Thursday Two Questions

#TMP Halloween Edition The Dark/Night Plus Caramel Recipes & #T2Q

Good-morning, Kittens & Dawgs!  I’m joining Wandering through the Shelves TMP again and this week’s theme is, Halloween Edition: The Dark/Night.

My first movies pick takes a stretch (long) of the imagination for this theme but being the silly person that I am, I going with A Shot in the Dark starring Peter Sellers and Elke Sommer. I love the bumbling Inspector Clouseau. A fun series is the Night at the Museum movies. None of these films are scary so I’m going to keep with my not-so spooky theme.  Two Marx brothers features that’s sure for a good night’s entertainment are A Night at the Opera and A Night in Casablanca or about some laughs with Bob Hope in Casanova’s Big Night. 😀  I’d rather laugh my head off than die of fright but I admit I’ve watched some frightening flicks like Fright Night I & II and 30 Days of Night. The latter being the scariest.  Just about ever horror film takes place at night so I could’ve added any number of movies but I felt the prompt meant movie titles that contained ‘dark/night’.  Was I right or not? Whichever it is, I hope you enjoyed my movie selections today.  

Have you seen the movie, Still of the Night with Roy Schneider and Meryl Streep? I asked because I’m looking for recommendations. 😉

What’s the best, creepiest, non-slashing thriller you’ve seen that takes place when it’s night/dark? 

Click to visit, Kat!


This week I’m going with “Share a Caramel Apple Recipe” from this list prompts posted by Kat.  I’m going to pass to you my home-made caramel recipe.  I have not actually allowed the caramel to sit up on my apples, instead, I get out a small portion to zap in the microwave to dip my apple slices into because let’s face it, eating a caramel apple is very messy.



As a bonus, I’m throwing out another recipe for you, my homemade caramel corn.  I love, love, love this stuff! 

I’m finishing things up with today’s Roctober Mewsic Fest song choice but I hope you’ll remember to join me tomorrow in another cup of coffee and some giggles with Friday Fun Stuff!









Visit Mary to join the fun!


  • Birgit

    I love your picks and it’s always fun to bend the rules.i love the Marx Brothers and Bob Hope is always great…he made a remake of The Cat and the Canary which is pretty good and very funny. Speaking of funny, A Shot in the Dark is excellent and I always love George Sanders. 2 creepy films but intelligent films are The Haunting starring Julie Harris and Clair Bloom, not the horrible remake. The other is The Others which is popular this week and I would have chosen that one but I already chose that film on a previous challenge. Neither of these are gory, bloody or anything of the sort but they are creepy.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We saw “The Cat and the Canary” which was great fun but then I love Bob Hope! He was always great to watch. “The Haunting” looks like a good old one to see. Unfortunately neither Amazon Prime or Netflix offers it for streaming right now. “The Others” is this the movie with Nicole Kidman? I haven’t done a lot of visiting lately so I’m not sure if that’s the one others are sharing but if it is then I believe we saw that one and it had an unexpected ending. Thanks for the suggestions.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      “Psycho” terrified me as a kid. Many years later as an adult we watched it. It didn’t scary me that much the second time around. Maybe it was because I’m older or maybe because I’d seen it before or maybe because it doesn’t the high-tech special effects of today’s films but still the intensity and imagination at work kept me riveted the entire time. I understand why shower sales dropped after this movie released in 1960. That’s a terrifying scene!

  • 15andmeowing

    I was in 2 independent horror films, but they are both gory. I only died in one 🙂
    That recipe looks good, I love caramel.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I remember you were in a couple of movies but I didn’t recall what kind. That’s still cool even if they are gory films. The neat thing about movie magic is you can die a hundred times and still be okay. lol Caramels, especially homemade caramel is a big weakness for me and it is really hard for me to stay out of it but I HAVE to do better with self control. 🙂

  • A.C. Melody

    Hey Cathy, I’ve tried to comment twice and the Akismet is blocking them as spam and I’m not sure why, but anyway, that’s a great song and video, also new to me, so thanks for sharing. I had a movie suggestion for you, but I think that’s why I’m getting blocked.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t see any comments sitting in my Spam folder so I’m not sure what happened to the previous two comments. I’ve not had any issues with people leaving a video or movie clip in comments before but with technology you never know when it’s going to do something strange. If you suspect that’s the issue, you can always leave the title only with a year or actor in it for me then I’ll check it out on YT. 🙂

      • A.C. Melody

        I didn’t have a video or link or anything, but maybe because I used quotation marks? I’m not sure. I was just saying that The Dark Knight was the first non-horror movie to come to mind, if you haven’t seen it or even like those types of movies. 🙂

        • Cathy Kennedy


          I have not seen Dark Knight. I heard that it’s good. I’m not huge into superhero films but we’ll occasionally watch them. However, we’re enjoying the TV series Gotham. Thanks for the suggestion.

