Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, every time I think of the letter “Z”, I think of fruit stripe gum. Do you remember it? Wrigley’s used a multi-color zebra for the gums branding. It was a clever and fun idea. Kids loved it! I decided to draw zebra for today’s prompt but wind up doing two.

Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was!
It’s not only the weekend but it’s Sunday, so I’m zipping over to join the A2Z party and then I’m zinging outta Blogosphere. I’ll be by tomorrow to check out yours and other “Z” posts. You’re invited back tomorrow for a double dose of mewsic with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me and Battle of the Bands.
A2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet post recap:
- “A” for Angels
- “B” for Boys, little
- “C” is for Cows, Chicken & Chicks, and Big Cats
- “D” for Dog
- “E” is for Elephant, Eagle, & Elk
- “F” is for Fence, Fox, & Frog
- “G” is for Girls
- “H” is for Horses
- “I” is for Iris
- “J” is for Jack & Jill
- “K” is for Kanga & Roo
- “L” is for Lighthouse
- “M” is for Mermaids
- “N” is for Nightingale
- “O” is for Owl
- “P” is for Princess & Prince
- “Q” is for Queen (Evil)
- “R” is for Rabbit & Roadrunner
- “S” is for Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
- “T” is for Treehouse
- “U” is for Unicorn
- “V” is for Violin & Victorian Women
- “W” is for Walking Dead & Waves
- “X” is for X-ray & Xena
- “Y” is for Yawn
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The zebras are cute. I love their faces and the way they just seem happy to be where they are. I wish I could remember the images from the gin but I don’t. Congrats on ending the A to Z!
The zebras are so cute. CONGRATS on a great finale to the a-z!
Thanks, Sharon and congrats to you as well! Well stayed the course and made it, now maybe we can connect throughout the next year.
Zebras–of course! It’s easier than drawing the entire Zoo! Cute critters.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Ha-Ha! I hadn’t thought about drawing the whole zoo. Drawing a pair of zebras is easier and less challenging. After I become a very good sketch artist then I’ll draw the whole zoo!
What a fun challenge. I’m really glad you participated and shared all your joyful sketches with us.
Toni, The A2Z challenge is a lot of crazy fun. It’s all I can do to blog every day for a month but this year it was easier since I had all my posts done ahead. Commenting on comments, visits, and leaving comments on other sites is another challenge in itself but I managed to do this part pretty well this go around. Thanks for stopping by!
Cute. You did really well, Cathy. Congratulations on an A-Z very well done! Hugs.
Thanks for sharing this adventure with me and for showing your support. Hugs to you, too!
Cute Zebras!
Thanks, Mike. I think they’re kinda cute, too.
Mike, Thanks!
Such happy zebras! Congratulations on completing the challenge, and for sharing your sketches!
Trudy @ Reel Focus
Food in Film: Zagnut
They are happy, aren’t they? Thanks for the congrats. I’m a big behind on my visits but I’ll by to see you soon.
They look like they could feature in a kids’ picture book – very cute and playful. Congrats on finishing the Challenge and thanks for sharing your lovely sketches!
My zebras doing have child-like appeal to them and they certainly could be used in a kids book. Thanks for visiting and for crossing the A2Z finish line with me!
Congratulations on finishing out the challenge, i went back and checked out all of your drawings!
Thank you for the congrats and for going back to look at all my previous sketches. It was indeed a fun ride and I’m glad you were able to share it with me.
Hey these are pretty cute from the zoo. I don’t remember the ad dear.. successfully you completed the A to Z with your drawings . Congrats Cathy ?.
Fruit Striped gum was one of my favorite stick gums as a kid. I think they still make it but I believe it may no longer be manufactured in the USA, though. Thanks for stopping by and words of congrats!
Oh is it! That’s nice to hear Cathy
A fun end to the alphabet sketches. I hope it is not the end of your sketching.
