Battle of the Bands,  Wild Wednesdays

Mr. Blue Sky #BoTB Showdown

Before I get into my regular scheduled post, I want to take a moment to call to y’alls attention that our good friend, Mary from Jingle Jangle Jungle, is in the hospital.  Hopefully, she’ll get to go home soon but I know that anything as of you.  Here’s what I know, after celebrating being cancer-free (endometrial) for five years last month, Mary  found herself passing out at home due to hemorrhaging. Somehow, she managed to dial 911.  The short of it is, her cancer has returned and she’s fighting this beast with everything she’s got. She tells me they think they got the bleeding stopped but there is a mass hiding behind her bladder and there’s a pair of suspicious lymph nodes. She doesn’t know the stage of cancer but it’s related to endometrial/uterine cancer.  I know many of you like me talk to the Lord on a daily basis, so let’s do a lot of talking to Him on Mary’s behalf to bring restore her back to health and to rid her body of this disease.  I’m sending lots of love and hugs to you, dear friend!


I almost goofed big time by not having a mid-month Battle of the Bands but thankfully I noticed before any damage done with no worries to scurry to get something together at the last second. 

Not knowing what song to use as luck would have it I noticed a song cover in YouTube the day I composed this post and wondered what other cover artists singing today’s featured song, Mr. Blue Sky written and produced by ELO frontman, Jeff Lynne, the year DH graduated high school 1977. 

My first contender is the one that got my brain gears working, Postmodern Jukebox ft. Allison Young!

Wanting to apples and apples competing in this round, I looked for another female artist and that’s when I stumbled on Pomplamoose with lead singer Nataly Dawn.

Who gets your vote, Alison or Nataly?

Check back a week from today to see which gal takes the win in the Mr. Blue Sky showdown and don’t forget POLLS CLOSE AT 12:00PM (EST) ON THE 21ST!

[tweetthis]I just voted in the ‘MR. BLUE SKY’ #BoTB showdown. Cast your ballot now for #PMJofficial ft. #AllisonYoung or #Pomplamoose with #NatalyDawn! #coverbands[/tweetthis]

You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.


iPhone8 capture near The Island in Pigeon Forge taken on bridge of the Smoky Mountains backdrop featuring a gorgeous blue December sky!

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

That’s it for now but I’m gonna close out with another cover artist but she isn’t in the showdown.   The adorably talented, Connie Talbot! Why does her name sound familiar? Did you introduce her to me?  Don’t forget I’ll be back tomorrow for Rain’s art date with my newest Procreate sketch creation.  Have a bandtastic day and thanks for sharing in comments your favorite artist!


I participate in these Wordless Wednesday Communities:



  • Mary B

    Let me first say Thank you to everyone that has offered up well wishes for me. The past 2 weeks have been a harrowing ordeal that took me to 3 hospitals and 13 units of blood. By the time I got to the first hospital, I technically should have been dead, yet I was somewhat ambulatory (aside from the passing out). Things are under control now, and I’ve begun my radiation treatments five times a week. I’ve been in a good mood throughout the entire time (with the exception of the night I was hemorrhaging and the nurse just stood like a deer caught in the headlights – she said she didn’t know what to do. I had to tell her to take my vitals and call someone to help her – she took my vitals and disappeared for an hour. I was not happy!)

    As for the battle – I wasn’t crazy about the PMJ arrangement. I’m casting my vote for Pomplamoosa.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Ahh, thank you the update on what’s been going on! I’m so happy you got medical treatment when you did. You’re one quick thinker. I’m not sure if I would’ve known what to do. I guess you must have scared that poor nurse to death being in such rough shape yourself but thank the good Lord you had the presence of mind to snap her out of her ‘deer in the headlight’ fog.

      Your vote for Pomplamoose evens the battle once again. Have a restful weekend. Sending up lots of prayers for your recovery, dearie!

  • Kim @ Storms and Stardust

    Postmodern Jukebox/Allison for me, hands-down. I love the vintage sound, and her vocals are pretty incredible. While I liked the upbeat tempo of Pomplamoose/Nataly’s version, I just really don’t care for that sound.

    Are you still having trouble getting my blog to take your blog info instead of twitter? I hate that. I have no idea what the issue might be in order to fix it. Thanks for stopping by and voting in my battle, though!


    • Cathy Kennedy


      I have your vote marked for Postmodern Jukebox/Allison.

      I was having issues the other day using my WP sign-in info. That’s why I used my Twitter sign-in but today I went back to try it again and this time my test comment using WP worked for me. YAY! I can’t say for sure but the problem might have been me using an old password so instead of saying ‘wrong email/password’ error like you’d expect nothing happened. We’ll see if it continues to work but if not then Twitter is a backup plan.

