Friday Sillies

Post-Black Friday #humor

Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs!  Another week bites the dust. This is DH’s off Friday, but I didn’t forget you.  We all need some laughs to kick the weekend off, right?  I hope you the post Black Friday humor in this edition of Friday Sillies!

[tweetthis]Get your weekly #giggles with #FridaySillies! #BlackFriday #humor[/tweetthis]

I suspect between now and until the end of the year my blogging life is going to find its way on the back burner.  No, I won’t abandon ship completely but my posts will be fewer, return visits slower, and my response time even slower. I say y’all are in the same boat so we’ll just need to cut each other a lot of slack and enjoy the season.


That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor for all things Christmas, where we’re boogieing to Christmas mewsic throughout December on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

X💋X💋, Cathy




















  • Birgit

    Canada is now trying to get into this stupid Friday mayhem. I just wonder about people when so many are hungry and happy for just some food or a child likes a $5 toy but others will shoot another for something that will end up in a garage sale 5 years from now. That being said, these are funny especially that 50’s one that made me laugh out loud.

  • Michael Todd

    These are funny, especially the one about reaching over the cold, lifeless body, to secure a television.

    I once wrote a poem about Black Friday. I think I referred to it as Green Friday, for effect.

    Sorry to hear about the impending passing of your auto. These are sad days.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I was beginning to think you were going to skip Friday Sillies this week! 🙂 This is an excellent series of Black Friday cartoons, all of them funny. I recognized myself on Black Friday Bingo. I am the miserable husband, because I hate going shopping with Mrs. Shady in crowded stores. On the day before a major holiday like Thanksgiving, the supermarket sometimes gets so busy that it runs out of shopping carts, forcing us to wait for one to become available and be brought in from the parking lot. Camping out overnight at the entrance to a department store and risking fights and stampedes when the doors open to customers is not my idea of fun. Where’s the holiday spirit when people are trampling each other to grab bargains?

    Thank you for the smiles and the mewsic, dear friend Cathy, and have a pAwsome weekend!

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