Thanks and no it’s not the end of my sketching. I hope to make time soon to sketch some new illustrations to share. I’m seriously thinking about taking a little blog hiatus to regroup. The April A2Z challenge wiped me out. How about you?
Cathy I am having so much trouble with our linky it’s unreal. I know it’s because of my new computer, but there’s just no more time. I hope the linky works that I’m sending. What is the program you use for linkys??? May I have the link so we have a back up??? Now back to business! WOO HOO THE ALPHABET CELEBRATION IS OVER AND LOOK AT YOU… You really are going out with a BANG aren’t ya? These pictures are wonderful and you have done such a great job throughout the entire alphabet! Had no idea you were so darn talented girlfriend…. some of these you should really frame and put them up on your wall! Way ta go girlfriend! BIG HUGS
No worries! I use inLinkz for my WW posts. If you need for me to create a code, then let me know and I’ll get on it! We made it to the end of the alphabet. Whew, what a ride! I’m ready to relax a bit now, how about you? I’m glad you enjoyed my little art doodles for this challenge. It was a heap of fun! I’m looking forward to seeing where my new found passion will lead me.
Cathy, I sent you an email with all the info you’ll need. You truly are a life saver…. It’s something about WordPress and Linkytools are mad at each other or something and until I figure it out I cannot use it.
What a bummer. I’ve been using it for years.
Plus I’ve been fighting to get people to enter my one and only giveaway for Tom Tomoser memoirs (he wrote a book), and a $50 gift certificate from Amazon. Can you believe no one has entered… well none to speak of…
This is so depressing… I think I shall go take a nap!!!
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. HUGS
GUESS WHAT…. I FIGURED IT OUT! WOO HOO… HERE’S YOUR LINKY IF YOU HAVEN’T DID IT ALREADY… http://www.linkytools.com/thumbnail_linky_include.aspx?id=278546
Way to go!
What a bummer no one has entered Mr. Coo’s giveaway! I’ll pop over in a just a wee bit and enter. I’m not big into these giveaways but I’ll do it just for my gal!
Those are great zebras, so cute. I forgot to put Z up today because we don’t usually post on Sunday.
Your zebras are cute! I’m glad you had fun doing the A-to-Z
Very cute little fellows, your zebras. I do remember Fruit Stripe! I always wanted it or Juicy Fruit as a child.
Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I guessed right!
Fruit stripe gum definitely sounds familiar. Your Zebras are adorable and look like they’re enjoying the day. Congratulations on a successful A to Z Challenge! Loved your theme. May you continue to share your artistic talents with us.
those are very happy zebras, like they want to run off and have some fun.
have a lovely day.
Hi, Cathy!
I am late today for two reasons:
A. I didn’t know it was Z-Day because I thought the A to Z always took Sundays off.
B. I was exhausted and needed to sleep in this morning.
Happy happy Z-Day to you, dear friend! Yessum, I remember Wrigley’s Fruit Stripe gum. I’m pretty sure Dick Clark did live commercials for the chewy treat on his American Bandstand series and that Wrigley’s gum also sponsored his other music series Where The Action Is.
Your zebra friends look cute, cuddy and friendly, a perfect way to end this marvelous and very creative sketch series of yours. I congratulate you on an outstanding A to Z Challenge. It has been a pleasure to be here all month long to see and appreciate every one of your imaginative and artistic drawings… from Angels to Zebras.
Enjoy your Sunday and the week ahead, dear friend Cathy!
I liked the look of the gum – the taste? Not so much.
Which didn’t stop me from asking for it, tho’. Cuz, you know, rainbow stripes!
Nice job on the challenge, ma’am!
What a great A-Z challenge from you. It’s been lovely to see your drawings each day, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed ‘meeting’ you. Well done.
I do remember the fruit striped gum! We used to try to separate the stripes. It sure was a lot of fun when we were much much younger. Great job on the zebras! Enjoy your Sunday and I’ll see you tomorrow for the BOTB and Monday’s Music Moves Me.