Hello, Kitten & Dawgs! I’m delighted you joined me for the next A2Z alphabet prompt.
For the letter “O”, I decided to sketch something DD#1 likes…an owl!

I sent this to her and she fell in love with it. I plan to give her this sketch after the challenge or I could just sketch another. I’m not sure yet. I get really attached to what I draw but I know giving it to someone I love will not only make her life happier but mine, too.
Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was!
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. I’ll see you on tomorrow for the next installment of Art Sketching through the Alphabet!
A2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet post recap:
- “A” for Angels
- “B” for Boys, little
- “C” is for Cows, Chicken & Chicks, and Big Cats
- “D” for Dog
- “E” is for Elephant, Eagle, & Elk
- “F” is for Fence, Fox, & Frog
- “G” is for Girls
- “H” is for Horses
- “I” is for Iris
- “J” is for Jack & Jill
- “K” is for Kanga & Roo
- “L” is for Lighthouse
- “M” is for Mermaids
- “N” is for Nightingale
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Absolutely adorable! You are awesome at this alphabet challenge.
Sorry I’m so late, but I made it. Hoooooooo drew this youuuuuuu??? hehehe sorry couldn’t help myself. My daughter’s blog is called NightOwlmama I’m definitely going to have to tell her about your adorable Owls… love it, love it, love it. I have a surprise! My hubby got me an early birthday present. He bought me a new computer, monitor etc. The WORKS! WOO HOO! My computer has a bug and to spend money for a fix it guy I might as well get a new computer I says. Then they were on sale at Walmart and SURPRISE… he said to get one… “OH HAPPY ME”!!!! WOO HOO
Marie, no problem! I’m a bit behind myself. Between DH’s Monday and my late afternoon appointment yesterday, my blog hopping schedule is suffering. Hopefully, I can get back on track today. *cross fingers* I do remember your daughter’s blog.
I hope she like my owl! Well, give good ole Dave a pat on the back for a job well done in making his sweetheart happy! You have a real keeper there, girlfriend! Sometimes it’s not only easier to buy a new computer but actually the best thing. Old computers become unreliable and while you’re able to access the hard drive then it’s a ton easier to get stuff back the way you want it than to worry with a fried hard disk that may or may not allow data retrieval. You can get a new computer, especially a Windows based computer pretty cheap these days. It’s amazing how much bang you can get for the buck anymore! Have fun with your new computer, girlie!
Very neat! WHO said that? haha….I really like it. The only sketching I do is on canvas before I add the color of my paints to it. Great job…keep it up.
Pam, I hope to try watercolors in the very near future. If I get the hang of that then I’ll think of other mediums. I love the look of acrylics and oils. Thanks for visiting!
That owl has the cutest face I’ve ever seen! As for the advice of just doing what you do no matter what. It’s fabulous, because something needs to give life meaning, right? Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Andy, I absolutely agree. That’s precisely how I feel when I create, it gives me a purpose and it really lights up my world!
So adorable. I think you should do a series of owls I can tell you had fun.
Ive missed you – had to come over (now that we are home) and see what youve been drawing.
MoonDustWriter, so glad you enjoyed my owl sketch. I did have fun drawing it and it’ll be more fun to give it to DD#1. I probably will sketch more owls at another time. There are so many of the ones I’ve done for this challenge I hope to do again or at least similar illustrations. I’ll be over to see you soon.
Hooty-Hoot! Hey, I’ve got owls in my post today too. I wonder how many A to Z folks can say that?
O is for Owl Worship
Tamara, I’m not sure how many blogged about owls, do you? It’s obviously is the first to come to most people’s minds. I know I couldn’t resist going this route, though. Thanks for visiting.
Wonderful job on the owl! I can’t wait to see what P brings…
Jingle Jangle Jungle
#AtoZChallenge 1970’s Billboard Hits
Aww! That really is a cute owl! I like it a lot.
