
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Wednesday Blog Hops

It’s reported in 2010 there were 200,000,000 blogs. We are a unique breed. Today, like many of you I am participating in virtual Q&A. This is an excellent way to get-to-know-me/you. Join me now, as I begin my morning hop.

Thanks, Patrice!

1.What did you have for breakfast this morning? I can’t answer this yet because I haven’t had breakfast. However, I’m giving serious thought to having a pumpkin flaxseed muffin, which I can literary make in minutes in the microwave. I discovered this recipe when I was doing the Adkins diet a few years ago. I now pick and choice parts of the program to blend into my life.

2.What’s your favorite kind of juice? This would be orange juice, but I like apple, grape, and grapefruit juice really well. I don’t drink juice too often, though. There is just too many calories in a glass of OJ and I’d rather eat an orange where I can get the best of both worlds – juice & fiber.

3. Have you tried Pinterest yet? I believe I signed up for it months ago and if I did I am not sure what my username & password are. I know a lot of people seem to be loving this site, and I’ve been thinking about revisiting it to see if I can benefit from it overall.

  1. I can’t wait for the Grainger County tomatoes from our local Wal-Mart and grocery store. The best place to get them is at the Grainger County Tomato festival, but that’s not until the end of July.

5.The worst job I ever had was at a company where the owners watched the employees like a hawk. It must have been their mission to see only the bad in people. The employees were almost treated like criminals. The moral of that company was horrible. I wound of getting fired because I just couldn’t measure up in their eyes to the last AR clerk and I was actually happy to get the boot.

Thanks Joyce

1. The Hodgepodge falls on the last day of February this year, a leap year. How will you spend that extra day? Today will be like any other: blogging, researching, cleaning, exercising,… Am I supposed to do something special? It seems when I was in school I learned that on a leap year the girl can pick the guy. Since I have the guy I want, I guess I could tell him I want him to be my guy. I’m sure he would like hearing this again. I know it makes my heart flutter when he tells me sweet things like this.


2. What has recently required a leap of faith on your part? Every day I’m blessed to wake up I take a leap of faith that all will be well for each person I love. Worrying about our grown children isn’t what God wants me to do. This is where I have to turn everything over to Him and know that He’s in charge.

3. We’re one week into the season of Lent…are you marking these 40 days in some way? Giving something up or adding something extra to normal life? How’s it going so far? Isn’t this a Catholic practice? I guess that answers this question for you, huh? Being Southern Baptist, we don’t participate in the Lent season. This is a beautiful gesture, though. To place the Lord above one’s own self as He did for us.  As a Christian, I would like to say I heed Jesus’ command closely, “Take up thy cross and follow me.” Unfortunately, I am not self-sacrificing enough. The Bible teaches us for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). I know personally, I must seek Christ daily begging His forgiveness. None of us are perfect, no not one (Romans 3:10). This question has evoked personal conviction. How might I give more freely of myself in service to Jesus? I will need to ponder on this and see where my heart leads me.

4. When was the last time you sat beside a fire? Wow, honestly I can’t recall. It used to be every time we went back home to visit with my husband’s parents we would make a point to build a campfire during the warmer months. We would have a wiener roast for dinner and toast marshmallows, then linger by the crackling warm glow for hours. This is one thing I’m looking forward to doing with our next home if we are fortunate to find a place with several acres. Having an open fire in your yard isn’t a good thing for city dwellers.

5. Surf and Turf is on the menu. Do you order as is or do you ask for just the surf (lobster), just the turf (steak), or a menu so you can select another option? I like both, but I’m more likely to buy grilled chicken or crab cakes. Now, if we were vacationing along the Maine coast, then I would definitely choose lobster.

6. If you could have any television program back, not in reruns but in new episodes, what program would you choose?  This is an easy one for me. I would say 24. That is one of the best TV series we’ve seen since the 80s. It’s full of suspense, action, and very well written. There is talk they will do a major film for 24, but I have reservations about how good this will be if they do go to production. I would see it for sure.
7. They say an elephant never forgets. These days would you say your memory is more like an elephant or a gnat? Every since I entered the realm of motherhood my memory has dwindled. There are periods in my life I can’t remember at all. My DH will tell me about something, and I kid you not I can’t remember it at all. In my self-defense, most of these events occurred in the early part of each of our children’s lives. That was my zombie days. There are also periods during our early years of marriage that’s blocked from my memory. It feels like I’m staring at a blank page. It’s very frustrating. Now, if I forget something it’s because I’m so busy. I have good days and bad when it comes to recalling things that happened 5 seconds in my past. What’s in-between an elephant and a gnat? Whatever that is, then that’s what I am.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

This morning I am terribly sleepy. I haven’t felt like this in weeks! I’m working on my second cup of coffee to give me a little energy boost. Most people have experienced some crazy weather. It feels more like spring than it does winter here. One day last week we got some STRONG winds. So strong in fact that the winds topped over a very tall pine tree in our backyard. It isn’t real big in diameter, maybe two feet, but it’s really tall. I would say it’s 20-30 feet tall. This is going to be one big job for my boys to tackle!

Last Friday, DH had his implant surgery. I bet my last buck that he would be sacked out in his easy chair whimpering like a puppy as he recouped, but I was WRONG. He had very little swelling and pain in his jaw. Not only was I shocked, but so was he. I recall what a horrible ordeal it was for both of us to have our impacted wisdom teeth cut out almost 30 years ago. We both were in pitiful shape. I had expected a repeat of this, but it never happened. The only real complaint was his body tired easier, but gee with that kind of trauma I can see why any exertion would strain a person physically.

Any interesting thing I discovered is, I’m growing less dependent on Facebook. More importantly, not being absorbed by the games. I haven’t interacted with Farmville in almost a week or at least not much. My goal is to completely walk away. As for continuing on Facebook, I plan to dabble just enough to keep on top of news about old friends and family.

If you’re interested in more of my musings, then feel free to read: Stink Bugs, Premature Spring, Address Book, Oh My! or to learn just a little more about me in general check out,  New Meet Me On Monday.

Check out another post by me: Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too! 5 Ways To Burn 500 Calories.







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7 thoughts on “Wednesday Blog Hops

  1. I believe you have a bit of a wait for tomatoes. We had 700 tomato plants in our market garden last year. We had 1200 the year before. The job sounds horrible. I would go nuts being watched like a hawk. Have a great week, Cathy!

  2. I’ve just been sitting here thinking about how tired I am-my mind would not shut off last night. ugh.

    We’re 24 addicts here too : )

  3. I have a good friend who LOVED 24. I tried it and loved it at first but then felt it repeated itself too much. She said I just didn’t give it a fair chance. So now I’m going to try it again on Netflix. LOL We’re southern baptists too so no Lent practices for us either. I always thought we were supposed to prepare every day of our lives not just during one season.

  4. Hi Cathy!
    I’m Southern Baptist, too, so we’ve never observed Lent, either. Wish I could pull away from Facebook. I do feel it takes up way too much of my time these days. Enjoy your afternoon and evening!

  5. I learn something new: I didn’t know that Lent wasn’t observed by all Christians.

    I have never played any FB games at all. And no Pinterest, either. Doesn’t mean that I can’t find other ways to spend time online, though.

  6. Good Luck giving up games on Facebook. After much discussion with my husband, and a crashed computer to prove his point, I gave up all of my Facebook games about 2 months ago. It has been very freeing and I am accomplishing so much more than I used to during the day. However I am just now getting over the desire to open one up when I sit down at the computer.

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