2022 A-Z Challenge

Pencil Sketch Inspired Procreate Recreation Art Series

I half-reluctantly decided to not participate in the challenge.  Last year, I forced myself into doing it. I enjoyed sketching and composing my posts, but I couldn’t keep up with everything in the end.  I felt like and I still believe I do need a break.  However, I had a change of heart after getting a response from my good friend, Arlee Bird, A to Z founder, about my concerns and perhaps in part thinking about the passing of Jeremy from Being Retro gave me that extra nudge needed.  We only live once, so why not make the most of every moment? 

This April my theme is Pencil Sketch Inspired Procreate Recreation.  Ever since I picked up my pencil in 2017, I’ve done a number of pencil sketches and in recent years I colorized some of the illustrations using Procreate reinventing my artwork.   My plan is to select pencil sketches preferably from my first year but I may use others that fits my mood to bring to life and maybe even improve upon the original. I have learned a lot since those early days.  Many of you will recognize the new recreated illustrations.  I hope it won’t be a bore and for fresh eyes seeing my art pieces I hope it’s pleasing, maybe even inspiring.  Not so much as inspiring as in I’m a fabulous artist but to energize you to start something new that you’ve put off.  This series isn’t theme specific as in recent years but the challenge will allow me to channel my time for this project I’ve put off.

You’re invited to follow my progression next month for my 9th year of A2Zing, as I reinvent and colorize drawings in my Pencil Sketch Inspired Procreate Recreation series!





  • Crackerberries

    I knew you would! So looking forward to seeing your drawings. I am going to give it a shot. I see I missed the theme reveal…such a procrastinator. I’m bawling because I just read about Jeremy. It is true, we only live once, so live each moment to the fullest right? ♥

  • lissa

    So I guess are doing the challenge then even though the first sentence of your post says you are not. I guess in these times, anything we decide to do seems to be overshadowed by what’s going on. I actually thought about not doing the a-z challenge this year but then I decide, why the heck not?

    It’s always interesting to see how an artist progress with each new piece so I’ll stop by to see what you’ll show up. Good luck with the challenge.

    Have a lovely day.

  • Birgit

    Well, good for you in deciding to participate and i will look forward to what you will create. It will not be boring that’s for sure.

  • Sandee

    Good for you. I kinda figured that you couldn’t pass it up. Doing something a bit easier is a good thing too. I’ll be right here to see your work.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  • 15andmeowing

    I am very happy you decided to join the challenge. I look forward to your sketches. XO

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Congratulations on throwing your hat into the ring, dear friend! I am very happy to learn that you are presenting your artwork again this year. You know how much I enjoy it. Your theme sounds like a great idea, because you can go back to some of your earlier pencil sketches and improve them, finish them off, and bring them back In Living Color. I always look forward to seeing your artwork, especially when you add color. Choosing an array of colors, shades and intensities to bring a pencil sketch to life and create an eye-pleasing composition is another stage of the process that requires artistic ability, and you’ve got it. You have proven your talent over and over again in the A to Z and throughout the year in your Thursday Rain Date feature.

    Congratulations once again on deciding to challenge yourself with the A to Z. I am eager to go with you every step of the way from the start to the finish line and gain inspiration from your reinvented and colorized drawings. Have a terrific week, dear friend Cathy!

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