Saturday Songsuasion

Saturday Song-suasion #6

Thank you for taking time out of your weekend to listen to my weekend music selection! I’m stepping away from my norm to feature an artist I don’t hear often (by choice). His style of music isn’t my forte, but he has a large fan base, which goes without saying, he’s doing somethin’ right. Let’s give it for,



You don’t have to be a die-hard fan of any artist to find a few tunes that you like, and that’s what I found over the years… those few and far between songs to my liking to share with you.





It’s kind of funny. I always thought of Kid Rock as a rapper. As you can imagine it was surprising to find out that many of his songs are not RAP but has a new country or even classic rock flavor to the sound. The thing I totally appreciated seeing in some of his music videos is his American patriotism and supporting our troops. This really rocks!

I hope you enjoyed your visit. In fact, I hope you enjoyed it so much that you cannot wait to tell your friends. Go ahead, hit the share (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) button! You know you wanna. 😉


Have a sensational Saturday!

**Today’s tribute is largely due to my SIL & daughter flew to WI yesterday to attend the Rebel Soul Harley-Davidson 110th Anniversary celebration. That’s a long way from home, I know, but you may recall that I mentioned here my SIL won a customized HD in the recent writing contest and gets to join Kid Rock on stage in concert. Mega cool!**


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