Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, today’s letter “X’ prompt leaves one’s imagination a bit stretched. The obvious first choice is X-ray!

After I sketched the cartoon girl holding the x-ray film, I thought it was cute but I wanted to draw something a little more of a challenge. After scrolling through some possible Google hits for “X” things I came across….

Why did I not think of Xena before? smack forehead My girls used to like watching the Xena TV show when they were younger. I think my Xena is prettier and more feminine looking than Lucy Lawless. What do you think?

It’s not that Lucy isn’t pretty, she was especially pretty in those early years as Xena. I could be a bit bias toward my Xena. What do you think?
Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was!
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. I’ll see you on tomorrow for the next installment of Art Sketching through the Alphabet!
A2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet post recap:
- “A” for Angels
- “B” for Boys, little
- “C” is for Cows, Chicken & Chicks, and Big Cats
- “D” for Dog
- “E” is for Elephant, Eagle, & Elk
- “F” is for Fence, Fox, & Frog
- “G” is for Girls
- “H” is for Horses
- “I” is for Iris
- “J” is for Jack & Jill
- “K” is for Kanga & Roo
- “L” is for Lighthouse
- “M” is for Mermaids
- “N” is for Nightingale
- “O” is for Owl
- “P” is for Princess & Prince
- “Q” is for Queen (Evil)
- “R” is for Rabbit & Roadrunner
- “S” is for Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
- “T” is for Treehouse
- “U” is for Unicorn
- “V” is for Violin & Victorian Women
- “W” is for Walking Dead & Waves
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The x-ray gal is a good study and well done. I used to watch Xena….guilty as charged:) It could be quite violent actually as I recall seeing heads on stakes. Your Xena is prettier and softer which I do prefer. Poor Lucy, she did have that square look to her
I used to watch that show with my daughter
I watched Xena a little with my daughters, too. Also, it seems my son watched it but the girls were more pulled into the series which makes total sense. T
Really like your Xena, she is cute. Like your x-ray, too! Sorry for being slow to make the rounds. We’re almost done!
Mary, no apologies are needed for the slow visit. I’m behind on responding to my weekend comments and visits, so now I’m playing catch up. Whew, I hope I can get it all done today!
Checking in to see your progress. Wow, almost there…..and you found too cool ‘X’ images to draw too. Zena is the best!
Sharon, so glad you liked my sketch of Xena! I’ll see you soon!
Yours is kind of cute, but so is Lucy Lawless.
Thanks! Lucy Lawless is a pretty woman, especially in her earlier years.
I liked your X Ray picture. When I was young, there used to be X Ray machines in shoe stores called shoe-fitting flouroscopes. It was a gimmick for fitting feet properly. People just didn’t realize how dangerous those machines were.
I think I remember a shoe store in town that used fluoroscopes but I never had this done. I never fell for this gimmick but I have to ask did it really work? I mean, I know what size shoe fits me best and the only way I can this being of benefit, assuming it works, is for growing children. Anywho, I appreciated you stopping by for a visit!
Nice sketches. Will you continue to share them after the A to Z Challenge? You’ve inspired me to try something similar, although I doubt I’ll share them. Don’t want to scare people away! Have a good weekend. http://www.dianeweidenbenner.com
My plans are to keep up sketching and sharing. What did I inspire you to do? I hope you find the courage to share. The beauty is you’ll find a lot of good folks to support you. Plus, it’ll hold you accountable and will push to keep at it. That’s why I took this giant leap.
I’ll hop over to see you in a bit! 
These are along the lines I thought you would sketch! Good job, Cathy!
Annie, I’m glad you stopped in to check out my sketches!
Keep sketching!
I wondered what you would do for X, those are great!
Thanks, Ellen! I really appreciate your visits each day during the challenge!
Another pair of wonderful sketches. I wondered how you were going to handle the X. I like the way you captured the xray. Xena is so detailed.
X is the hardest alpha-prompt for me to come up with something that really clicked with me. It wasn’t until I drew the X-ray image that I stumbled upon the idea to draw Xena. I’m glad you enjoyed my artwork!
that x-ray is cute; xena looks like she’s dancing, isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder? honestly I think Xena didn’t smile much in the show…
have a lovely day.
Lissa, Maybe Xena is dancing because she heard how much I love mewsic and wanted to hit the dance floor with me!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy X-Day to you, dear friend!
That sketch of the girl getting an X-ray is cute. Xena: Warrior Princess is another great drawing and I agree that your version of the character is a little more feminine than the one played by Lucy Lawless. It looks as if Barbara (I Dream of Jeannie) Eden has taken over the role. Did you know that the series was filed in New Zealand? I appreciate the attention to detail in the Xena sketch, very evident on the close-up view.
Great job on your X drawings, dear friend Cathy. Have a safe and happy Friday!
I’m finally getting around to responding to your response. I think you’re right there is a little of Barbara Eden in my Xena. Maybe, “I Dream of Jeannie” was stuck in the back of my mind. I mean, I did get to meet her a couple of years ago at The Mayberry Days festival in Mt. Airy, North Carolina and that was a blast!
Two good choices for X. Xena was a fun show.
Your Warrior Princess has beautiful eyes.
I’m glad you like her eyes. That’s one thing I need to work more, as well as all facial features.
Nice Xena drawing. And the X-ray is clever as well. You made it through X just fine.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I thought maybe my little girl x-ray drawing might not go over so well but everyone is so kind to say how cute it. My blog pals are the best!