Friday Sillies

Friday Sillies: Bill Cosby Quotes

There is nothing finer than a dose of laughs, especially when the giggles come from Mr. Funny Man himself, Bill Cosby!


It’s time to take five. Grab a cup of coffee and be prepared to turn your frown upside down!


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Finishing things up today, here’s my response to Hilary’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun statements.

  1. I wish the mild temperatures of spring or fall would always stay year round. I really do not like the extreme temperature changes of the other two seasons.
  2.  You’ll need lots of money when you buy my new home for me, DH! 😉
  3. If I go to a restaurant it must have a cozy booth for two.
  4. My must have holiday baking treat is either sugar or shortbread cookies.

Keep smiling and a have laughtastic weekend!



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