In April, I spoke of starting on a new HRT. If you missed that post, you can read it about here. It has been three months now and it’s time to share with you the benefits of my SottoPelle Therapy.
Energy boost
The first thing I noticed within 4-days of getting my first pellet inserts was my energy level. WOW, what a difference! Prior to the insertion, I was dragging around the house with no life by the time DH got home in the evenings. All I wanted to do was go to bed. At the time, I would give my energy level on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the best ~ a 5. My levels kept improving over the weeks and most days I give myself an 8 on the energy scales. I feel pretty amazing!
Before getting my SottoPelle when I worked out for 2-hours I felt exhausted to the point where I couldn’t do anything else. It was all I could do just to walk from room to room. Now, I can exercise longer and harder and I don’t feel like dead meat walking around the house anymore. In fact, with my stamina in high gear now I can do house chores afterwards.
Smoother and younger looking skin
The one thing I hated about my hormone being out of whack was my dry skin and its appearance in general, especially on my arms which resembled dry leather. There was noticeable signs on my face, too. It lacked that natural glow. Within a month of getting my pellets I had a more youthful appearance and my skin felt smoother and softer all over. I’m loving it!
Hair shinier and fluffier
Another disappointing development with hormones gone awry was my hair. It was flat, dry, thin, and pretty much lifeless. Several years back I began using expensive shampoos aimed to add volume to my fine hair texture. The results were minimal, but clear so I kept using them. However, nothing seemed to help my hair sheen. I’m tickled to say now my fine texture mane is fuller, shinier, and healthier looking than it has been in a long time…as in years. Whoo-hoo!
Nail problems
My nail health has suffered terribly due to decreased hormones. I’ve gone through the up and down cycles with fragile nails that won’t grow very well or at least all. No matter how much pampering I gave my nails my effort was temporary. The good news is since starting my Sottopelle Therapy my nails grow without so much attention paid. I have resigned myself to accept I have thin nails due to genetics. That I can’t do anything about, but the health of my nails has returned. They no longer tear easily and grow back quicker than they ever did.
Female issues
Let’s face it when there’s a slump in hormones this department suffers…big time. Trust me when I say, Sottopelle Therapy helps…A LOT!
Thus far, this type of hormone replacement therapy is working wonders with my system, giving me what I craved with my earlier HRT and nutritional supplements that failed to deliver. Is SottoPelle Therapy a miracle cure? I can’t say with complete certainty, but I am more hopeful than ever after having this in my body for three months that this may just be that ~ a miracle cure.
This afternoon, I see Dr. T to get my next dose of pellets. I eagerly await to see how the Sottopelle continues to work for me and I invite you to stay tune for my next update in November! Now, it’s time to grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies starting first with Les from Time Out For Mom and winding up with Stacy Uncorked for Random Tuesday Thoughts ! Wanna come with?
Have a terrific Tuesday!
DISCLAIMER: I was not compensated to write this post. This is solely an honest review based on my personal experience with Sottopelle Therapy. I am sharing this information with you to give you an understanding of how it may help you. To learn more about bio-identical hormones visit, SottoPelle Therapy and I suggest that you consult your doctor to see if this is a good alternative for you.
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You have inspired me to ditch my old doctor and switch over to a new one. The one I selected when we moved back to WA was not a communicative sort, meaning she stared at her tablet as I spoke, never acknowledging any of my health concerns as I’m getting ‘up there’, nor did she address any of the minor issues I brought up that still plague me incessantly (like extreme water retention – constant bloating, especially when it’s extreme in my legs and feet is annoying!!)
I probably need to check into addressing pre-menopause stuff, since it seems that’s where I’m headed – or already at.
I will ask my new doctor when I see her about this for sure! 
I’m a woman of a certain age. I had periods from hell and was happy to get rid of them. I was fortunate that I really suffered nothing worse than mild hot flashes with “the change.” My endocrine system is crap (hypothyroidism, diabetes) and I have fibromyalgia. I might consider asking about this treatment, except I also have bipolar disorder. Birth control pills made me koo koo, and I don’t mean for Cocoa Puffs. I’m always worried that messing with my hormones might put me over the moon, and not in a good way.
Thanks for visiting us at KHEL 666.
What difficulties! I’d be concerned, if BC gave me an adverse reaction. I hope menopausal doesn’t make life too unbearable for you.