      Thanks for joining me my mid-month battle and welcome back to BoTB, my friend!

  • Michael Todd

    I listen to Nataly Dawn, at least once a week. Big fan here, so I will cast a vote for Pomplamoose.

  • Arlee Bird

    The Postmodern Jukebox version is pretty and I like string ensembles, but for this song the uptempo treatment by Pomplamoose seemed more appropriate. Give my vote to them.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thank you for stopping by for a visit and offering well wishes to Mary. No doubt, you’re a first time visitor on my site. The reason I suspect this is, WordPress held your comment in PENDING status. I’m usually very skeptical with messages that need moderation but I investigate each one to weed out real bloggers from spambots. May I make a suggestion please? If you do not wish to link your URL to your sign-in credentials, then you may wish to add your web address directly in comments. This does two things for me, as well as others, if you’re new on my site. I can find you easily by clicking on your link and generally those who leave their signature (URL) I find are bloggers just like me. If I only have an email address to go by, then sometimes it’s not easy to find the commenters. Luckily, I managed to find you and I see how you might have found me through Natasha’s Wordless Wednesdays link up. Again, thank you for hopping over to see this week’s WW contribution and I hope you’ll decide to join me again. One more thing…I just came from you website. Unfortunately, there was no way for me to leave a footprint of my visit since you have commenting turned off. I’m not sure why this is but if you’re reading this then I wanted you to know. To spur growth and confidence with other fellow bloggers then you may wish to turn commenting on.

  • XmasDolly

    Connie Talbot is my favorite. I remember her on America’s got talent when she sang, ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow” and she was only 4 or 5. She was so cute. She was on recently and she was superb. Anyway I didn’t know about our friend Jingle, Jangle and the rest. I will add to my prayers immediately. Such a shame. My cousin had Breast Cancer and they got rid of it. She went & got her check up this year and that evil Cancer is back & she’s in so much pain. She needs a miracle is what I’m told. I grew up with her so it’s definitely hitting me hard. Please add her also to your prayers Cat. She really needs a miracle. I pray for her everytime I think of her. So very sad!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Connie is an amazing young artist. It’ll be cool to see her spread her wings in the mewsic industry. Thank you for adding Mary to your prayers. Cancer stinks! I lost two aunts last summer within a month of each other because of cancer. It’s a horrible disease. I pray God leads her doctors to the best, most effective way to diminish or completely wipe the cancer clean from her body. I’m sorry to read that your cousin is facing another occurrence of breast cancer. I shall keep her in prayer. God is able where man wavers.

  • Birgit

    Oh no..I feel so bad for Mary who is now dealt this blow but it sounds like she has a lot of courage and strength even though she doesn’t feel that way. Please send her my hugs and prayers and support. Ion a lighter note, I love ELO and have most of their albums. I love this song and didn’t think I would like PostModern Jukebox but I really do. I love the voice and how they made it unique. The second one just sounded a bit noisy and her voice was not as good as Allison’s

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I think Mary is a strong courageous woman, too. It’s unnerving to deal with a setback as this but I believe she’ll whip this thing with all the good vibes and prayers uplifted on her behalf.

      Thanks for voting for Postmodern Jukebox ft. Allison Young, dearie!

  • John Holton

    I liked both of these: Postmodern Jukebox does some fantastic covers, switching genres on rock songs like they did here. But for my money, Pomplamoose wins it: their close to ELO cover made me smile, and considering how lousy I feel today (lack of sleep due to acid reflux), I needed it.

    Bummer about Mary: for her cancer to have gone away for five whole years only to come roaring back like that is just awful. If you talk to her, tell her I’m praying for her.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m sorry you weren’t feeling your best yesterday. Acid reflux is uncomfortable. I read to avoid eating two-hours before going to bed is supposed to help with this problem. I do get acid often after eating, it generally isn’t bad but I try to get my heaviest eating done hours before I go to bed as I seem to rest better through night. I hope you’re feeling better today.

      I haven’t spoken to Mary but when I sent her an email I included my phone number so she can text or call. I will let her know that you’re thinking of her if we speak and if not, hopefully she’ll get a chance to stop in to read the comments.

      Thanks for voting for Pomplamoose.

  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    HiYa, CATHY! It’s that you?

    I thought both versions of ‘Mr. Blue Sky’ were good, but my BOTB bote goes to Postmodern Jukebox ft. Allison Young. I liked how they approached the song as almost like a 1940s standard or something. I wouldn’t have even realized that was the ELO song if I hadn’t been told upfront by you.

