Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday view from yonder mountains

Water Rock Knob on Blue Ridge Parkway

Good morning, lovelies! Last weekend, gorgeous conditions graciously blessed us making it a prime time to spend the day in the mountains. Unfortunately, we were not alone in our idealistic thinking. The park was crawling with locals and out-of-staters alike. We spotted plates far from home as Texas, Wisconsin, Utah, Massachusetts, and Quebec. Clueless to why there was a big draw to our neck of the woods I thought, If this is any indicator of things to come, then we may want to avoid the Smoky’s  until late fall.

Nonetheless, I did not allow the crowds deter my fun.  At Clingman’s Dome the parking was full, forcing us to leave . I persuaded DH to park temporarily in a spot at the entrance because I am an eager shutter bug and I did not want to leave empty-handed for my fellow Skywatch Friday photographers.


ISO: 100, f-length:18mm, f-stop:10, exp-time:1/320
ISO: 100, f-length:18mm, f-stop:10, exp-time:1/320

From the same spot, I took these pictures. It just goes to show, my position changes how the eye perceives these image. In the above photo, I stepped onto a flat rock (you can see it in the bottom picture) in the grass and crouched down to shoot. Little ground, rocks framing the bottom edge, and with the sky less than a third creates a tight composition. The second one,  I stood on the side-walk,  zoomed in a little and panned my camera to the right opening the image distance to the eye. I like both shots. It’s difficult to say, which one I like the best.

ISO:100, f-length: 21mm, f-stop: 10, exp-time: 1/400

Do you have a favorite?

I stumbled upon a new-to-me photography meme called i heart macro. I want to join in the fun, but I don’t have any recent macro shots. Not wanting to miss the opportunity,  I am sharing the love – close up with these photos. Hopefully, I won’t get snubbed.

Image captured at James White Fort in Knoxville
Photo taken along the Dogwood Trail in Sequoyah Hills

Thanks for visiting. Make  your presence known by leaving your footprints behind in my comments and I will return the visit. It’s Friday. Now that the weekend is here, do you have your camera ready for action?

Shine the Divine



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