Monday's Music Moves Me

Sammy Johns Music

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus

Who remembers making paper hats using newspaper?  I do and I passed this on to our children when they were small. I hope parents still do it.  If not and you’re curious about this DIY project, I found a tutorial to guide your steps at OneLittleProject.   

This week’s theme is whatever music moves you! Over the past year or two the million-selling 1975 hit, “Chevy Van” has crossed my ears.  The naughty song tells about a one-night stand of a guy who picks up a female hitch hiker in his wagon.  I couldn’t have told you then or now the artist’s name if asked and I believe this is the only song of the singer’s I know.  My memory is like mud these days, so I figured I’d do a little exploration at YT on Sammy Johns music!

Accolades listed on Wiki for Johns are a bit skimpy.  This may account to why nothing more resonates with me about the fella.  “Chevy Van”, track 2 on playlist, peaked #5 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and stayed on the chart for 17 weeks in ’75.  He had four other (US) songs to chart excluding the re-release that I don’t know on the playlist below.  They are track 1 “Early Morning Love” #68, track 4 “Rag Doll” #52, “Common Man” # 50 (US country) and again the re-release of “Chevy Van’ in 1988 hit #80 (US country).   The rest of the songs on this album are introductions.  If you enjoy 70s music, then you probably will like today’s ride back in time, not in a chevy van, from where you’re sitting.

I enjoyed this collection of songs.  I can’t understand why some of these songs didn’t go anywhere.  Something about Johns style, maybe it’s just that laid back soft rock vibe I like so much. 


This is a music link up.  Hence, your post must contain music (at least one song) or your URL is marked “No Music”. The party co-hostess are now featured in my right side bar underneath the 4M banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you – your choice. Finally, to access the dance party, just add your music post below, and visit others on the floor. Let the party begin! 

For anyone interested, yesterday I posted a BOTB. 😉 On Tuesday, a country wide celebration takes place.  It’s the biggest birthday bash in communities big and small for America’s 247th birthday.  Let freedom ring from sea to shining sea and from the depths of canyons to loathly mountain tops!  Happy Birthday America!  Until next time, this is CAAC signing off saying have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy

Fun Sparks….

Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth. ~unknown

 A simple reminder to exercise extreme caution when taking to heart the above ‘Sparks’, especially while in the shower!Save


  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    “Who remembers making paper hats using newspaper?”

    Newspaper? What’s “newspaper”?
    It sounds vaguely familiar but I can’t quite place it.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy


      A failing memory is the first sign of getting old, so I want you to stop that silliness. 😀

      Who really wants to read one anyhow with nothing but half-truths and lies filling the pages. They are best served for lining your bird cage or training your dog on or do something fun like make paper hats and boats. 🙂

  • Marie Moody

    Way ta go, Girlfriend!!! So I want to wish you and yours a very Happy & Safe Fourth of July! Personally I wish we could be together to celebrate, but maybe one day we will ya never know what the Good Lord has up His sleeve! Oh, I’m going to send you & email. Nothing urgent, but just something that happened to me the other night and I’d like you’re input! Thanks honey & HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!! Give a hug to your Mommy for me too. Mine is in heaven, so I have to hug somebody’s Mommy!!!! 🙂 HUGS TO YOU TOO! HAPPY FOURTH!!! BE SAFE & DON’T EAT TOO MUCH! hehehehe~ Oh and I found out what I’ve been doing wrong all this time FINALLY! WOO HOO, so I hope no more problems and I won’t need anyone’s help! Woo Hoo! I’m so proud of me… HEHEHEHE HUGS, HUGS & MORE HUGS!!!!! HAPPY & SAFE FOURTH TO YOU & YOUR FAMILY!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I didn’t get an email from you. Do you mind resending it? Thanks for stopping by to enjoy the music and to boogie with me. Have a funtastic week, my dear!

