He and his girlfriend Iris were 20-somethings, and yet it seemed to take forever for them to get around to their first kiss.

    As I mentioned last night, I think it would be less confusing if you would notify us in a current post that you have colorized an image in an older post and link back to it so that we can go back and take a look. Last night I nearly skipped your update post because I thought it was the same one you posted in the morning. Whatever the majority wants or you decide to do, I will try to find your updates.

    Enjoy your Friday, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We have The Flash waiting for us in our streaming cue. We’ll eventually get around to it. I may do both when I update my illustrations – a separate post and then a notification in the post that follows. The reason I like the idea of a dedicated post entry is that I’m sorta tinkering with the idea of using this theme to produce an e-book. Do you think I’d be stepping on copyright infringements if I shared my Disney character likeness? I don’t know what the legalities are but I’d be interested in learning more on this matter should I follow through. Thanks for catching me last night and again early this morning, my friend. Have a good day!

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