Cathy Chats

What I did during my blogging break, Coffee Chat, & Random Thoughts!

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! My summer hiatus is officially over. The long break was VERY much-needed. Although, I wasn’t gone completely, since I hit the dance floor with the Monday Music Moves Me crew (I co-host) but I had to give myself permission to step away from my normal posting schedule .  After all, isn’t blogging supposed to be fun?

Speaking of mewsic, did you get a chance thit the dance floor yesterday? Not to worry it’s never too late to boogie with the 4M gals!

I’ve gotta mention this to ya! Last Thursday after my dental appointment I went to the mall to wait on DH. Anywho, I saw someone I least expected this guy, Richie Walls.

I met him for the first time last year. He’s a home town boy who lives in Hollywood now. He was an associate producer and worked closely with the casting department in the Burt Reynold’s movie, Dog Years filmed here last June. I rushed up, saying I believe I know you. I mentioned the movie and he smiled. I’m sure he thought I was totally crazy but then his phone rang. I told him I just wanted to say hi and left him to take his call.  The truth of the matter I totally blanked on his name and relieved our conversation got cut short. blush In my defense it was a dreary, rainy day. Therefore it’s Mother Nature’s fault for my lapse in memory.  😀

While I was away, I wasn’t idle during my time off. I finally got the long overdue task of cleaning up or clearing away all broken links on my site (I think).  A good blogging buddy, Steve, suggested I try the plugin Broken Links. It proved to be an invaluable tool that constantly keeps check on things and flagging me when something needs fixed. In the 7-years of blogging I didn’t have a plugin monitoring my site for YouTube videos and other URLs that no longer existed or closed blogger profiles or those set to private. If you ever make a change in your blogging status, please leave a redirect for folks to find you again. It was a huge job but it’s behind me now.

As I spent time going through all the broken links, I rediscovered past posts I enjoyed composing and it made me crave a return to my grassroots in Blogosphere. Well…sorta anyhow.  I do want to find my way back to more creative posts while mingling my favorite blog hops in the mix. I’ll talk more about this in future posts, as I continue to share what I did during my blogging break.

In a recent Breitbart news report, DH called my attention to former Pussycat Doll singer, Kaya Jones. In this article they shared her latest song showing her support for the military which I like the more I hear it.

Not all of Jones’ tunes match my purrsonal mewsic style but I love that she found the courage to stand up for what she believes in living in a place surrounded heavily by her opposition. All I can say is, “Go girl, go!”

This is what the hop hostess says… I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you’re okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with “Hey, It’s Okay”. It’s rude.

It’s okay….that I wasn’t around blogosphere yesterday! I mean who was? Oh sure many of you were and that’s okay, too.  It’s just super-duper okay to feel like you don’t have to be when you don’t wanna be.  It’s quite liberating! 🙂

It’s okay…that I don’t have more “It’s okay” statments.

I’m joining Les from Ink Interrupted for Tuesday Coffee Chat. I’m not sure if she has her weekly prompts set for this month and if I’m not on topic which I’m usually not then I’ll try to get it right next time. I’m also linking up with Stacy for Random Tuesday Thoughts. You’re welcome to tag along as I visit my lovely peeps.

That’s a wrap for this morning. You’re invited to the return of my not-so Wordless Wednesday linky party!

Have a terrific Tuesday!











    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for visiting. Your comment got thrown into my “SPAM” folder. I took the liberty in adding your URL to your sign in info for others to find you and you may wish to do the same next time you stop by or at the very least add it in comments. I just find this makes the job of others easier and you’re more likely to get more traffic to your site. This is just my two cents, you’re free to do with it what you want. Have a good day, my friend!

  • Terra Heck

    Sometimes it’s okay to take a break from blogging. Glad you were able to get some things done. I need to get rid of some broken links on my blog. I was doing good with it for a while, but have lots more I need to remove. Hope you have a great day!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Your blog home is like your physical home with something always needing to be fixed. lol Yesterday I began more repairs that have mushroomed over the last few weeks. When I’m watching this it doesn’t do anything but the second I ignore it then it grows! Thanks for visiting. I’ll see ya soon! 😉

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for visiting my random and first edition to “It’s Ok”. I’m trying to get back into the groove after taking most of the summer off, too. I hope you decide to hit the dance floor with me and the 4M gals. It’s a great way to start your week! Have an awesome day, my friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thank you! It’s good to say I’m back again but my heart yearns for a longer break. lol Of course, I can do so at anytime but I enjoy a regular routine of spending time with other bloggers each day connecting on various levels. For the past month, I got super charged putting together advanced posts and didn’t pay attention that “Broken Links” flagged a couple of hundred already. It amazes me how this happens, too. I’ll watch and watch and watch with little repair work needed but just as soon as I let my guard done…BAM! Oh well…I’ll get those babies taken care of quickly as possible so it won’t get out of hand like it did previously. I see local color (news reporters, meteorologists,) around town on occasions which is expcected but seeing Richie Walls strolling through the mall really took me by surprise. I hope it made his day a little more special. 😀

    • Cathy Kennedy


      My song picks were new-to-me, even Billy Joel’s. There’s just so much mewsic out there that’s really impossible to hear it all but since I began blogging I’ve opened myself to a better mewsic education through discovery and sharing process. Thanks for boogieing with me!

  • Birgit

    Welcome back! It must have been fun to meet this guy. I hate going to the dentist and I have to go soon. I had a pretty good June and July but Sugust was crap to be honest. Now I’m sick and my mom is not doing well.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Definitely, you should consider a plugin to keep a check on this sort of thing, especially if reference other links in your posts. But even at that, there are things outside your control like bloggers sign in info that’s outdated. I know I have quite a few links I need to tend to again. Like I said, this is an incredible plugin and it sure makes me feel better hopefully a better experience for my viewers. Thanks for stopping by. I’ll see you soon!

  • Arlee Bird

    It barely seemed like you were gone since it seemed like I was seeing lots of posts from you. I guess my own inactivity made it seem like you were posting more than you were. My break probably didn’t seem like all that much of a break, but I have noticed that there seemed to be a lot less blogging activity all around during the summer.

    Back to normal I guess. Whatever that is.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      If I hadn’t been co-hosting Monday’s Music Moves Me then you would’ve definitely noticed that I wasn’t around. I think this is the only reason why it feels for my regulars like you that I didn’t go away. I thought your posting schedule was good and you’re so right most of the Blogosphere was dead, so why not enjoy that time to take it easy, too? Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    How exciting that you had a “brush with greatness” at the mall! I am sure that Richie Walls got a kick out of being recognized by you. Until now Nicole Scherzinger is the only Pussycat Doll I knew as a solo artist. I enjoyed Kaya’s song and video. Thanks for introducing her, dear friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m sure he thought I was a cuckoo. I’m happy to intro you to another Pusscat Doll soloist. Kaya has a good voice but a lot of her songs didn’t play on her vocal strengths as “What The Heart Don’t Know”. Thanks for popping by!

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