Monday's Music Moves Me


Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

How was your weekend? We spent a quiet one at home, not doing a single thing. The down time was needed mostly for DH to recoup. He’s hasn’t felt well for the past couple of weeks. We finally watched The Kingsmen: The golden circle that we recorded on SlingTV last month.  It was a slight let down from the first movie and I hope the next installment in the series to release next month in the box office steps up its A game. It’ll be awhile before we get around to seeing it. 

We subscribed to Hulu sometime late last year after receiving an email announcing a fabulously low of $1.99 for newcomers for the first year. I thought why not and pitched the idea to DH. Initially I found some programs I put in My Stuff to view but it wasn’t until recently I discovered Fear the Walking Dead. We’ve been curious to see the prequel to The Walking Dead series for a long time.  Usually it takes us awhile to warm up to a new show but we instantly pulled into the story and we binged watched all of the first season as well as seven episodes of season 2. I’m thrilled that we like it!

Interesting factoid, Ruben Blades, one of the main characters in FTWD can sing. Did you know? I shared this tidbit in on the dance floor three years ago. Are you curious to hear Ruben sing? If so, click here.

Alrighty, that’s enough about our weekend, now let me say, Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! January’s honorary co-hostess, Michelle from Musings & Merriment theme for this week is, ‘Tentative as in a relationship that you’re unsure of, can be personal or spiritual. Song inspiration suggestion, ‘I Can Only Imagine’ by Mercy Me

I count myself blessed that even in times of uncertainty, God’s grace found me. Matt Redman says it well with, ‘Your Grace Finds Me’. 

The interesting thing in my spiritual walk with God is I never felt unsure about His love for me or what I can’t see with these human eyes isn’t there. God surrounds me. He is my ‘Cornerstone’.

Unlike God, man is flawed. Relationships aren’t always clearly defined or steady filling the heart with doubt. Again, I count myself immensely blessed because this is a worry that’s always been far removed from my mind with DH. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone could enjoy ‘Love Without Fear’?

Do you feeling like you’re sinking? If so, then let’s dismiss those fears with this empowering quote.

Please readthis is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

It’s now time to join the 4M dance party!

I have on more song I want to share in memory of the late Martin Luther King who had a vision which at the time seemed like an impossible dream. Please listen to the new to me discovery Voctave sing The Impossible Dream.


Thanks for your visit, my friend. I will hop over to see you shortly.  Before I skip off, let me leave you with some wonderful words to ponder.


Have a boogietastic day!

X💋X💋, Cathy











  • DrillerAA

    This past six months I have found the Mercy Me song, “Even If” to be almost a personal anthem. We can call upon God to deliver us from all sorts of uncomfortable life circumstances, but how we react if He chooses not to relieve our suffering. Our situation may be an opportunity to grow stronger in our faith, closer to our God, and provide a testimony to those around us. Even if He chooses to allow me to walk the painful path, my hope is in Him alone. Have a blessed week.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t know that I have any particular song for a personal anthem but I’m often blessed listening to a good praise song when things aren’t going just right. My hope also very much rests in Jesus and I know I’m never alone even at my darkest, loneliest point. It’s often through mewsic I feel His presence more. It’s like He’s wrapping His arms around me filling me with assurance that everything is going to be ok.

  • angelswhisper2011

    The mewsic is outstanding, CK, we especially loved the first and second song, the lyrics are so touching and uplifting💗And your pictures are so cute again. The doggie and kitten reminded us of Granny’s doggie and cat, they also loved each other very much😺Pawkisses for a wonderful Day 🐾😽💞

  • angelswhisper2011

    We come back tomorrow to listen to your tunes, CK as it is late in the evening now, but we want to Thank You for the reply on our mixed up brains of the word. Here’s and Extra Pawkiss especially for you and BRB😸🐾😽💞

  • Debbie D.

    Such a sweet photo and a lovely quote, with tunes to match! 🙂 Yes, love without fear is a wonderful thing. Thank you for the reminder about Martin Luther King. He certainly made a difference in the world.

  • Sandee

    Awww on the kitty and the pup napping together. Love is a wonderful thing.

    Love all the videos. You do such a great job each week.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug honey. ♥

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Thank you very much for offering words and songs of inspiration on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, dear friend. The highlight of the post for me was the performance by Voctave, the eleven member a cappella group based right here in Central Florida in the Orlando area, I never even heard of them. I read that they are rooted in Walt Disney World entertainment, perform in a variety of styles, have four albums and have lent their glorious vocals to the recordings of many noteworthy artists. I couldn’t tear myself away as Tiffany Coburn led the group in singing “The Impossible Dream.” I doubt there is a finer performance of the song anywhere to be found. It was simply perfect. Thank you for letting me know about these amazingly talented vocalists.

    Today is yet another travel day for Mrs. Shady and me, and this will be my last visit to CAAC for a while because my three week blog hiatus is about to begin. I hope to be back in action on the blog circuit in time for Valentine’s Day. Take good care of yourself until we meet again, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I surely appreciate your loyalty to find time to visit during your moving process, my friend. I hope this is your final load. I shall miss you in Blogopshere but sometime we have to step away to get necessary things done. Thanks for sharing the tidbits about Voctave. I did not have time to research the group but like you was deeply moved by their rendition. Have a good week and be safe, dear friend!

  • XmasDolly

    Your tunes are spot on, my friend! Great picks for sure. I love the last one! I haven’t heard this beautiful song in a long time. Thanks for sharin! Luv ya girlfriend! HUGS!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thank you for boogieing with me this morning early, very early! I was snoozing when you came by. 🙂 Anywho, I hopped by your place left a comment, no show, did it again, got a duplicate comment error. So, it’s somewhere hiding on your blog. Have a songsational week, my friend.

error: Please contact me for permission to download. Thank-you!!

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