Random Tuesday Thoughts

Random Tuesday Thoughts: Small Bowel Series

Did you hear the good news? Stacy Uncorked is back in Blogosphere again. Yay, Stacy, welcome back! I cannot imagine making a move such as yours from Pennsylvania to Washington. My buns get sore just thinking about such a trip, and then the seemingly endless road before me would drive me bonkers. Oh, wait…I am already bonkers. Then, it would make me bonkier! Is bonkier even a word? If not, I now declare it is. stupid grin

Yesterday, I launched my very own weekly random meme called, Monday Morning Musings. Yeah, yeah, it is a not a very original name for a hop, but I like it all the same. I hope you’ll decide to join my no-rule linky party!

Anywho what is new with you? Me… not so much. My life is rather Plain Jane. I am lacking a mission in the impossible scheme of things. Last week’s note of excitement came at my expense in the form of a small bowel series. You did not stop by this morning to read about my gastrointestinal hiccups, but I am going to share it with you anyhow because I am just that special. You can leave a thank-you in comments for me. 😀

Trust me when I say, having a small bowel series is not exciting. Getting a tooth extracted is exciting…exciting in a terrifying way that is. In fact, the SBS procedure is boring. I could not have anything after midnight the night before, not even water on the day of. I did sneak in a tooth brushing. Although tempted, I carefully did not swallow a drop of water. I remained strong.

DH dropped me off at the hospital. I registered over the phone but still, I had to go to registration to present the clerk with my pass to admittance with my insurance card and driver’s license. I guess, if I was an illegal alien things would have been different…maybe even better. I mean, after all, they do not have any of these forms of identification and yet they get free medical treatment. Did you know the hospital does not leave insurance info on your account more than 30-days? This means you have to give it to them all over again and in my case, I have had to repeat this step several times over the past four months. Oh sure they keep your address, phone number, and emergency contact info on file indefinitely, but your medical insurance? Nope, it’s not retained on file. Tell me what’s the harm in that? They keep everything else.

After I got checked in, despite my best efforts by agreeing to the register by phone to speed things up I barely got to radiology at my appointment time. I did not have to wait long in the waiting area before I was called. The X-ray techie gal gave me a hospital gown and a warm blanket. That was nice. It was actually a bit nippy last Thursday morning. She snapped one X-ray and then gave me a thick, chalky solution to drink. This is not what I had in mind to drink, but I tipped the cup up and chugged it down in under 3-minutes. I was not going to linger over my cup reading the morning news. I wanted it gone! The gal impressed with my attitude to get the nasty job done quickly despite my gagging. I reckon I’m allowed to gag since I managed to put away a 20-ounce horrible tasting, not-so-fun solution.

The hospital felt a bit drafty. You know how those silly gowns are, so I threw my warm blankie over my shoulders and was told my next x-ray would be in 20-minutes. For the next 2+ hours, I walked in 20-30 minute intervals in circles (which took me past the cafeteria) to get the barium to move faster through my intestines (a trick I learned in June when I had this same procedure performed), then the x-ray techie gal took a picture of my beautiful insides each time. The good news is with all the walking I got some exercising in for the day, since it was totally shot. By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was sleep. Allergies? Toxins from the barium? I don’t know, but I was pooped! Let’s hope no more tests are needed.

Speaking of exercise, I did manage to kick-start my routine more aggressively last week. I rode my bike for an hour and then did a 30-minute Brazil Butt Lift DVD. Don’t be fooled by the name of that program. The results I’ve seen redefine your whole body. My goal is to rebuild muscle that was lost during my illness & post-op recovery, anything else I accomplish will be like icing on a cake. I felt a total sense of accomplishment working out for an hour and a half. My plan is to continue the routine this week and the next until I am back into shape.

Wait! I did actually have a bit of exciting news to tell you. I’m hosting a Diamond Candles giveaway. *happy dance* You can read about it, here, and I invite you to enter. It is easy as 1-2-3. The perfect kind of giveaway we all like!

Before I leave you this morning, I wanted to share a new blog hop I stumbled upon called Tuesday Tunes. I love, love music! Music is an important life ingredient to make one happy. Music makes me move and fills my soul! How about you?


Grab a cup of coffee, you may want to stop dancing so to not spill it on you, and join me as I visit a few of my Monday blog lovelies, you can find their links under Daily Blog Hops at the top of this page. 😉



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