Friday Sillies

Summer to Back 2 School Humor

Howdy-hi, folks!  In the past I’ve doubled down on Friday to bring you a hodgepodge of bloggy connections.  I’m switching things back to sharing nothing but funnies in this segment and as you noticed I’m no longer using ‘Friday Sillies’ in my post banner.   If you’re looking for my Feline, Friendship, Friendly Fill-ins Friday, or SWF contribution and if everything went well *cross fingers* then it posted earlier in my Friday Fun Stuff segment.  😉

Why not share with me funny videos or memes or anything that’s made you smile.  Send it to me via email and if I use it in my Friday Funnies segment then I will credit you for the contribution. 

Alrighty, that’s it for now…I’ll be with Monday’s Music Moves Me where you’ll find me boogieing to your choice’ song picks, so I hope you’ll join me on the dance floor.  I’m closing out things today with a nice instrumental arrangement discovery by The 126ers, End of Summer.  Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends! X💋X💋, Cathy



  • Debbie D.

    Hard to believe it’s September already! Kids here go back to school the Tuesday after Labour Day. Since we live right by one, it’s going to get noisy around here, twice a day. Love the funnies, especially the Stephen KIng one. 😀 I wish you and DH a happy long weekend!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi again, Cathy!

    Seeing as how I declined to smooch the kitty in your earlier post, I’m gonna smooch the one at the top of this post, and tickle his belly while I’m at it. Our black cat, a former stray, loves to jump in bed with us at night with his “motor running” and coax me to pet and scratch him all over. I am happy to stay awake a while longer and do it because I was deprived of having a dog or cat as a boy and I’ve been making up for it ever since.

    Aha! You still have “FRIDAY SILLIES” as the caption beneath that kitty. I hope you’ll pardon me if I use the term Friday Sillies now and then.

    Scrolling down to the second kitty pic, I am reminded that the vet told us we need to keep our cat indoors from now on. He’s getting old and is susceptible to allergies triggered by the chemicals used on the lawn, pollen, tree sap and other allergens. He often yearns to go running around outside, but he has the screened lanai if he insists on being outdoors, and that’s going to have to be good enough. That “Me… during the summer” meme is the coolest bulldog I’ve ever seen! (LOL) The cartoon about overlapping seasons and holidays tells the honest truth. I’ve been seeing H-ween related TV commercials for candy, spooky movies, etc, for weeks on end, ever since early August. Let me be the first to wish you a happy 4th of July 2022! (LOL) The “Young Stephen King” cartoon is a good one, too.

    I’ve heard of the 49ers and the 76ers, but not the 126ers. I enjoyed their “End Of Summer” instrumental and went searching for info about them. Turns out several people online have been trying unsuccessfully to find a bio on the group. Do you know anything about them?

    Thanks for the mewsic and smiles, dear friend Cathy. I wish you and DH a safe and happy weekend, and I’ll see you on the dance floor on Monday!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I had a few pets as a kid but there were so many outdoor pooches and kitties to play with that I never felt like I was deprived. Pets offer unconditional love, even cats in their funny way, which provides great comfort anytime of the day. Although your kitty is now confined to indoors living, at least yours has a screened in area to enjoy the outdoors. I have yet to see Halloween candy commercials but we don’t have broadcast content playing, we stream 99% of everything we watch. Some of it has commercials so it won’t be long before we’ll see advertisements for Halloween goodies. No, I know nothing about The 126ers. I really enjoy their sound and am glad you like them as well. I left a comment on the YTers thread who uploaded all of The 126ers singles as a full album playlist. Hopefully, he’ll leave a reply. Have a funtastic weekend, my dear friend!

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