Rocktober Music Fest

Golden Earring ‘Radar Love’ #RMF

Attention…4Mers you can boogie with me here on the dance floor

This is the second annual Roctober Mewsic Festival hosted by Mary from Jingle Jangle Jungle and I’m happy to join along with her in the fun. 

I always considered myself a soft rock to middle of the road rock gal but in the last 10 years, I realized that my rock n’ roll roots lean a little heavier and harder than I first thought.  This month, I’m revisiting some of the classic 70s bands that I loved as a preteen/teenager and you’re welcome to come along for the ride.

If you haven’t figured out I’ve been sorta following an alphabetical pattern to picking bands from the 70s to feature. The first group to cross my mind was Grand Funk Railroad but I did a write up on in 2014 for a Saturday Songsational post.  That being said, I looked for other inspurration when I was reminded of the Dutch rock band, Golden Earring and their 1973 international top 10 hit in many countries including the U.S., Radar Love.


Golden Earring formed the year I was born, 1961.  Radar Love is the only song I know by the group and it surprised me that during their career they have almost 30 singles to make it in the top ten in their home country and have recorded 25 studio albums. What’s interesting is the band’s co-founders: Rinus Gerritsen, George Kooymans, Bary Hay, & Cesar Zuiderwijk still perform. 

After learning these impressive factoids I sampled the bands Top 10 Best Songs. Not even their 1982 US top ten hit song, Twilight Zone, rung a bell. I don’t know what rock was hiding under but it was great fun to learn a little more about a band I knew practically nothing at all about and I hope you liked the mini education, too. 

Are you a Golden Earring fan? What are some of your favorite songs by the band?


I hope you’ll travel with me back in time tomorrow with another edition of Rocktober Mewsic Festival!


X💋X 💋, Cathy


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