Random Tuesday Thoughts

Rebel Soul & Other Thoughts to Ponder

See the people walking down the street
Fall in line just watching all their feet
They don’t know where they wanna go
But they’re walking in time

Walking in time that is to… Random. Tuesday. Thoughts.  What are you reflecting on this morning?

The good folks at Harley-Davidson hosted a writing competition for their 110th-anniversary celebration.  (Sorry, folks the contest has expired.) They asked participants to describe in a 300 or less character essay, how they would rock the H-D 110th Anniversary Celebration, to win a customized motorcycle, a trip to Wisconsin to attend the celebration, a Kid Rock concert, and join Kid Rock on stage. The prize value $20,000.

My SIL, Ben Balliro, won it! He won the Harley-Davidson. Isn’t this cool?  I’m not a motorcycle fan per see, that’s the mother in me shining through, but I am I mean, we are extremely proud of his accomplishment. Word of his win is reason enough to celebrate.

I give to you, with his permission, of course, his winning entry…

A rebel soul is a soul that embraces freedom and rights. It makes its own future, and the future is rockin the 110th with HOG. Open ride cross-country with nothing but the sun behind him. How would I celebrate the 110th? In the company of friends who love freedom as much as I do.

Congratulations, Ben!

The fight against clearing the clutter in our home is moving steadily forward. I successfully got rid of 5-6 partly filled bags over the weekend. Small changes = big improvements, just as long as no new clutter comes into the house. Remember, there are perpetual pack-rats living here who are trying to banish old ways. It’s not always easy. There needs to be a support group for folks like us, PPA – Perpetual Packrats Anonymous. Would you find yourself joining this group?

Growing up in rural West Virginia in the 60s & 70s, one might consider a hard knock without a shopping mall or a movie theater or cable TV or internet or…okay, there were many things we didn’t have, unlike today’s children. The thing is we were responsible for making our own entertainment to stave off boredom and didn’t mind doing it.

An enjoyable pastime I liked doing was creating new words from a word. For example, RANDOM,  I get man, dam, ran, (and they rhyme) … Get it?  How many words can you spot without repeating any of the letters within each new word?

The next time your kids complain about not having anything to do, challenge them to come up with a list of new words from a single word or phrase. Here’s a little help for you at Letter sorting word search to make you look brainy. Plug in a word and generate a list of new words of your own.  This makes things simple for you, but don’t tell little Johnny or Susie that you cheated. *wink-wink*

What sorts of games did you play when you were a kid that you just don’t see kids playing today?

Thinking of wordplay. This reminds me that school is back in session. It became clear yesterday with the busier than usual flock of people at the store. I had dismissed the thoughts of such things altogether with my hectic summer. Like a slap across the face, the light in the attic went on… this is the first weekend after back-to-school! I was crazy to be mixed in with a crowd people who didn’t see anything wrong with crawling all over me, if I let them, to get what they wanted. Where are people’s manners these days? Parents and children flooded the aisles to find those much-needed supplies required for them to have by their teachers, not mention the lunch and snack foods these little ones need to keep up their brain power.

Let me say one thing, this was not a problem my parents had to deal with when I was in school. One might argue that I went to school during the days of dinosaurs and cavemen. In part, I would say they are right, times were simpler and less stressful. Special supplies were not needed. The only time I recall anyone needing anything more than pencils and paper was if a kid was in a club, the band, or athletics program and for students who participated in annual events like the Home Ec or Science fairs.

Why do you suppose it’s necessary for back-to-school to be such a headache for everyone?

Speaking of manners, on our way to the car after shopping a car came up behind us and tooted its horn. There was no on-coming traffic. A small toot that said, excuse me I’m passing you now would be okay, but the toot followed angry aggression with the driver punching the gas to pass us which was totally not cool. Two people walking side-by-side with a shopping cart in tow taking up a small part of the traffic way is no threat to this driver or the car but the driver and the car are very much a threat to us. The driver was being nothing more than a stupid hot head. I hate to say it, but the driver was a young woman. No amount of PMS is justification for this kind of rude, reckless behavior.  One can only hope she grows wiser with age. That is if she makes it to maturity.

Do you recycle? Honestly, I do not. That being said, I do try to find ways to stretch things out. I am not an extreme person when it comes to making things go the distance, but I do my part the best I can. I do enjoy knowing how others use ordinary items for dual purposes around the home and isn’t that kind of like recycling? Reader’s Digest published an interesting article on this that I want to share with you, 13+ Steps to a zero waste kitchen.

I’m not insane, but don’t you find this a bit fun…

For more clever designs, check out Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius.

Patrice’s farmhouse porch chat questions this week are…

  1. My oldest daughter has returned to college for her second year. Could I get you to give her some good wishes here? Please? You made it through your first year with the second one just beginning. Keep your focus on your studies, but take breaks as needed to be the most productive. This is, but a short span of time in the rest of your forever afterlife in the “real world”. Best of luck to ya!
  2. Summer is about to move on, what will you miss the most? And the least? My answer is really one in the same, I miss most the time to do whatever I wanted because I was sick, in the hospital, surgery, doctor visits, … Luckily I’m on the mend and looking forward to a wonderful fall.
  3. Are you currently working on any craft, sewing, DIY home, or any other creative project? Not at this time. I do want to begin laying out my Christmas cards, but I waiting to get a few supplies to do this job.
  4. If you could have any treatment at a spa free, what would it be? A massage!
  5. What’s your favorite kind of pasta? I love pasta, but don’t eat it often. Every time we dine at an Italian restaurant, I like getting lasagna. I guess this is my over-all favorite.

That’s a rap on my random preoccupation for this Tuesday, so grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies.


Psst…Psst… a wee reminder, Stacy Uncorked is embarking a huge move across the country this month and is taking a break from blogging with an expected return schedule for September. We’ll all be looking forward to seeing her back!

Have a terrific Tuesday!






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