  • marina

    I never heard of him, but I think I’m excused because I was not in this country in the 70s. Unfortunately it did not reach Europe like many others. But it is quite nice to listen to. thank you for sharing it.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Okay, you’re excused. 🙂 I frequently discover unknown talent from this country as well as outside countries. Blogging has opened the world to me especially where music is concerned. I love it! Thanks for joining the 4M party, my dear.

  • Stacy Uncorked

    I remember making paper hats! I taught my little one how to make them, too. 😉 Thanks for the introduction – I’d never heard of Sammy Johns! Hope you have a fabulous 4th of July! 🙂

  • Sandee

    Yes I made hats with newspaper when I was a kid and taught my son how to make them. It was fun. What a fond memory.

    Love 70s music. Great playlist.

    Happy Independence Day, my friend.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, Cathy. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Happy Independence Day to you, too! The 70s really produced some great music. I’m finding as time goes by artists and genres I enjoy now. There was so much talent to come from that decade and carried over into the 80s which is another mega charged decade for music extraordinaire. Thanks for stopping by to rewind with me on the dance floor, my friend.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Do you not remember Johns’ top 10 hit, “Chevy Van”? It was so popular when I was in elementary school. I think every where I went where there was a radio turned on, I’d hear this song. 🙂

  • messymimi's meanderings

    Awww, paper hats. I was never very good at making them.

    I’d not heard these songs, or at least i don’t remember hearing them. They are as good as many which did become hits, i don’t know why these didn’t do better.

    I wish you a blessed and beautiful Independence Day!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Paper hats are a sweet memory we all share it seems. I’ll never understand why one artist is more successful than another, especially when they are talented. It just happens. Thanks for dropping by for the music and visit, my friend.

  • Alana Mautone

    Johns had a good voice but it’s interesting that his Wikipedia page states that, in later years, he was better known as a composer. Died at age 66 which I (from my perspective) was too young. Who knows why lightning strikes and some people are one hit wonders despite talent, and others are more successful? The very last song, I think, should have been hit material. Alana ramblinwitham

    • Cathy Kennedy


      66 is too soon to die in my opinion, too. Thanks for sharing that tidbit about Johns’ later years was spent as a composer. I may have to look into songs that he might’ve written for other singers. Thanks for dancing with me, darlin’!

  • Erin the Cat

    He has a great voice. I dont recall any of those tunes, but so many of the 70’s and 80’s tunes slipped by when I was playing catch up.

    • Birgit Bedesky

      I never heard of him but he is quite good. It just shows how some very talented people don’t get the same breaks others do. It must be who you know and for some…what will you do to get famous. Sad but true.
      We made the paper hats in grade school…forgot about them. Funny, I’m off today because July 1, Canada Day landed on a weekend. My hubby and I went to the bank and found it closed, we went to the Dollar store and even passed by the drug store. In my infinite blondness, I thought everyone has a long weekend. Not until I spoke to my sister in law, that she said, everything is closed today because it’s July 1st! I can be so blond..through my Grey hair. Due to the wild fires, most places were not doing fireworks. I love seeing them by professionals but Haye the small ones we can buy. They are noisy, scare the animals and people’s homes have caught fire.
      I wish you a Happy 4th of July. I used to watch the Boston Pops which was great before hip hop and rap and Beyonce took hold. I am showing my age…lol

      • Cathy Kennedy


        I have blonde moments, too. I haven’t been blonde since I was a kid. LOL Fireworks aren’t sold in our county but do in surrounding counties. A few families in our neighborhood always shoot them off. Last night, we heard a few that were quite boomy. I think it’s a good idea to not prompt firework sells if there’s a drought or extreme dry conditions. A few minutes of fun isn’t worth someone losing their home. Thanks for visiting, my dear!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I have blank spots in my memory when it comes to mewsic, especially after I became a mommy in the late 80s. So many great tunes breezed over my head but alls good. I’m connecting with those lost songs of yesterday and am having tons of fun doing it. Thanks for pawstepping with me this week, furriend!

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