Saturday Songsuasion

Saturday Song-susian #27 ~ Grand Funk Railroad

Earlier in the week, A Daft Scots Lass spotlighted a song from a 70s crazy popular American hard rock band. There’s a saying that goes, “If you remember the 70s, you didn’t live it.” Well, I am here to tell you I was there, remembering and loving the music!

However, as time goes by my memory begins to fade on who did what songs. I wanted to review the heydays of this group, so please raise your hands in the air and get ready to live or relive the sounds of Grand Funk Railroad!

Photo of GRAND FUNK and GRAND FUNK RAILROAD; – Craig Frost, Mel Schacher, Don Brewer and Mark Farner, 1970 Credit: RB/Redferns/Getty

First let me say, I really wanted to start with a song by Grand Funk Railroad from 1969, the band’s birth year, but none of their music resonated as being remotely familiar. I guess I was too young to take note. When the 70s rolled in, this hard rock bluesy sounding group were cranking out highly favorable tunes with the bands’ fans.

My clearest musical recollections of Grand Funk Railroad is from these selections…


What’s your favorite song(s) by Grand Funk Railroad? Did you live or are you visiting the 70s?

I hope you enjoyed your visit. In fact, I hope you enjoyed it so much that you cannot wait to tell your friends. Go ahead, hit the share (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) button! You know you wanna. 😉 Thank you for taking time out of your weekend in stopping by to listen to tunes on Saturday Songsuasian!

Band members now: Mel Schacher, Max Carl, Don Brewer, Bruce Kulick, & Tim Cashion. Read Band bio, here.

Have a songtastic Saturday!Save







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