Wordless Wednesday

Soco Falls near Cherokee NC

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! Photography hasn’t been at the top of my list since DH had retina attachment surgery more than year ago. However on the rare occasions we got out with camera in hand or this particular day, my new iPhone 8 I snapped this picture of Soco Falls near Cherokee North Carolina last December and am just finding time to share it with you. I couldn’t see what I was doing with the bright sunlight and angle I was holding my phone.

I’ve photographed more waterfalls in our region over the years. You’re welcome to check these out.




[tweetthis]I linked up with Curious as a Cathy for some not-so #WW fun & I invite you join the party! #photography[/tweetthis]




Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.


1. What would you say is your biggest day-to-day challenge? Getting off the Internet to do my chores and to exercise. 🙂

2. May 16th is National Biographers Day. What’s a biography you really enjoyed reading? Is this a genre you read regularly? I can’t think of a biography I’ve read in many years. In case you don’t recall, I’m not much for reading because my brain won’t slow down enough to allow me to stay focused on book-length material.

  1. How important is keeping a clean house? Do you need to de-clutter your life? On a scale from 1 -10, I’d say 8.  I’m not obsessed with cleaning but I do like things to be tidy. Oh, yes we do have clutter that needs to go!

4. You’re the 8th dwarf. What’s your name?  Adorable. That’s what DH says. He’ll say, you’re so adorable. I guess that’s as good as a name as any for a female dwarf, wouldn’t you?

5. What’s surprised you the most about your life or life in general? I think what surprised me is how I don’t mind my age or revealing it to others because they are like, “No way, you’re 56!” And, I’m like yes way I am. 🙂

6. Insert your own random thought here. I’m working on a waterfall on my iPad but it’s not ready to show.  However, in April 217 while waiting for DH at one his eye surgery follow-up appointments I drew a waterfalls scene the old fashion way a charcoal pencil and sketch pad.  I never got a chance to share it before now.





Have a good day and please join me for some giggles with Friday Fun Stuff!








  • Birgit

    I love waterfalls and find them intoxicating. When I was little there was a tiny little brook…very tiny and that went down the side of our hill. I would be out there by march just playing near it, changing the rocks around and enjoying myself. I love the picture and the drawing your created-well done! You know…you should buy some Wink of Stella too add some subtle glitter to your pieces you wish to do. The 8th dwarf? Forgetful.

  • Oh My Heartsie Girl

    I love being near water falls, it is so soothing to the soul! There were so many places in Utah we spent time and it was always by a stream, or river where the water ran fast. Thanks for bringing back the memories.

  • -Eugenia

    Waterfalls are beautiful and we’re lucky to have several in Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. I love you sketch, Cathy! You’re becoming a pro at this stuff. 🙂

  • Arlee Bird

    Seeing your drawing gave me a memory flash. I recall making a nice drawing (colored markers maybe) of a waterfall. I wonder what happened to that. Waterfalls make great subjects for art.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Sketching a waterfall is trickier than I thought. I have lots of room for improvement but that’s fine by me. It gives me more chances to get it right. Hmmm, I hope you find your waterfall drawing. Was this something you did in recent years or long ago?

  • John Holton

    The drawing reminded me of the American and Bridal Veil Falls at Niagara Falls, though the one on the left would need to be much wider. People always think of the Horseshoe Falls when they think “Niagara Falls,” because they’re the biggest and most spectacular (and the ones people are always trying to go over in a barrel), but it’s really the three falls taken together. If you’ve never been there, it’s really amazing, especially if you like waterfalls. Mary and I went about 25 years ago and took the whole tour, including going down to be at the base of them.

  • Comedy Plus

    I love waterfalls. I always stop and explore them too.

    I’m 66 and my hair is gray. I don’t care about my age either. Life is wonderful and then some.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      That’s a good way of putting the disappearance of time. 🙂 Incidentally, the site you used when you signed in goes to a blog that requires an invite. You may wish to consider including a direct link back to your blog in comments for others to find you. Thanks for the return visit.

