Friday Sillies

Veterans’ Day humor, Skywatch Friday, Friendly Fill-ins & CTST


Hello, Kittens & Dawgs! What a week! I’m glad it’s over, aren’t you? In honor of Veterans, I thought I’d give them and you reason to laugh.





veteran-you-might-be-a veterans-doors-are-for-sissies



If you want some more chuckles, check out ’56 Packard Man his post-election day edition!

SWFToday, I thought I shared a photo with the SWF team and fellow shutterbug enthusiasts. This is the first time in many weeks. Hopefully, I can make it a regular part of my routine.


The year I got my big girl camera I snapped the photo of the Veteran saluting the East Tennessee Memorial in downtown Knoxville, then recently added the flag overlay creating this patriotic photo-art to honor our brave servicemen.

How’s the view through your camera lens?

Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins!

Let’s continu1FFBadgee the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins with Annie and Ellen. Every Thursday four fun and easy blank statements are posted for us to borrow, complete, and share on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.

Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:


(1) Real life lessons like how to manage your budget without debt should be taught in schools. I understand most folks have to take a loan for big purchases i.e. house or car but it’s the misuse of credit cards that get people into deep trouble. We’ve been there, done that, and now debt-free.

(2) The last items I donated was a lot of young adult book series my daughters left behind when they moved out years ago. I tried selling them but got no action, so off to Goodwill they went.

(3) My (personal) song is Aubrey by Bread because it was our favorite when DH &a I dated.


(4)  Three things I am thankful for this week are:  a new job interview for DH, our utility bill is lower than last month, and for the pretty weatherCheck out Celebrate the small things (below) to read more things I’m thankful for this week. 😉


Winding things up today, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!

I’m celebrating… the huge victory of Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence, our new President-elect and VP-elect of the United States of America. It feels like a weight is lifted from my shoulders. It was God who made this possible and to Him, I give thanks and praise. And if that isn’t fantastic enough to take the White House, but the Republican party took the House and Senate; the first time since 1928. History was made election day! Another thing is today, I celebrate my son-in-law’s birthday. On Election Day, we surprised him at work with a cake, card, and gift. He was tickled to death, too. Seeing the face of someone I love, light up is the greatest reward!

What are you celebrating?

See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!

Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like music then I invite you to come back tomorrow for some mewsic with Saturday Songsuasion!  Have a super funtastic Friday!



















    • Cathy Kennedy

      Lee, I think we all are celebrating this sweet victory. The MSM was more horrible than usual on the conservative candidate and always painting Hitlary as Mother Teresa. Now, we just need to get these paid protesters to step down and move on. Perhaps, the Feds can find cause to freeze Sorros funds putting an end to the mess he’s created on our streets.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      JM, I’m delighted I made you smile. Laughter is the best medicine, is it not? Thank you for your kind words on my photo. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time when that gentleman saluted the memorial walls. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again next week. Have a good weekend!

  • Suzanne Gunter McClendon

    I love your SWF photo art…just beautiful!
    I thought your first “funny” was especially funny. I can picture some of my relatives saying something similar. 🙂
    YAYAY! to the lower utility bill and the job interview for your husband.
    The weather has been just wonderful, hasn’t it? So pretty out there and cooler, too, even here in Texas. 🙂
    I hope that your son-in-love had a great birthday.
    Have a blessed weekend, Cathy. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Suzanne, the weather can’t stay like this forever but we certainly are enjoying it while we can. The nights are starting to get pretty chilly and I’m having to wear sweats again, but it’s almost mid-November the change is here!

      • Suzanne Gunter McClendon

        I wish that it could stay like this forever. Texas is bearable like this. It has been cool…upper 60s and 70s the last few days. It is 48 degrees back home in South Carolina where my mama lives. Its about time for cooler weather, isn’t it? 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!

  • David E. McClendon Sr.

    Great military pictures. You are right, budgeting and personal finance should be taught in schools. Sadly, it is too easy to get into debt. Our girls are still in college and get tons of solicitations for credit cards.

  • pilch92

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, nice answers. I agree finance should be taught in school. I am pleased to see that you are happy about Trump getting into office, I thought I was the only one in the blogging world that was happy. Have a great weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Ellen, there are more Trump supporters in Blogosphere than you might think. A finance class for Senior students would be an excellent idea. In our society of instant gratification, it’s easy for anyone to get caught up in a moment of weakness. Learning to put things in financial priority order can save young people a lot of money burdens later on in life. We had to learn the hard way but wiser for it now. Thanks for popping by, my friend.

  • lexacain

    I love all the funnies you put up every week! Good luck to your husband on his job search. I definitely used too may credit cards when I lived in the US. I only use cash here. It’s much better. A low utility bill is always welcome, and Happy Birthday to your SIL! Have a lovely weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Lexa, thanks for the good luck wishes. It’s really hard to not fall victim to credit card misuse. Companies practically push them on you with their tempting offers; unless one can avoid the pitfall of allowing the buy and spend habit to get out of hand then it’s a good idea to not have one. We do have a CC but we pay it off every month. It’s easier than using cash and it offers some protection over using a debit card. The last thing I want is my checkings and savings account compromised. Thanks for visiting, my friend. Have a good weekend!

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