
24-03-2025 Vol 19

2019 The Little Mermaid #art sketch series ‘Zeus’ #AtoZChallenge

Folks, can you believe the month is ending today?  It was a zany ride filled with zeal and I’m certain for the next 11 months, I  need to recuperate from zipping all over the place. Remember, you can find previous posts in The Little Mermaid Artsketch series listed under Latest Mews in my side menu.  ☞ ☞ ☞

Now for the last letter in the alphabet and perhaps one of the hardest if not the hardest alpha character to figure out what to do with.  To my surprise, I lucked out.  There is one lone animated figure in The Little Mermaid series from the TV program, A Tale of Two Crabs episode.  He’s Sebastian’s arch-rival with one goal and that’s to get one up on him, which he fails at. Meet Zeus!

Zeus is a purplish-red crab whereas Sebastian is all red. There is very little info on this character, so, unfortunately, there isn’t much to share.   The most interesting thing I did find out is who lent his voice. Would you care to guess? None other than Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker. 

[tweetthis]Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the #AtoZChallenge with my 6th-year participation in the April #blogfest. Join me this month with my #TheLittleMermaid characters #artsketch theme. Z is for Zeus. #pencildrawing #Procreate #illustrations[/tweetthis]

April zipped by and so did the A to Z Challenge. I thoroughly enjoy sharing and spending my time with you. Did you enjoy my journey through the alphabet with daily Little Mermaid character illustrations?  The spirit of this community drives me to push myself to do more and to be better with my drawings. The positive feedback and support is immeasurable and greatly appreciated. Special thanks to you for the encouragement with my amateur art sketch pursuits.  I hope to find more ways to stay connected throughout the year with you, instead of the one month out of 12.  With that, let me skip off to connect one more time with fellow AtoZers. Don’t forget to leave a breadcrumb (direct post URL) in comments so I might find my way easily to you.

Life in Blogosphere resumes to normal in May but I’m taking the rest of the week off since DH is having dental surgery tomorrow.   Look for future ‘In Living Color’ updates with my A2Z pencil drawings, as well as my reflections’ post.  

Have a wonderful day and congratulations for crossing the A to Z finish line with me! 

 X💋X💋, Cathy



Previous A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch posts…

  1.  Ariel
  2.  Bishop
  3. Carlotta
  4. Dudley & Dudley in Living Color (two posts on the same day)
  5. Eric
  6. Flounder
  7. Grimsby
  8. Hammerhead shark
  9. Intertidal Zone
  10. Jetsom
  11. King Triton
  12. Louis
  13. Max
  14. Neptune
  15. Ollie
  16. Pearl
  17. Queen
  18. Ray-Ray
  19. Sebastian & Scuttle
  20. Treasures
  21. Ursula
  22. Vanessa
  23. shipWreck
  24. Xylophone player
  25. Yazzy Yellowfin





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48 thoughts on “2019 The Little Mermaid #art sketch series ‘Zeus’ #AtoZChallenge

    1. Ronel,

      You’re probably just about the only person who’s followed my art series this year to have actually watched the TV series. 🙂 Now, I off to check out your ‘Z’ post!

      1. Well, I’m of an age where that interested me when it came out 😉

  1. Hi Cathy,
    Your sketch depicts Zeus as a cheerful character. I thoroughly enjoyed your art sketch series and it also refreshed my childhood memories. You added a lot of character details and snippets which was fun to read.
    Many congratulations on completing this challenge with finesse.
    All the best to your DH for dental surgery.

  2. CONGRATS MY FRIEND, and you did an absolutely marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvelous job on each and every one of your pictures A thru Z! You should be very proud of yourself. Maybe even make an album of these pictures! Woo Hoo! GREAT JOB!

    1. Marie,

      Thank you for finishing the blogfest with me, my friend. I would like to do something with my sketches but I probably will wait until I get all of the illustrations colorized before doing it.

    1. Birgit,

      I’m trying to imagine Mark Hamill as a crab and it’s not working but I loved Tom suggested of penciling a lightsaber into my sketch. I will have to work it in when I recreate it on my iPad Procreate app.

  3. Congratulations on finishing your A2Z challenge! Your idea was fabulous and you put in a lot of time and hard work. IMO, a five-star performance!

  4. Concatulations CK🎉🎉🎉You did a great job on finishing that challenge and bringing the Little Mermaid back to live! Appaws Appaws😸 Zeus is such a funny guy, Granny loves his smile 🙂 Pawkisses for a Relaxed Wordless Wednesday🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      I’m delighted you and Granny got to spend April with me. It makes the challenge more interesting when friends visit and comment. Y’all deserve the appaws for being such loyal friend, 😉

  5. I guess I had already found him… is it that little guy at the top??? Nahhhhh really??? Oh well, nice to meet you Mr. Zeus!!! hahahaha I found the spelling too!!! I’ve been really busy with doctors this week and another one tomorrow for pity sakes. That’s the one for my memory. Okay, Dave is callin’ me again he wants me to watch the news with him… boringggggggggg same thing over and over and it’s so depressing. Especially about AJ Friend… so very sad. I still say I’d feel so much better if I had 5 minutes alone with that woman that lies and calls herself a mother??? I THINK NOT! LOVE YOU GAL…. CONGRATS ON FINISHING A TO Z the funnest game in town. Man, that was fast don’t you think!!! A feels like only yesterday and oh I think I’ll take your advice and concentrate on the author/writer of the song rather than the title unless I think of something else. BIG HUGS talk to you soon baby girl!!! CONGRATS & AN ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS JOB!!!

