Tag: Miscellany Monday
December 02, 2013
Monday Morning Musings
Monday Morning Musings # 7
Are you looking for my Monday’s Music Moves Me post? If so, then click here or stick around to read…
October 07, 2013
Monday Morning Musings
Monday Morning Musings #5
You may remember last week that I was complaining about tree sap dropping on our newly washed car. The city…
September 30, 2013
Monday Morning Musings
Monday Morning Musings #4
Good Monday morning or afternoon! Who knows when this post will actually go live. I’m just that unorganized for the…
September 23, 2013
Monday Morning Musings
Monday Morning Musings #3
Wow, it really feels like fall! This morning the temperature was in the low 50s. My toesy got cold, but…
September 09, 2013
Monday Morning Musings
Monday Morning Musings #1
I have been wanting to launch my own random blog hop for sometime. It’s a brand new week to kick…