Friday Fun Stuff

Foghorn Leghorn Quotes #humor

Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs!  We’re more than half-way through the month which makes me kinda dizzy. Today is DH’s off Friday, so you won’t find me in Blogosphere.  Of course, this doesn’t stop me from sharing this week’s dose of gigles with some retro funnies in this edition of Friday Sillies!


“A Broken Leghorn” from Foghorn Leghorn Quotes on Vimeo.


[tweetthis]Get your weekly dose of #giggles on the latest edition of #FridaySillies! #foghornleghorn #quotes #comics[/tweetthis]


Foghorn Leghorn quotes….


“That boy’s as timid as a canary at a cat show”


“Say, boy, you cover about as much as a flapper’s skirt in a high wind”


“Gal reminds me of a highway between Forth Worth and Dallas – no curves”









I grew up watching these old cartoons filled with loaded with insanely ridiculous animated stunts that I knew not to do and never needed any warning nor did I attempt to do. I turned okay, so did most of my generation. What does that tell us about today’s kids? I think I know what Foghorn would say…



“He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent”




Switching gears, I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins. Annie is taking a bit of blog break, so Ellen got her pal, Lorianne to help out.


  1.  Happiness is something that must start with yourself, never look for others to give it to you or else you might find yourself disappointed.
  2.  Ten years ago, I still had all my darling children under our roof.
  3.  Happiness is the best medicine.
  4.  Most people don’t know that I there are things going on behind the scene that I can’t reveal. It’s all in God’s hands and I asked that you join in me in prayer concerning these unspoken issues.






That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor with ‘songs about remembering or forgetting‘ (see side menu for explanation) on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!
























    • Cathy Kennedy


      I say, I say me, too! LOL So, glad to pass some smiles your way and I certainly appreciate the prayers. You and yours are always in mine.

        • Cathy Kennedy


          Oh, yes the little rooster is cute with those big, round glasses. Why is it you put a pair of over-sized glasses on someone and it makes them look either like rocket scientist or computer nerd? 😀

        • Suzanne Gunter McClendon

          Hi Cathy,

          I don’t know, but it does seem to work that way, or it just makes them look totally adorable. 🙂 However, I wear oversized glasses usually and they don’t do any of the above for me. haha

          Have a blessed day. 🙂

  • Myke Todd

    I watched Foghorn with my grand kids last night. I thought I was introducing him to them, but they knew who he was.

    Good times, good times.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Oh, that’s good your grandkids already knew who Foghorn Leghorn is! I reckon their parents introduced them to the cartoon character, huh? These old cartoons never go out of style! Thanks for visiting, my friend!

  • 15andmeowing

    I always liked Foghorn Leghorn. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree with #1 , we our responsible for our own happiness. As for #4, I will be praying for you. Have a nice weekend! XO

  • messymimi's meanderings

    These old cartoons were such fun! The kids enjoyed them and there was enough humor for the adults, too.

    Your situation, whatever it happens to be, is in my prayers for the outcome that will bring the most glory to the Savior.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I appreciate the prayers. It’s good to have friends in Blogosphere willing to uplift my needs. Yes, the old cartoons were loads of fun keeping both kids and adults entertained alike. You can’t say that for comedy today. It seems writers are focused on one target audience at a time.

  • Birgit

    Oh how I love Foghorn Leghorn and his quotes are hilarious. I love him with the dog. All those cartoons are so great and were meant for adult audiences actually. The dumbasses needed to keep their hands off of these precious cartoons. We turned out fairly well i think and I never thought a duck could hold his bill in his hand or that Wiley E bought things from the Acme Co. Yes, a dumb nut does think Mexico should pay (sorry). You are so right about happiness. 10 years ago, my mom was alive and well, my hubby was working and had no major health issues and we were planning our trip to Europe. Cherish every single day. Have a great weekend. This is our long weekend when everything opens up and kids become stupid with drinking too much

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I couldn’t agree with you more regarding leaving these classic cartoons alone. I certainly do that cherish every day because you never know if it’ll be your last. We’re facing Memorial Day weekend, so there will be more stupid people on the roads than usual. While I love the extended weekends I hate that everywhere we want to go is more crowded. I’m content just to pass on going anywhere in favor of a quiet sane weekend with DH. 🙂

  • John Holton

    It’s only as I’ve gotten older that I can truly appreciate the humor of Foghorn Leghorn. Henery the Chicken Hawk (that’s the way I’ve always seen it spelled) is a riot. Little tiny hawk trying to take down a huge chicken… Mel Blanc was a genius with voices. There were some cartoons that he did all the voices, and just remembering which voice goes with which character was enough of a feat.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I didn’t know for years that it was the only voice that did so many of Warner Brother’s Looney Toons characters. Mel Blanc was a genius. I’m with you, I thought it was a riot of a little hawk trying to take down a bit rooster. lol Those cartoons are golden!

      • John Holton

        Mel worked a lot with Jack Benny, first on radio and later on TV. Benny was funny enough, but add Mel, Frank Nelson (“Yee-eesss?”), Don Wilson, Dennis Day, and Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, even Mary Livingston (Jack’s wife), and you get some classic comedy. If you get a chance to see the TV shows (they pop up in odd places sometimes), they’re worth watching.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Well…I’m glad my post helped. Laughter never eased any of my headaches and in some cases, it made it worse but I never regret laughing when it is aching. Thanks for dropping by despite not feeling good. Have a nice weekend!

  • L.M.G. Miller

    These quotes were the perfect thing to help us start this Friday with a healthy dose of laughter. Thank you for that! And thank you for joining in on the Fill-Ins! I really appreciate the way you answered #1. I completely agree that people should never look to others to bring them happiness. Sending you my thoughts and prayers for much happiness and peace!

    -Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs)

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Laughter can make a frown turn upside down. 🙂 DD#1 used to be horribly bad to look to others for happiness and only found heartbreak. She’s learning to look to look to God to find the happiness that inside herself without others. It’s a slow and painful process for her, though.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for the prayers and the visit. My beloved late mother-in-law always said, “You can’t get too many of them prayers” and she was right. 😉

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoyed your Friday Sillies, dear friend! As a boy and into my teens I watched and loved those Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons produced by Warner Bros. studios during the so-called Golden Age of American Animation. I well remember the blustery character Foghorn Leghorn along with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and many others. My favorite cartoon series was Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote. Mel Blanc was the vocal genius behind many of those memorable characters.

    I agree with you that happiness must come from within. People and things cannot “make” you happy. Most of us have challenging circumstances going on behind the scenes in our lives that we do not wish to discuss publicly. To me the blog world is a place for us to forget our problems for a while, to learn, to laugh and to have fun with friends. Every morning I try to show up wearing a smile because the show must go on. 🙂

    Thank you for the Friday entertainment, dear friend Cathy, and have a super weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I figured many like me have things going on that others via the Internet are not privy to know and you made a valid point, the blogging world is a place for us to escape from life’s issues and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s better than being bogged down by the mess all the time. You know I think about those old cartoons we grew up watching and how ridiculous people are to want to census out the violence. These people really need to turn their attention to these violent video games kids have their noses buried in for 8-12 hours a day. The graphics are so realistic. They become numb to it the violence and they get sucked into thinking there are no consequences to their actions even in real life. The violence in those old cartoons was purposely exaggerated to the point that we knew the difference with no blur lines, unlike today. Thanks for visiting, my friend. 🙂

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