Monday's Music Moves Me

I’m In the Mood for Dancing

This week’s theme is whatever music moves you. In January, Willow refreshed my memory with her share I’m In the Mood for Dancing by The Nolans.  This wasn’t my first encounter with the Irish pop group. My ole pal Tom from SDMM introduced them to me. I have the suspicion The Nolans didn’t chart in the US or at least not with the opening song you’ll find on the playlist borrowed from their YT channel but because I like the groove of the song I wanted to explore more of their music.  I hope you’ll click play to listen to the 20 song playlist while you meander around Blogosphere or do your daily chores.  


The 4M co-hostess are featured in my right side bar underneath the banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you (your choice)! To access the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin! 

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.

Although, I’m not sure of the exact date, my good bloggy pal Nicole from DVArtist was blessed with another birthday.  If you turned another year older, then lets me know in comments, and we can celebrate it all over again with you! 



I’m closing with Ellen and Lorraine’s Friendly Fill-ins (links now in side menu).

1. I find people who think its okay to practice their beliefs or voice their opinion but it’s not okay for me to do the same offensive.
2.Doing odd jobs is a good way to make some extra cash.
3. Sketching makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.
4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog “Killer”. I really want to get a small dog and name him that. 🤣


Have a boogietastic week!



  • angelswhisper2011

    That was a long time ago, 1979, the year that our twofeet sister was born, while Granny was so in the mood for dancing😸😺 She only remembers that song of them. Those were great fill-ins, CK, and Killer is a great name for a doggie, we would say, when it’s a girl, call her Killer Queen…MOL…Now let’s take a bath and some coffee and Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞
    Ps Is that puppet in the bath also a painting, or a figurine? It’s cute😻

    • Cathy Kennedy

      1979 is the year we got married. The years really pass by quickly. Killer Queen is a good girl kitty name. I like it! The image at the bottom of my post is a Precious Moments figurine. We found her in a vintage shop recently and DH got her for me. She’s so cute. I told DH that it’s me taking a bubble bath. 🙂 Thanks for joining the fun, furriends!

  • Nicole/DVArtist

    I am so behind in commenting. Thank you so much for remembering my birthday. I never thought I would make it to this age. I know 72, isn’t THAT old butttttt…. And yes, let’s dance. Even with my foot, I dance every day. Have a great evening.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      You’re most welcome, Nicole. I hope your birthday was extra special. And, yes 72 isn’t old. I’m happy you find reason to dance every day. I know you’ve had such an ordeal with your foot but I hope it recovers completely so you can dance and dance and dance!

  • Marie


    • Cathy Kennedy

      What’s this your leg is in a cast and you have a back brace? Whew, we really need to catch up. I will do my best to call you one afternoon. I know you’re a night owl, so our hours don’t align well but I will reach out to you and please don’t worry yourself about making visits or doing anything in Blogosphere. All these things can weight until you’re up to your old self again or better still your new improved self! 😀 Love ya, girl!

  • Brian's Home ~ Forever

    I never heard of The Nolans but that’s a good one! Good fill-in answers too and Killer it is then!

  • Alana Mautone

    I find the music of the Nolan sisters quite catchy. They were even in Eurovision! So I read up a little on them and discovered that, sadly, they have a bit of a tragic history. One sister has died from complications of breast cancer and another one is battling a recurrence of the same cancer that has spread. A third sister has survived two bouts with the same cancer. My mother inlaw and her sisters had a similar history and my heart goes out to the Nolans. Such a contrast to the happy, danceable music they sang. Thank you for this playlist; it was enjoyable. Alana ramblinwitham

    • willowdot21

      Well as you know Cathy I like the Nolan’s too, they did have a hard childhood and adolescence..
      Also their health is not the best but they are amazing women for all that!
      Talking of dogs we had friends behind had a Doberman Pincer and he was called Goolies…not a polite term in the UK. The wife got fed up of have to recall the dog by shouting Goolies so they changed his name to Tristan… Really? Have a great week 💜💜💜

    • Cathy Kennedy

      In my research I saw that they did participate in Eurovision. These gals are talented and sadly cancer claimed the one sister. Breast cancer is scary, as is all cancers. Maybe they dancing is why the remaining Nolan sisters are still with us. Music is therapy on so many levels that we can’t even begin to imagine all of its benefits. Thanks for dancing with me, Alana!

  • 15andmeowing

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You should get a dog and name him that. 🙂 XO

    • Cathy Kennedy

      You’re welcome, Ellen. As much as I would love to have a pet, I don’t see myself getting one anytime soon. They require a lot more than I’m ready to give at this point. Maybe, I’ll change my mind one day. 🙂

  • Sandee

    I’m dancing around the room. Great playlist. Such fun.

    I’m playing this week. I like it when I can post what I want and not stick to a theme.

    Love your fill-ins and especially the first one.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy

      I’m happy you’re playing along but remember you can play anytime. Themes aren’t required to join. Although, I declared it as “whatever music moves you” here forward, it turns out more people than I first thought appreciate having the structure that music prompts offer but that doesn’t matter, if you have music to share then do it and hit the dance floor. You’re always welcome anytime!!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! I hope you and DH and family have been well and in good spirits since we last connected. I’m on my way back to the blog scene with a new post set to begin running Tuesday. I didn’t want to miss your post shining the spotlight on the fabulous Nolans, a family group that originated in Ireland as The Singing Nolans before moving to London and changing the name of the act to The Nolan Sisters and later The Nolans. It was only a couple of years ago when I discovered The Nolans and heard their wonderful songs for the first time, resulting in my October 2022 post. You offered several songs that were not in my tribute, and I enjoyed listening to them for the first time. They include a cover of ABBA’s “Thank You For The Music” and a cover of the 1973 Diana Ross comeback hit “Touch Me In The Morning.” Getting back to The Nolans’ original songs, it’s hard for me to pick favorite. They are consistently catchy earworms. I never get tired of listening to their glorious group harmonies. I also love watching the girls perform synchronized dances in their videos. Sadly, the voice you hear most often on their great hits, that of lead singer Bernie Nolan, was silenced in 2013 when she died of cancer.

    Thank you for posting the feel good mewsic of The Nolans this morning. I also look forward to participating in your May 1 band battle. I’ll be back to vote on Wednesday and hope you will look for my new post on Tuesday. Have a wonderful Sunday and a super week ahead, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m happy you paid a visit. Everything is okay on this end. I just seem to be running behind more than usual and honestly I don’t see things changing any time soon there. I’m glad you enjoyed the Nolan Sisters playlist. They discovered to global sensations but were dealt with many obstacles with health issues and loss over the years. I will check in with you tomorrow to catch your latest blog episode. Thanks for popping in, dear friend. Have a boogietastic week!

  • willowdot21

    Well a great list of Nolan songs! Those girls … women are still going..sadly not all of them …they have changed since their glory days but haven’t we all. There music is a great representation of it’s era 💜💜

    • Cathy Kennedy

      The Nolans are fabulous. It’s so sad that they’ve dealt with so much illness and tragedy. You’re right their music style represents the era well. Thanks for boogieing with me!

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