Challenge,  Get To Know Me (g2km)

Stare it Down – Day 29 G2KM Blog Challenge

There’s no denying it, I have a sweet tooth.  For years, my cravings for candy felt like an obsession.  I fell prey especially  to my fondness for chocolate, milk or dark. It made no differences, if it was in the house then it called my name until I crumbled like a rag doll as I tore away the wrapper to silence the little beast.  Then all was good…or was it?

What I discovered about myself was not really a craving so much as a conditioning of my mind.  I told myself, I couldn’t have it because it was bad for my diet.  This made me ‘want’ it more and more and more.

After years of struggling with this issue, I decided to allow myself the simple indulgence of a piece of chocolate every day with no guilt.  I ate a ‘fun size’ piece of candy even if I wasn’t craving it.  Before long I noticed my craving for chocolate had all, but vanished.

Oddly, though when I go to the grocery store I always want to buy something sweet.  I never know what kind of candy I want.  Is this a craving or my mind playing tricks?  I find every time I get this overpowering sense, I go straight to the candy aisle and look across the row of shelves stocked  piled with delicious yummies.  I pace up and down the aisle, stopping to look at a bag of candy or two or three or until my need for something sweet  passes.

The big ole bad chocolate bars don’t intimidate me these days as they once did.  I have a new line of defense, all I have to do is stare it down.  What can I say, it works for me every time!



  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Xenia…brownies you say! I can see how easy it would be to lose the battle over home baked goodies. Lets hold hands and stand strong on this. We can face our cravings together staring them down! Repeat after me, “Mind over tummy.” Good, but say it louder, “MIND OVER TUMMY!”I don’t know about you, but I sure feel better now. =D

  • Xenia

    What a great way to conquer cravings… I might have to try that. Although I’m pretty sure that if I was staring down a pan of brownies right now I would probably still be extremely intimidated! 🙂

  • Donnie

    Don and I have started to cut back and the best way I know to do it is not to bring it home. When he looks in the cabinet for a snack everything is a surprise but for me I KNOW it’s there and I have to avoid it. Now I just don’t bring it in. I’m going to try to stare things down too.

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