A-Z Challenge

#AprilA2Z Art Sketching through the Alphabet “K”

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, we’re half way through the alphabet and today’s letter prompt, “K”, I am sharing with you, Kanga and Roo.

Kanga and Roo were inspired by this illustration.

Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was! 🙂

[tweetthis]Join me in #AprilA2Z #Art Sketching Through the Alphabet “K”  #drawings #Kanga[/tweetthis]

Kindly kick-start my next “K”-inspired artwork, knead my kreativity by sharing yours in komments and if I use your idea then I’ll list you as my konnection! 😉

I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along.  I’ll see you on tomorrow for the next installment of Art Sketching through the Alphabet!







A2Z Art Sketching Through the  Alphabet post recap:

  1. “A” for Angels
  2. “B” for Boys, little
  3. “C” is for Cows, Chicken & Chicks, and Big Cats
  4. “D” for Dog
  5. “E” is for Elephant, Eagle, & Elk
  6. “F” is for Fence, Fox, & Frog
  7. “G” is for Girls
  8. “H” is for Horses
  9. “I” is for Iris
  10. “J” is for Jack & Jill



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  • Birgit

    Now this is just downright cute! You did a great job on mom and child and I lwas be that Roo is giving a flower to the mama

    • Cathy Kennedy

      There’s nothing sweeter than a little one giving his/her mama a flower! My kids would often bring me the prettiest bouquet of flowering weeds which always warmed my heart. I sure do miss those sweet times, too. Thanks for visiting, Birgit!

  • XmasDolly

    Now every time I say I’m gonna see which drawing does my friend Cathy draw better you draw something like these and they’re even better than the last pics… girl you are just dam good! You go girl!!!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Myke, all it takes is a little magic to unlock some wonderful long ago memories. I’m glad I was able to do this for you with my Kanga & Roo sketch. 😀 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend, my friend!

  • John Holton

    We used to have a bank in Chicago that billed itself as “The big bank with the little bank inside,” and they used a momma and baby kangaroo that looked like the one you’ve drawn.

      • John Holton

        Those were the days when the big downtown banks were trying to get personal account business, which had been the province of the neighborhood banks, so they were all about making themselves look “kid friendly,” hoping to have parents of young kids who worked downtown open checking and savings accounts there. Plush animals became all the rage: Continental had the kangaroos, while over at Harris (where I worked for a while) we had created the character of Hubert, the Harris Lion, voiced in the commercials by Frank Nelson. Every year around Christmas they’d have a sale for the employees to buy Hubert dolls. I never bought one, unfortunately… They stopped doing it when Harris was bought by Bank of Montreal, so the dolls that are out there are collector’s items. It was a much different world then…

  • Toni

    Love the drawing. Though I am especially fond of Eeyore, I have tiny pewter Roo and Pooh on my key chain. A.A. Milne did an incredible job of bringing those personalities to life.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We always enjoyed the Pooh Bear and friends in 100 Acres. I remember watching Disney on Sunday evening and occasionally they’d run a Winnie the Pooh film which was one of my favorites. Eeyore is loveable despite is slow speaking and moody attitude. Thanks for dropping by today!

  • Mary B

    Oh, wow! I love your Kangaroo and baby ‘Roo. Excellent work on today’s sketch. Other K things to draw…. kayak, keg, key & keyhole, kite, knapsack, kodiak bear.

    Looking forward to ‘L’.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle
    #AtoZChallenge 1970’s Billboard Hits

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Mary, Thanks for the suggestions. Keyhole would be a good one. There’s a vintage pinup girl with a keyhole framing her. It’s really cool. Maybe, I’ll try drawing that image! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by today!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Annie, yeah, I realize the song is about memories but lyrics mentions such specifics about film type and camera that that’s where my mind went. 🙂 We should live life fully. Unfortunately, we always do not seize the opportunity until we’re too old. I think that’s why “Bucket Lists” are so popular. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Tamara, I’m glad you like the drawing. It’s funny how I started doing this, I didn’t think about the details until I put my subject on paper and that’s when I realized more detailing was necessary to bring everything together. It’s been a lot of fun sketching out the various background elements to make my picture breathe with a life of its own. Thank you for visiting today!

  • Nilanjana Bose

    Here from the A-Z and enjoyed your very Kreative and Kute post! 🙂 I do love art of all Kinds, but I am myself rubbish at drawing, regretfully…sigh…all the best for the rest of the challenge


    • Cathy Kennedy

      Nilanjana, thank you for joining in the A2Z fun with the letter “K”. So glad to have your visit my site and I appreciate that you left your footprint behind for me to follow over to you next! 😉

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Good morning and happy “K” Day to you, dear friend! Are we halfway through the alphabet challenge already? I swear you should be a children’s book illustrator. You know how to draw animals and people that are natural looking, cute and at times whimsical. This moment you captured showing Kanga and Roo in the yard down by their mailboxes, is wonderful. At first I thought Kanga was laughing to herself because she just remembered it is Australia Day and there is no postal service, but then I realized that cute little Roo had plucked a wildflower and is proudly offering it to mommy. 🙂

    I wish you and DH a very happy Thursday, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thank you! I really appreciate all the sweet comments by others such as yourself encouraging me to illustrate children’s stories. It would be awesome if I could use my passion for art in this capacity. I certainly plan on trying with my own book after the challenge is over. I did not know it’s Australia Day. What a coincidence this is drawing Kanga in this setting! Thanks for popping by this morning and have a blessed day, my friend!

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