        • A.C. Melody

          Ooh, I love Gotham. I just finished the newest season on Netflix. I’m still stuck in the 80’s and fully believe that Michael Keaton is the only Batman (even Adam West agrees lol), but Dark Knight was surprisingly good and Heath Ledger was a phenomenal Joker, and I’m not just saying that because it was his last role. I sincerely believe he set a new bar for actors who try to play The Joker now.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The 1958 movie you mentioned, A Night to Remember, is one I didn’t know. I think films based on real life events like the sinking of the Titanic or even fiction stories like The Tower of Inferno are scarier than many horror films because you know those things are real whereas monsters are not unless you’re the kind of horror movie watcher who likes slasher type films then those monsters are very, very scary!

  • werchildrenofgod3Renee

    Awesome blog you have. Following you, snagged your button for my blog 🙂
    Blessings Renee

  • Mary B

    Hi Cathy

    A non-slasher/thriller movie that I used to enjoy is ‘Wait Until Dark’ with Audrey Hepburn. The suspense will have you on the edge of your seat the entire show.

    I might have to give your caramel recipe a try. I do have a tremendous sweet tooth!

    Thanks for joining me again for #RocktoberMusicFest. I haven’t listened much to 5FDP, but what I have heard from them, I have enjoyed.


    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for the movie recommendation. It’s interesting Birgit shared this movie recently on her site and it intrigues me. I hope to stream it from Netflix or Amazon Prime but it’s available at the moment. The caramel recipe is easy and quite yummy. I just love the stuff!

  • Comedy Plus

    I used to love spooky movies, but avoid them now. I can’t sleep if I watch them. Bugger.

    I got stuck on that caramel. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi again, Cathy!

    It was nice of you to ask about our granddaughter. The cabin where she and her friends are staying is somewhere in northern Georgia. Even so, the hurricane remained strong after it went ashore and proceeded up through the southeast and I’m sure she felt it. We have not heard from her yet. Mrs. Shady also has kinfolk who live in Eastern Alabama and they surely felt the storm’s impact, too.

    If you and DH watch Night of the Living Dead be sure it is the original 1968 black & white version. B&W enhances the film’s terror and realism.

    Have a great day, dear friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m sure your granddaughter is okay in northern Georgia. I saw on Facebook this morning that my cousin’s home was destroyed in Panama City Beach. I knew she lived in panhandle. I hated hearing this mews. At least she and her family are okay. We have other family and friends in line of the storm. I hope the others faired well. I doubled check our watch cue. The 1968 Night of the Living Dead is available on Amazon Prime, not Netflix. It’ll be fun to watch this old movie.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoy the films of Blake Edwards. A Shot in the Dark, the second of the Pink Panther series, is one of his funniest with the brilliant Peter Sellers reprising his role as Inspector Jacques Clouseau. The zany Marx Brothers influenced me tremendously as a boy and I saw most of their movies along the way.

    Yessum, I took a lady friend to see Still of the Night in the theater in 1982 upon its release because I admired the lead actor Roy Scheider and lead actress Meryl Streep. It is an atmospheric film, a character study, with striking cinematography in places. Described as a “quiet thriller,” Still of the Night might not satisfy modern audiences that have grown accustomed to nonstop action and thrills on the screen.

    My Night picks would be Night of the Living Dead and Night of the Creeps, the latter a must see film for fans of 1980s parody horror films. It is laced with humor throughout.

    When I was a boy my dad made breakfast for dinner every Sunday. He got out his griddle and made us scrambled eggs, sausage links or patties and stacks of pancakes. I used to pour half a bottle of Karo Syrup on my pancakes. Therefore I would be eager to taste your Homemade Caramels and I will show your recipe to Mrs. Shady.

    I have always enjoyed the bold sound of Five Finger Death Punch and I like the song you posted by the metal band.

    Thank you very much for the entertainment, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      It’s good seeing you this morning. We’ve been praying for your granddaughter. Have you heard from her? Is she ok? We watched some of the video clips of Michael recorded in Panama City Beach last night. The winds were horrific and made me very happy to be where I am. It amazes me how people will ride through these sorts of storms. I’m like, “You crazy person, you!”

      Thanks for telling me you saw “Still of the Night”. Whenever it becomes available for streaming (at no additional cost) then I look forward to seeing it. I think “Night of the Living Dead” is currently on Netflix and I may have it in our watch cue. Maybe, we’ll get a chance to see it this Halloween.

      I should’ve posted a warning that my homemade caramel recipe is quite addictive. I love that stuff! I usually store it in the refrigerator and can be kept in the freezer for long term storage but you have to remember to get it out in advance. That’s fine with me and it keeps me from nibbling on it all the time. I plan to make a batch at the end of the month since it’s traditional for us to have for Halloween.

      Having breakfast for dinner is fun. We’ve done that on occasions. I recall one time when the kids were small, we were coming through the mountains when DH mentioned that he wanted pancakes. I told him I’d make them for dinner. It was late, but I kept my word and we had buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup, no doubt with a side of sausage. I usually have that already fried and stored in the freezer for a quick serve.

      We’re getting a bit of rain from Michael but it’ll be out of our area before noon. Thanks for visiting, my friend.

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