A-Z Challenge

#a2zchallenge: Chamomile tea benefits {T?T}

This month I committed myself to the A to Z Challenge. My first instinct was to create separate posts for it and my routine daily hops, but let’s face it…that’s not practical. I will find inspiration with today’s alphabet prompt, the letter

On Monday my topic was the adrenal gland and the discovery that caffeine or too much of it can cause it to not work well. One source mentioned a coffee alternatives in three herbals teas. One of which is chamomile.  Today, I want to talk about the benefits of drinking chamomile tea.

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To begin with let me say, none of this information is from first-hand experience. Someone else did the hard work in making these discoveries. I have yet to see how chamomile tea affects my body, but given the interesting facts I have found then it’s well worth a closer investigation of my own to discovery the rewards of drinking chamomile tea each day.

You may already know of some of the health benefits from chamomile tea, but here are a few I learned.

  • Good nights sleep ~ acts like a mild sedative at bedtime
  • Relieves anxiety ~ calms frazzled nerves
  • Fights colds ~ boosts immune system
  • Soothes upset stomach ~ good digestive aid
  • Eases menstrual cramps ~ relaxes muscles

Chamomile tea is  a rich source of antioxidants that help to fight inflammation and chronic diseases ~ rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disorders (Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis). Other benefits as an anti-inflammatory agent are, relieves hay fever, ease hemorrhoids, and other chronic inflammatory conditions, but these antioxidants may also help to slow the aging process. It’s said that it may even reverse visible wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.

Drinking chamomile tea can lower blood glucose levels, which may help keep type 2 diabetes from developing in some people, but those who already have it, then it may improve complications that come with the disease such as kidney damage and vision loss.

Reports say Chamomile tea is effective in slowing the spread & shortening the lifespan of breast cancer cells and stopping the growth of leukemia cancer cells.

I read dental health is a sign of one’s wellness. The anti-inflammatory properties found in chamomile tea may heal periodontitis. By gargling with cooled chamomile tea it encourages healing and relief for painful gums, gingivitis, canker sores, and tooth aches.  This may seem a bit off topic, but if you’re suffering dental problems you may want to dig a little deeper to find the source of these conditions.

For topical use…chamomile tea can soothe insect bites, chicken pox, wounds, burns, bruises, sunburns, rashes, and itchy or inflamed skin. Also, its known for easing discomfort associated with eczema, psoriasis, acne, diaper rash, and other skin irritations.

I just began drinking chamomile tea for my (possible) sluggish adrenal gland. I have yet to find a suggestion on how many cups of chamomile to drink each day, but I decided that I would have a cup first thing in the morning and again in the evening with dinner. Call it a coincidence or the herbal drink at work, but I am sleeping more deeply than I have in a long time.


1. Are you fascinated by the health claims of chamomile tea?

2. Would you be willing to replace your caffeinated morning cup with chamomile tea?

Bonus: Do you have information on how much chamomile tea to drink for best health benefits?

Please join my NO-RULES Thursday Thoughts linky party below:

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  • Naila Moon

    First of all my friend, I did not know you were doing a-z too. Glad to see you here.
    Secondly, I so hate tea but with the health benefits you mention here, it sounds like it is worth drinking at least twice a day as you are doing. I need to do an experiment it seems. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Yep, I am participating in the a2zchallenge and am enjoying it! You’re the second person I have met who doesn’t like tea. Just so you’ll know, I prefer hot tea to cold tea. Do try the chamomile for the benefits!

  • Lisa M

    Great information – I will have to add it to my collection. I am stuck on Ginger Green right now, but I could use the benefits of Chamomile. Love it!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      When I was young, I didn’t care for tea so much. However, over the years I have developed a love for herbal teas. I prefer hot tea to cold tea. Thanks for visiting!

  • Donna Smith

    I may need to check my assortment of teas, or stop by the grocery store and pick some up. Sounds like it has a lot going for it! Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to check back and see if anyone had the answer to “how much”.
    Donna Smith
    The A-to-Z Challenge
    Mainely Write

  • Karen Lange

    I did not realize Chamomile tea had so many benefits. Thanks so much for sharing this. Thanks also for stopping by my blog and following. It’s great to meet you! 🙂

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