Christmas Music Marathon

Day 3: S.a.D. I Remember Christmas

Christmas greetings!  For the month of December, I plan to share a Christmas song each day with the hope of adding a little extra cheer to your holiday.  Part of my challenge in this series is to bring to you a new-to-me song or artist discoveries.  There’s no telling what song pick I’ll go with but you’ll find artists from all genres celebrating in song this almost magical, holy season.

Yesterday I shared a song in recent years with a throwback style.   Today, I’m actually pulling an oldie off the YouTube shelf by The Drifters.   I was way too young when the single came out in 1964 on the B side of The Christmas Song.  This is the first time the tune crossed my ears, I Remember Christmas!

This time of year, it’s not uncommon for me to think about my childhood Christmases.  That was such a sweet,special time.  Life was simple.  I had no cares of the world, just the love and comfort found in my parents’ home.  My folks didn’t have a lot but that was alright.  What ever I got made me happy or if I got nothing at all I was still happy and there were some Christmases just like that.  I knew somehow there was more to it then getting a new dolly or something shiny.  Where ever Christ is, Christmas is always near the heart.

I’m sneaking in this week’s Friendly Fill-ins hosted by Ellen and Lorraine.

1. My favorite holiday film is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. We have yet to watch this but hope to get a chance this weekend.
2. My favorite Christmas song is  this is a tough one but I think I would have to say, “Silent Night”The story of Jesus’ birth gives me the goosies!
3. If you ask me, ’tis the season for miraclesJust like the miracle of Jesus’ birth, I think during this holy season anything is possible.  Miracles are often the small things we may not see as such but every miracle big or small deserves recognition.
4. Santa walking right into our house is a holiday memory I’ll never forget.  I was between 8-10 years of age.  I think by that time I knew there wasn’t really a “Santa” but the magic of it all maybe me forget that I didn’t believe in Santa anymore. lol

Don’t even worry with leaving a comment. This is for your enjoyment.  There’s no worries or fuss or strings attached. Simply a moment for you to unwind and refresh your mind or body. 😉

I’ll be here with bells on tomorrow morning with another Christmas song waiting to start your day and please don’t let the hustle of the holiday weigh you down.  The holiday festivities are beautiful and fun but the true reason warms the heart better than these earthly things. Take time to bask in God’s great love.   It’s the most wonderful time of the year! X💋X💋, Cathy


  • Birgit

    Another fun song to listen to from the early sounds of rock. I love Christmas Vacation from the sledding part to carving up that turkey..hahahaa. The munching on the turkey makes me laugh each time. My favourite is Its A Wonderful Life because Of it’s message. I have a favourite song sung by Ivan Die Der. Wind. I know it is not the right title but Ivan, who was German but loved Russia, had an amazing 5 octave range. Ivan Rebroff. Joy and peace comes to my mind and closing the door on all the commercialism and enjoying the season now until Jan. 6th which is 3 Kings Day. I have so many memories, very fond ones, of Christmas. I remember my mom, all dressed up in a very pretty black dress, taking the wall apart in the basement bedroom because a kitten fell between the walls. My dad was upstairs listening to music and the food was getting cold but the kitten was safe and sound. I loved waking up and seeing the advent wreath hanging from the ceiling and then lighting a candle each Sunday until Christmas Eve. I remember being very sick with 104.6 fever. At that time we were still going to my aunt and uncles for Christmas dinner. My brother and daddy went but mom stayed with me. Daddy called to see if they needed to bring me to the hospital. They came back early and my fever was decreasing but still not the best. My mom took wet, warm towels and wrapped them around my calves and then a dry towel. This sucks the fever out and it does work!!! We all agreed to open the gifts on Christmas morning but my brother asked to just open one. So we did and then he begged to open another and I said ok. My brother got me a book on actors and I was blown away! I just started to read that book mesmerized that a book about actors actually existed. I think I was 10 at the time and no other gift mattered. We ended up opening all the gifts like we always did on Christmas Eve and my fever was gone. This was a miracle for us and I still have the book.

  • Sandee

    Love your fill-ins and having Santa come to your home is the very best. I would have been most impressed.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy S.a.D. Friday, dear friend!

    I remember The Drifters’ 1964 recording of “A Christmas Song.” but this fab flip side is new to my ears. It’s a charming secular song, flashing back to the first half of the 20th century and happy childhood memories of Christmases spend with parents and family. It always amazes me when I watch TV series of the 60s and 70s how often the characters wax nostalgic about the “good old days,” the simpler times of the past. It happened again last evening when Mrs. Shady and I watched a mid 70s episode of Columbo in which they complained about the frantic pace of life and the high cost of living. Along with songs like this one by The Drifters, such references in TV series to a simpler, unhurried way of life remind us that people were already longing for the past by the time the 60s and 70s rolled around. It warms my heart to know that you have fond memories of childhood in the care of loving parents who instilled values and taught you the reason for the season. Clearly you were unspoiled, not at all like the selfish brats I have known over the years who ripped through a sea of presents on Christmas morning and were bored with every package they opened. It is an ugly spectacle that I have witnessed too often.

    I enjoyed reading your Friendly Fill-ins. There have been a couple instances in my life when, as an older child, teenager or adult, I have observed a family member assuming the role of Santa at a family party, and doing such a superb job of handling the role, spreading joy and making the young ones in the family believe he was the real deal, that it brought tears to my eyes, made me believe in Santa all over again. I am touched reading how the Christmas season affects you, Cathy. I wish every person on earth could be filled with as much spirit, and that it would last all year round. We would have a much better world.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Cathy!

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