Wordless Wednesday

Carousel #WW

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! Last year, you might recall we visited Opry Mills in Nashville, Tennessee for the day.  I met to share this beautiful carousel but never got around to until now.

iPhone 8 capture

Now that DH  has new prescription eyeglasses and his eye issue practically behind us, I can’t wait to return to Nashville to do extensive exploring and photographing.

Boost your mid-week traffic by joining my linky party below!

Letter Prompt N – Nashville

I live in my sweet home Tennessee in the city of Knoxville but we’ve been many times to Nashville over the years where the above photo was taken inside the Opry Mills Mall. You can even get a taste of Nashville’s humor, here, if you’d like.  Nashville is home to the Tennessee Titans and the mewsic city of the world but you already knew that, didn’t you?

There isn’t a Scribble Picnic prompt for this Wednesday but I hope to join the fun next  week.

Click to visit blog host, Mary

Have a good day and please join me tomorrow for a mashup of fun with Thursday 2 Questions!

X💋X💋, Cathy


  • Roger

    I saw Billy Preston in New Paltz, NY in the spring 1972, the 2nd concert I ever saw. Comedian George Carlin opened for him!

  • Doesnt Speak Klingon (@NotKlingonRed)

    When I think of carousels, I always think of the one from Strangers on a Train. I don’t even remember the details of the scene! It’s odd that that’s the one that comes to mind, because for years I had season passes to Hershey Park, and we’d often end the day on their huge carousel near the entrance.

  • XmasDolly

    Hi Baby Girl, sorry I’m writing this so late, but believe it or not I had came here signed in and then I had to lay down do to a cramp in my leg and it’s now evening, but I’M BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! CAN’T FORGET MY GIRL! LOVE YOUR TUNES & PICS ETC & I LUV YOU! HUGS

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Oh you poor dear! I’m sorry for the leg cramp. I hate getting those. I often get cramps in my feet at nights, usually one foot, and that’s never any fun. What I found that helps is as soon as I notice I’m getting one to get out of bed to put weight on the foot. At which time is the purrfect opportunity to go to the bathroom. 🙂 Have you tried just standing and shifting some weight on the cramped leg? I try to do the same thing when I get leg cramps but it can take longer for the muscle to relax. The thing I’ve learned is I fight the cramp coming on which makes the cramp worse but if I force myself to get to my feet to walk it out then that helps so much more. It may not work for you and if you try it be sure to hold on very tight to your walker or to have someone nearby. I don’t want you falling down. Your muscles are probably being used in a way that you’re not used to and that’s why you’re getting horrible cramps. Take care, my friend. I’m saying prayers for you!

  • handmadejewelryhaven

    I love carousels. They remind me of a slower, simpler time.

    Thanks for sharing!!


  • A.C. Melody

    What a perfect song for your photo. 🙂 Not just the lyrics, but very upbeat and makes you want to dance. It’s a new one for me, so thanks for sharing! I also like carousels and used to love riding them when I was a kid, because it didn’t happen very often, so it always felt like a treat. I would be one of those people who’d have an old carousel horse in their house just for decoration, if I ever happened upon one for a good price.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I often thought it would be neat to have an old carousel horse in my home or yard, too. I’m glad I introduced a new song to you. “We’ll Go Around in Circles” released in 1972 on Billy’s album, Music Is My Life and the following year as a single. I don’t remember the album but I do recall the song. I was only 12 years old when the song hit the top of the charts in 1973. Preston had another #1 hit that followed a year later, Nothing from Nothing, which I had forgotten about. Do you know the song? It’s another great funky sound from the era that’s sure to put the groove in your move this morning!