    1. Marie,

      It was great fun finishing the 10th A2Z blogfest with you. I for one am happy to have made so now I can rest a little. It sounds like you’ve had a busy week. Ours has been a bit hectic as well. I don’t watch the evening news. DH often shares the highlights of the most interesting daily events on his iPad while we catch up a little in the evenings. I’m not familiar with the AJ Friend story. I’m glad you like my suggestion for broadening your theme for next year. I hope it works out well.

  6. I can’t find my comment and I could’ve sworn I said something about that little guy… .he’s too cute! Just want to pick him up and smooch & smooch him… hehehehehe~ Well, okay now I need to find you last one I saw it , but all of a sudden I was here… I’m off to find Zuez… Zooches…. uh…. oh dang how do ya spell it for pity sakes… okay I’m off…….. funnnnnnn hehehehe luv ya girl!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! ~HEHEHEHE~

    1. Gail,

      My Zeus isn’t the same as the god of the sky and thunder but a little crab. Although, I’m sure he’d like to be thought of as one, though. 🙂 Thanks for visiting & congrats to you, too!

  7. Congratulations on completing The A- challenge. Well done. I enjoyed all your drawings. XO

  8. When I saw “Zeus” my mind immediately went to the wrong Disney movie.

    What a fun fact about Mark Hamill doing the voice!

    We made it to the end. Congratulations!

    1. Trudy,

      I came across ‘Zeus’ in Disney’s Hercules animated film but we never saw that one. I guess the reason for that is we were never in Greek mythology plus not to mention we had little girls who loved princesses. Our son was only three when Hercules came out. He might’ve been too young to enjoy it. I guess it might have been fun to see, though. Yep, we finished the great A2Z challenge! I am ready to unwind a bit now. 🙂

  9. I’ve had a great time visiting your A2Z Challenge this year. I’m sure you have an idea for a theme for next year. I’ll be here, God willing.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  10. Cathy, another fine job on Zeus. Mark Hamill played a villain?? Oh dear. I’ve enjoyed visiting you and your drawings over the month of April and look forward to seeing the drawings in color. Congratulations on completing 2019 A2Z!!

  11. Applause, applause! Wonderful series, Cathy. Your artistic talents are soaring to new heights. 🙂 Enjoy your rest. Here’s hoping all goes well with your DH’s dental surgery.

    1. Debbie,

      Thank you! It was a fun ride doing these Disney characters, many if not most I drew by sight only which totally shocked me. I’ve grown more comfortable with doing sketches like this than when I first began this journey. Your encouragement really gives me. 🙂 Also, thanks for the good wishes for DH’s dental surgery tomorrow. He will have both sides of his lower jaw worked on. Left side to replace a failed implant post and the right side, root canal failed – cracked root which means tooth extraction and prep for an implant. He will be wiped out by tomorrow afternoon. Poor darlin’! We’re both tired of the dental visits on so many levels but him more so since he’s had the majority of the biggest issues to crop up in recent years. Have a great day!

  12. Great series of sketches. It is amazing how many major movie stars have done “voice overs” for animated films. It’s almost like their career isn’t complete until they have a character voice in an animated film to their credit. Have a blessed week.

    1. Driller,

      I had no clue so many big Hollyweird names did Disney animated characters. I think you’re right, doing voiceover work without the facial recognition is like a feather in their acting career hat. 🙂

    1. Brian,

      Zeus reminds me of Bob Hope with his long face. Thanks for the congrats and I certainly appreciate you joining me often throughout this month. Have a great week, my friend!

  13. Hi, Cathy!

    Congratulations, dear friend, as you burst across the finish line of the 2019 A to Z Challenge! The month whizzed by, don’t you think?… and so is the year. May is now upon us!

    You were mighty resourceful in finding a “Z” character to wind up the Challenge. It was fun to meet Zeus, Sebastian’s arch-rival, from The Little Mermaid TV series episode A Tale of Two Crabs. Zeus looks like a cheerful fellow, not really a villain, more of a thorn in Sebastian’s side, I would think. Zeus appears to be standing with his claws on his hips, a confident, superior and somewhat bossy pose. It’s interesting you learned that his voice was provided by Mark Hamill. As a dash of whimsy, you could have sketched Zeus holding Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber. 🙂 Once again I appreciate the extra elements you added to the background including grasses and the uneven contour of the sea bottom, making it a very pleasing composition.

    I wish DH well as he undergoes dental surgery tomorrow.

    Congratulations again for completing the grueling A to Z, Cathy, and doing it in fine fashion. This year, as in years past, you did a tremendous job of entertaining us with your wonderful, sometimes whimsical drawings. It was a pleasure to be with you every step of the way on your journey. I look forward to seeing color versions of some of your sketches in the weeks and months ahead. Take care, take satisfaction in this accomplishment, get some rest, and I hope to see you again soon, dear friend!.

    1. Tom,

      Oh, I wish I had thought to add Luke’s lightsaber to my sketch. Of course, that’s an easy fix. Maybe, in my revamp I can plug that element into my illustration. Thanks for the suggestion and the congrats. I’m so delighted you got to share in my sketching journey another year. Have a great day, my friend!

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