    Really good Battle here, my friend!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, it’s me! Who else would it be? 🙂 I also like the way Allison sings ‘Mr. Blue Sky’ in a 40s style jazzy. It took a couple of listens to before I could wrap my brain around it. I’m not sure which artist would get my vote if I were to vote because I like both versions. Thanks for casting your bote for Postmodern Jukebox ft. Allison Young, my friend!

  • Debbie D.

    Hi Cathy; Mary has been posting about her health issues on Facebook. How terrible, she’s having to deal with a recurrence of that monster, cancer! She’s a strong woman and a survivor. I’ve no doubt she will beat this horrible disease again. 💗

    As for the battle, my vote goes to Postmodern Jukebox. I preferred the vocals and the arrangement.

    That’s a stunning photo! Suitable for framing.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for letting me know that Mary’s been updating her health situation on Facebook. I’m not on there enough to keep up with the going-ons of others like I should. I hate this for her, too. Hopefully, her doctor will know the best way to treat her and that it’ll be effect at eliminating this booger for good!

      Thanks for the compliment on the photo. 🙂

      Another vote forPostmodern Jukebox. 😉

  • Sandee

    Prayers for your friend, Mary. Such a shame. I hope this can be healed.

    My vote is for Allison Young. It has that jazzy feel.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I hope the treatment Mary is or will take removes the cancer from her body. My heart is heavy for her. She’s such a nice friend. Thanks for praying for her.

      I have you down for Allison Young/b>, my dear.

  • valerie-jael

    Tanks for sharing the music! Sorry to hear about Mary, my thoughts and prayers are with her. You asked on my blog about m fingers. I have had a nasty lupus flare up these past weeks, and this time it really made my right hand bad, causing ulceration of the skin, painful joints, cracked and oozing fingertips etc. Not good, but it’s on the mend! All the best for you, Cathy! Hugs, Valerie

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m sorry to hear you have lupus. I have an aunt who has it and she’s mentioned arthritis symptoms but I had no idea it was related to the disease. Pain alone is bad enough but you’ve had to deal with it coming to the surface. I had no idea this was even possible. Saying prayers of healing for you, my dear. God bless!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy mid-month BOTB day, dear friend! I am sorry to learn that Jingle Jangle Mary is involved in a battle of a different kind. I offer prayers for healing and a full and speedy recovery.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your band battle. I was already familiar with Postmodern Jukebox, having watched their YouTube videos in recent years. Allison Young does a fine job of singing the rock classic in a laid-back style suited for supper club audiences. The California-based husband-and-wife duo Pomplamoose is brand new to my eyes and ears and they are tunetastic. Their version of “Blue Sky” is much more true to the ELO original, and yet it is fresh and innovative with a winning lead vocal performance by Nataly Dawn, a female backing vocalist and a band that puts zing, zest and fun into the performance. Together they really cook, making this a performance I will watch over and over again, a classic in its own right. Thanks to you I am going to delve into the Pomplamoose catalog in search of other gems. Nataly and Pomplamoose get my enthusiastic vote in your contest.

    Yessum, it was me, it was I, it was Shady who introduced you to young English zinger Connie Talbot in two posts on SDMM back in 2016. I like Connie and enjoyed her version of “Mr. Blue Sky,” but even if she had been part of today’s battle, Pomplamoose would still be my pick, my clear favorite of the three acts presented.

    Thank you for a marvelous mewsical morning, dear friend Cathy. It is another day of travel for us, but I should be able to stop in tomorrow morning to check out your art theme post. Have a great day!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for making time to visit this morning. I know you are extremely busy with your move and hope y’all will have this behind you. Many thanks for praying for Mary. I know if she gets a chance to read any of my commenters then she’ll love the encouragement and well wishes.

      I’m glad to have introduced you to your preferred artist Pomplamoose in today’s battle. I hope you do get a chance to scout out more of their tunes.

      Ahh, so it was you who shared Connie Talbot with me. Thanks for clearing up that mystery. 🙂 Connie is a talented young lady. Have a good day and be safe in your travels, my friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Snow is really pretty to look at but I’m content to look out my front window from the warmth of my home. 🙂 The Smoky’s have gotten quite a bit of snow off and on but on this day, the weather was perfect for being outdoors in and I just loved it!

  • Natasha

    Sending loads of love, light and healing vibes for Mary. My the force be with her at all times.

    That’s a spectacular shot of a blue December sky, dear Cathy. <3

    Much love and hugs

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