  • -Eugenia

    Wowsa! Blasts from the past! I have fond childhood memories of carousels, and love the mewsic you selected. I remember “Will it Go Round in Circles” well. I’m sending blessings to those folks in the Florida panhandle and areas in the path of Michael. It may even come our way.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I think I rode on a carousel a time or two when I was a kid I preferred the big rides. These days the carousel is more of my speed in amusement park rides but I don’t get on any of them. We watched some clips last night of Michael’s strength in Panama City Beach and the winds were horrific. The damages will be extensive no doubt. I hope y’all are well and safe. We’re getting some rain this morning but that’s about all we’re expected to get today. By tomorrow, we’re expected to be under sunny skies with very nice, mild temps. We forecast to take a dip in nightly lows beginning tonight, too. It’ll be a good change. 🙂

      • -Eugenia

        We’re a bit north of Atlanta, and got some of the outer bands with gusty winds and rain. Nothing much to speak of. I feel for those that were in the path of Michael and the destruction is saddening.

        Yes, we’re suppose to get some lower temps – let’s hope so. 😉

  • Mary B

    I’ve always been fascinated by carousels. But I think I may have spent too much time on merry-go-rounds in my younger days as simply watching them make me dizzy and slightly nauseous these days.

    Your musical choice for today has given me a thought for another post. I am really enjoying your selections so far this month. Thank you for playing along.


    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m so glad you’re enjoying my mewsic picks. I think it’s pAwesome that you hosted this song-a-day fest for the month. 🙂 You’ve intrigued me with the post idea that I’ve given you. Will you share it this month?

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Carousels are so neat. I rode one years ago with our kids when they were small. Now, I just enjoy watching other people’s kids ride them. Isn’t it something how seeing something like this will make your heart a little lighter?

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I liked all amusement rides when I was a kid but not so much these days. I’d rather watch others on them, especially the scary ones. It’s great fun to watch other people on these things. I laugh my head off at the screams!

  • csuhpat1

    Beautiful pic. I love the classic carousels, the craftsmanship is wonderful. I actually have a blog planned on one I saw. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Nashville is a busy town. Thankfully, GPS technology on smartphones is a marvelous help and cuts down getting lost but sometimes the programs tend to take you in a direction you wouldn’t pick if you looked at the map yourself. lol I swear Google has taken us what felt like someone’s back yard just because it’s a tenth of mile shorter than the other way down a nice road. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Except when it’s not moving. 🙂 That’s how we found it in the mall. It took several minutes before it started up. I thought they had it set to spin too fast. What were they trying to do, throw the kiddies off? lol Thanks for visiting today!

  • Veronica Lee

    What a beautiful capture, Mary. I am thinking of the lyrics to the song “The Circle Game” by Joni Mitchell.

    “And the painted ponies go up and down
    We’re captive on the carousel of time
    We can’t return we can only look behind
    From where we came
    And go round and round and round
    In the circle game…”

    • Cathy Kennedy


      It’s a very busy place. The traffic is horrific! It feels like rush hour all the time that we’re there. Otherwise, it’s an interesting city to see.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Hurricane Michael has strengthened to a category 4 storm and I awoke today to a brief loss of internet service which might have been storm related. Prayers needed for folks on the Florida panhandle. My granddaughter who attends school in Tallahassee has fled inland and up to a cabin in Georgia.

    I love carousels, and the one you photographed in Opry Mills in Nashville is beautiful. In our part of the country a carousel is called a merry-go-round. I’m happy to know that most of DH’s eye issues have been resolved which will allow you and him to travel across the state, explore Nashville and take more blogworthy pictures.

    I well remember Billy Preston’s single “Will It Go Round In Circles” which topped the chart two weeks in 1973. I bought that 45. It is a shame that Billy died young, at age 59, as a result of illness.

    Thank you for the WW wake-up, dear friend Cathy. Enjoy the rest of your day and week!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We’ll certainly keep all of you Floridans in prayer, especially those in the panhandle. We have family that lives there, too.

      This photo was taken last summer during one of our visits. I’d like to return later in the year perhaps at Christmas time now that DH has new glasses and the better part of his eye problems behind us. Traffic is so horrible in Nashville that it makes me terribly antsy and I know it bothered DH when his eyes weren’t at their best. It’ll be a much more enjoyable time when we go back.

      I still go a carousel a merry-go-round. 🙂 Thanks for making time to visit and hopefully you won’t experience any more power outages. Be safe, my friend!

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