Wordless Wednesday

Grandfather’s Mountain from #BlueRidgeNPS

Welcome, Kittens & Dawgs! I’m glad to see you today. This week has been a bit hectic and stressful with the presidential election. I felt it my duty to do the whole social media thing to help the undecided voter or swaying the opposition to jump ship for the “MAGA” candidate.  We crawled beneath the sheets exhausted but happy around 3:30am this morning; watching the race to the White House.

Now it’s time to have a little fun. I’m sharing another peek from our trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway from last month. The mountain in the background is Grandfather’s Mountain in Blowing Rock, North Carolina.


I love how the fall foliage frames this shot and drawing your eyes to the bald cliffs of Grandfather’s Mountain. We have not been there but I’d love to go. It requires an entrance fee. It’s sort of expensive. Hopefully, we’ll get a chance to go sometime in the near future after DH gets a job. 🙂

How are the views through the lens where you are? Would you care to share them and link up?

[tweetthis]Got pix? Join my #WW linky party & share the fun! #BlueRidgeNPS #GrandfathersMountain #scenic #mountains #photography[/tweetthis]


Come back for another look through my lens for Skywatch Friday and more Friday fun stuff. 😉 Have a fototastic day!







    • Cathy Kennedy

      Charles, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and joining my linky party. I hope you’ll decide to join the fun each week. It’s always fun to meet new artist photographers such as you. Have a fototastic weekend!

  • csuhpat1

    I watched until they declared that Trump had 270, my daughter and son were mad but I had to remind her that them area we live (The nine-county SF Bay Area) is so different than the rest of the country. Also, I reminded her that Trump is now President-elect and let’s see what he does as President.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Patrick, I’m glad you’re keeping an open mind to what Trump can do for us. I’m very hopeful in a long time. Liberal, corrupt politicians are destroying our nation. The establishment is so out of touch with what the everyday American (the folks Hillary hates) needs that it’s ridiculous. Let’s pray he lives up to the contract he made with the American people and take a pro-active stance with keeping our Senators and Congressmen notified of how they should vote on our behalf. They work for us. Donald Trump understands this and has repeatedly said, I work for you throughout his campaign and even last night he said the congrats extended to us for his victory. I thought that was so humble. Oh well…I won’t go anymore but I sure appreciate your thoughts, my friend!

  • John Holton

    The “MAGA” candidate? Never heard that before.

    I woke up at 4:15 yesterday morning and couldn’t get to sleep, worried over the election. Last night I slept like a baby.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      John, I couldn’t pull myself away from the TV and I knew if we did retire before the coverage ended that I’d toss all night. We didn’t get much sleep last night but I did sleep well and woke totally happy this morning. 🙂 MAGA is the Twitter hashtag for Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” Thanks for visiting!

      • John Holton

        I haven’t been to Twitter much, so I’m not up on the latest hash tags.

        Mary and I don’t watch election coverage. The “experts” drive us nuts. I checked the New York Times website (I could actually find what I was looking for there) late last night, and they gave him a better than 95% chance of winning, so I went to bed.

        • Cathy Kennedy

          John, I went to New York Times after I received an alert from RT (Russian TV) announcing PA was called for Trump and tweet the link showing him with a very likely chance of securing the presidency. By that time, it wasn’t too long before Hillary conceded and Trump gave his speech. Oh yeah, the experts drive us crazy, too. They’re so bias that they can’t even hide it. While we listened to their bashing of Trump after things narrowed in his favor and they kept saying I don’t see how Hillary can win this when they started in with nearly identical comments about Trump as they used when Reagan ran in 1980. Now for the rebuild process but I’m feeling pretty darn confident about everything. 🙂

  • Rorybore

    I’m exhausted too and I am not even American!! I can only hope that USA moves forward now with peace, kindness and wisdom guiding it’s steps.
    An absolutely gorgeous shot! I like your view very much. I haven’t been able to get out much lately to capture some Fall views. I need a change of scenery I think… I feel like I have taken pictures of the same trees over and over and over.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Les, Trump delivered a wonderful speech last night. He was gracious with his words to Hillary and desire to unite ALL Americans to move forward to make America great again. He is smart and will pick some wonderful people to guide him in this process. I’m very confident and feel that this victory comes from none other than God. We have been given a second chance. Let’s hope this nation and her people don’t let our heavenly Father down! I’m like you sometimes I feel like I need a change of scenery but I keep going to the same places, though. lol

  • Crystal Collier

    I totally hear you about the exhausted thing! I suffered a bout of insomnia the night before, so it was a double whammy! Just when I gave up because I couldn’t do it anymore, that’s when the announcement came.

    Beautiful shot of the mountains! I miss my mountains. =(

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Crystal, I told DH I thought Hillary would concede if Pennsylvania was called for Trump. I learned before the MSM called it that AP called Pennsylvania for him and about that time Podesta announced it was a close race requesting everyone to go home, etc with Trump in route to speech before his crowd. Several minutes passed, I saw an article that said Hillary collapsed when Florida was called for Trump and then there was an eruption on the screen of Trump supporters that Hillary called Trump to concede. I was overcome with joy! Trump delivered as promise, he won and he won big! This is clearly a miracle from God. Thank you for stopping in and commenting. I’m glad you liked the view of the Blue Ridge Mountains!

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