#SundaySillies Dental #humor

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs, I rounded off A2Z week number three with flying colors. If you’ve been with me throughout the challenge, then you know it’s all about the music.


This week, DH had implant surgery. Of course, that’s no laughing matter, but I found inspiration in his pain (poor guy!).

fun-at-the-dentistsKeeping with my theme, let’s get our laughs on Sunday Sillies with these dentist funnies!








No one likes visiting the dentist. I think it’s so funny what my mother use to do when she took me to the dentist. Afterwards, she always treated me to lunch at the DQ. I ordered a burger and milk shake every time. This is where it gets interesting…it frustrated me to no end that I could barely suck my milk shake through the straw and forget eating my yummy smelling hamburger! There is little one can do with a half numbed mouth, but I gave it my best shot. What was my mom thinking?

What things make you laugh or smile about now when thinking on past dental experiences?

That’s all for now, folks. If you have giggles to share, then we’d love to see ‘em! Until next time, keep smiling and have a laughtastic week! Do you like music? If so, hop back each day this month for a song of the day entwined with a snippet from my life in Blogging from A to Z!


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