Tuesday Talk Time: #Sottopelle Therapy part 2


In April, I spoke of starting on a new HRT. If you missed that post, you can read it about here.  It has been three months now and it’s time to share with you the benefits of my SottoPelle Therapy.

Energy boost

The first thing I noticed within 4-days of getting my first pellet inserts was my energy level. WOW, what a difference! Prior to the insertion, I was dragging around the house with no life by the time DH got home in the evenings.  All I wanted to do was go to bed. At the time, I would give my energy level on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the best ~ a 5. My levels kept improving over the weeks and most days I give myself an 8 on the energy scales. I feel pretty amazing! Continue reading “Tuesday Talk Time: #Sottopelle Therapy part 2”

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