  • 15andmeowing

    Great photos, that looks like a beautiful place to visit. Very nice drawing too. And after seeing your photo yesterday, I agree, you don’t look 56, you look much younger-please share your secrets, I need help 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t have a secret with my youthful appearance, except to give God credit. He kept my head level. I avoided things that I think can make a person look older like drugs, smoking, and alcohol (excessive drinking). Rough living or even poor health gives a person the appearance of being older. Another thing is an attitude. If you’re a happy person, then the face radiates. If I’m stressed or not feeling well, then I look older. It’s really incredible how eliminating these elements from the equation can make a huge difference with me. I bet it’s the same for others, too.

  • Raquel Jiménez Lastras

    hacía tiempo que no me pasaba por aquí y es muy grato reencontrarte con esta preciosa fotografía de una cascada.
    el ruido del agua al caer y la belleza del paisaje siempre me han gustado mucho.

    • Thomas Anderson

      Hi again, Cathy!

      i was curious to know what Raquel wrote and so I took the liberty of translating the comment:

      “I had not been here for a long time and it is very nice to meet you again with this beautiful photograph of a waterfall.
      the noise of the falling water and the beauty of the landscape have always pleased me a lot.”

      • Cathy Kennedy


        I often translate Racquel’s comments then edit her’s to show it for others to know what she wrote, so thank you for doing this already. It would be nice if there is a Plugin I could use to do that with comments. I will have to check into this as a possibility.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Raquel, Gracias por visitar, querido amigo! Siempre es un placer verte de nuevo. Es increíble cuán ruidoso puede ser el agua en cascada incluso a una gran distancia de la oreja, como estas cascadas fueron de nosotros. Siempre me sorprende cuando caminamos junto a un arroyo de montaña lo ensordecedor que es el sonido del agua apresurada y, sin embargo, es pacífico. ¡Que tengas un buen día y te veré pronto!

      English translation thanks to Google: Thank you for visiting, dear friend! It’s always a pleasure to see you again. It’s incredible how loud cascading water can be even at great distance from the ear, such as this waterfalls was from us. It always amazes me when we walk beside a mountain creek how deafening the sound of the rush water is and yet it’s peaceful. Have a good day and I’ll see you soon!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I love being around waterfalls. In younger years back in PA I occasionally made a day trip to the Poconos and visited falls there. I loved gong to the mountains in the cold of winter. All my senses came into play at those falls: feeling the damp chill in the air, the smell of the woods, the spectacular sight and the roar of tons of water crashing on rocks below. You truly come alive around waterfalls, don’t you? I admire the picture you snapped at Soco Falls and I am very impressed by the charcoal waterfall sketch you drew.

    When it comes to staying focused on long form reading material like books my brain behaves much like yours. I have difficulty concentrating because too many other thoughts and ideas keep entering my mind. It is interesting that DH calls you “adorable” because that is the same adjective I and another reader came up with yesterday after seeing a picture of you as an adult for the first time. I have another name for you: Miss Photogenic! 🙂 You really do look much younger than your actual age, Cathy. You don’t look 56 or even 36. I thought you had posted a picture of one of your daughters! 🙂

    Happy wordy Wednesday to you, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Waterfalls are magical. Prior to DH surgery, we went to Boone North Carolina. We planned to get on the Blue Ridge Parkway for a short way before we needed to get off south of their because they are working on the viaduct, so we had to take an alternate route around the road construction. The road was twisty as you can imagine but all along the edge of the mountain side of the road we spotted numerous waterfalls, most were small, but a few nice sized ones. It was a more interesting drive than we had expected. I’d like to take it again once DH’s eyesight is better.

      Oh, I’m sure if you saw my daughters and me side-by-side you would then see that I’m older. I often joke about being their older sister and I’m forever saying the 50s are the new 30s. You’re the first person to say I’m photogenic. Whenever I see a picture of myself I think I look just the opposite. Again, thank you for the compliments, dear friend. 🙂

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