Monday's Music Moves Me

Come September

How was your weekend? Ours went well. I got the go-ahead from my dentist to eat most things again, except I can’t have crusty hard breads and nuts. I’m still very careful with what I eat, but enjoying a normal diet again.

For some, summer isn’t always a happy time. I wouldn’t say that’s been the case with me but there were times when it wasn’t the best.  Things were off-key in our world a wee bit with DH’s eye healing and family situations I can’t talk about that needs steady prayer. Come September the days of summer unofficial end starting today. Happy Labor Day, Kittens and Dawgs!


These songs put me in a melancholy mood with all this “summertime has come and gone…” which brings me to Billy Joel Famous Last Words.



Today’s mewsic theme is “Labor Day or End of Summer” tunes and I invite you to hit the dance floor with XmasDolly, Stacy, Colette , and ME!


[tweetthis]Tell a friend & hit the dance floor with “Labor Day or End of Summer” #music with the #4M gals! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]


This is Curious as a Cathy signing off with this new-to-me American Indie rock band,  JR JR singing from their self-title album, “Gone”!



What mewsic moves you today? ?

My summer hiatus is over and it’s time to get back into the blogging groove. I won’t be easy. I’m sure to do a lot of stumbling to find my way back to a new normal again. Will I resume my usual blog post course or do I shake things up? The answer to that is yet to be seen. Sign up for the latest mews to deliver straight to your inbox so to not miss a thing! 😉


Got camera? Pictures to share? Join the return of my mid-week linky photo fest (not-so) Wordless Wednesday!


























  • greyzoned/angelsbark

    Oh, quick question: #14 on the 4M list: is that a legit participant or a band-wagon jumper? I didn’t see a music post, and it sorta looked like someone who just joined the Linky list to drive traffic to their site. If I’m wrong, I apologize but I don’t want to promote someone who is only using the group to self-promote. Take a look and let me know what you think…

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Michele, I will look. If it’s a non music post then Marie needs to label or remove it since she manages the link up. Usually when I land on some one’s blog who isn’t playing along then I’ll politely tell them it’s a music meme & invite them next time to include some tunes. If it’s an accidental over sight then the person will apologize. Thanks for calling this to my attention. Obviously I’m behind on the dance floor. 😩

  • greyzoned/angelsbark

    Hi Cathy,
    Glad to hear that you’re able to get back to a normal diet again and glad you made it through the oral surgery. That’s never fun.

    Excellent End of Summer songs. And you’re right: melancholy for sure. I used to be really sad when summer ended back when I lived up north but now that I’m in Texas, I’m begging for it to be over half-way through it! It’s too stinkin’ hot for me here but it’s where I am and I have to make the best of it. Not going anywhere any time soon…
    I do love Fall though, and even back north, Fall was my favorite season.

    Hope you had a good Labor Day weekend. I had a crazy busy week and just now getting back to making the rounds for the 4M posts.
    Have a good weekend!

    Oh, excellent cycling pictures btw! Nice job!!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  • Stacy Uncorked

    Though I’m really glad cooler weather is in the offing, I’m sad to see summer winding down to an end. Glad you’re able to eat most regular food again! 😉 Loved your song choices, Cathy! Perfect choices! Thanks for the dance! 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m glad to be eating normal food again, too. I hate restrictions and don’t do well with them. Of course, it does help to lose some, not much, unwanted weight. 😀 The only thing about summer that I really miss is the longer day light hours. I really enjoy the early evenings but I’m not going to fret because I know it’ll be summer again like a blink of an eye. Thanks for dancing with me!

  • Mary B

    I can’t believe how quickly this year is flying by. I was writing up a contract for one of the storage units here and having to write October as the next month really caught me off guard. Fun songs today!

  • XmasDolly

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday today just kickin’ back! Thanks for the introduction to this one I’ve never heard it before. Go figure. HAPPY LABOR DAY my friend and I hope you and your hubby just kinda kicked back and enjoyed life! BIG HUGS….

  • Birgit

    I’m glad you can eat more solid foods and it can only get better. I hope your hubby’s eye improves and keeps getting better. It was a tough August to be exact here in my little world. I’m sorry things have not been great for you so a little prayer is sent your way.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Birgit, I’m sorry to hear you had a rough August. Life is like that sometimes, isn’t it? It’d be nice if we didn’t have to worry about the lows but we do. I guess it’s up to us to decide how long we’re going to let the lows keep us down. I do try to not get too bogged down because a lot of times the circumstances are out of my control so what good is there to stress over things? Here’s to a better September to you, me, and everyone else who had a bad August/summer!

  • John Holton

    I think you caught the melancholy of Labor Day here. It’s always been one of those holidays for which the joy of the day off comes with the knowledge that school starts in two days. Bummer, huh?

    • Cathy Kennedy


      WOW, your school system hasn’t started back yet? They’ve been back here almost a month. I think it’s crazy they send kids back to school before Labor Day, not to mention they dismiss school before Memorial Day, but they’ve been doing this for years. This weekend was nice and relaxing. Although we got a lot of rain Friday and Saturday, then lots of clouds on Sunday the cooler temperatures were really nice. Yesterday was gorgeous and it was a fabulous day to be out running around town. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me!

      • John Holton

        Oh, our schools started back on July 31, but one of my brothers lives in Chicago and his kids don’t go back until Wednesday. Starting school early seems to be a Southern thing; I don’t think my niece (Kip’s daughter) has gone back yet, and they live in northern California. (Jim’s kids are all in their thirties, I think, and I have no idea how that happened…)

        The weather has been great here, although rain is supposed to move in this evening. I think fall, such as it is in Atlanta, has begun.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I’m happy to learn that you can resume a more normal diet. I also wish DH well as he continues to patiently wait for his eye to completely heal. Mrs. Shady now says she is experiencing “floaters” in the corner of her eye but told me it is a common side effect of her latest procedure.

    Here in Florida we don’t look forward to September, but it is has nothing to do with summer coming to an end (something we actually look forward to because it means relief from the heat). September is the heart of the hurricane season. Need I say more?

    This is a great batch of songs for September. I always like the female artists you select for your posts and I enjoyed the clear, pleasant vocals of Natalia and Paula. I wasn’t familiar with Paula and so I did some reading and discovered that this song, “Postcards from East Oceanside,” is a new one that anchors her Greatest Hits compilation. Most notably, Paula penned, performed and produced the recording “I Don’t Want to Wait,” the opening theme song for the hit TV series Dawson’s Creek.

    I wasn’t familiar with Jr Jr and read that they are a Motor City indie rock band that was originally named Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. I enjoyed their song and imaginative video.

    As always I appreciate your use of classic pin-up art to spice up your posts.

    This was great fun, Cathy. I wish you and your family all the best as we make our way through the month of September. Have a great week, dear friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thank you for your warm, kind wishes! I hope Mrs. Shady’s eye health makes the necessary adjustments toward better vision.

      Oh yeah, I imagine y’all are bracing for Hurricane season. I wouldn’t like that at all! We got some gusty, wet weather over the weekend but nothing like you guys or what Texas was hit with, so I’m not complaining. The good thing is Harvey did bring some cooler temps this way.

      I didn’t dig into any of these artists but I sorta thought Jr Jr was an odd name for a band, so was glad to read the factoid you found about their name. Thanks for visiting and have a great week, my friend!

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