I’m so impressed by people who can create such realistic drawings – good for you!
Visiting from the A to Z Challenge. See my “O” post here: https://lydiahowe.com/2017/04/18/o-is-for-outsider-atozchallenge-plus-a-vlog/
Lydia, Thank you! My owl is more cute than realistic. Maybe the next one I try I’ll go for a life-like owl.
Very cute owl, great job!
Another great sketch. I hate taking things out of my sketchbook. when family members have indicated they like a piece from the sketchbook, I use it as a basis for a more complete piece that could be framed. I did a watercolor for my mom’s Christmas present that way. Just another option if you want to share without taking apart the sketchbook.
Really cute, Cathy! These are awesome. Are you keeping them in a book, or are there plans to frame any?
Owl looks like he is asking, “Whoo’s there?”
What a cute owl! One of my granddaughters loves owls. This made me think of her.
Trudy @ Reel Focus
Food in Film: Old 96er
Trudy, thank you for visiting. It’s interesting ever since I learned DD#1 likes owls how many others I’ve notice who like them, too. I’ll hop over to see you soon!
This owl is a hoot! Hahahaaa I couldn’t help myself. He looks so quizzical and has a real personality. She will love it.
Birgit, lol That’s Okay, I get a little gOOfy sometimes when I visit Other peOple’s pOsts that make smile. Thanks for stOpping by!
I love your owl! He is so cute!
Love this
Thank you, Nick!
Hi Cathy and happy O-Day to you!
Mrs. Shady and I join DD#1 in our fondness for owls. They are mysterious, wonderful creatures, and I have had several experiences with them, beginning when I was young and my family owned a large stuffed and mounted owl. I was fascinated by it but never asked where it came from. In recent years owls have taken up residence in the woods near our house here in Florida. Late at night they can be heard in a state of excitation, hooting loudly and rapidly, perhaps to celebrate the capture of prey or call or communicate a message to other owls. I have observed owls perched atop the lamp post along the street in front of our home. They sit patiently in silence then, all at once, dive full speed to the ground to catch mice. A couple of years ago Mrs. S and I visited a native Florida bird sanctuary and rehabilitation center near us. The facility housed sick and injured owls along with eagles, pelicans and other birds large and small.
I love your sketch of the cute, curious, shy little owl, Cathy. You have a way of capturing in the eyes and facial expression of animals and people a look of gentleness, innocence and vulnerability that I find very appealing. Your daughter will be delighted to receive this drawing. I can understand how reluctant you must be to part with your creative works, but your owl sketch will stay in the family and you can look at it whenever you visit.
Have a happy Tuesday, dear friend Cathy!
Thank you for joining me this morning for my “O” post. I don’t know if I’ve seen any owl in recent years. For years I thought there was one in our backyard until DH told me what I was hearing was a rain crow. I’m not much of bird person. I always thought owls looked rather wise but they can look very intimidating, too. I wouldn’t mind if we had some owls in our backyard to keep the mice at bay. Are they migratory fowls? If so then they wouldn’t do us much good as it seems we get mice only during the winter months. *knock on wood* It must be interesting to watch these creatures in action. When I was a kid I always liked watching the Mutual Omaha Wild Kingdom or similar programming documenting the animal kingdom’s way of life.
I’m glad you enjoyed today’s A2Z contribution. Chances are very good I’ll just hand this sketch to DD#1. She’ll get more use and enjoyment from this picture than I will hiding in my art journal.
Thanks for visiting and I’ll see you soon.
That’s a very cute owl.
You could always print your daughter a copy from your computer, if you don’t want to part with the original sketch.
Debbie, Yeah I thought about printing her a copy but then it wouldn’t have the same feeling. It’s probably best just to give it to her because she said she would frame it and that’s better than having it closed up in a sketch book.
The owl looks so quizzical. Nice!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, the owl definitely wants to know what’s going on judging by the way she’s peeking out.
This one was cute!
Thank you, Mike!