Monday Morning Musings

Monday Morning Musings #15

At the end of last week, a friend asked if I had a blog button. That’s when it occurred to me I had not created one for this blog. After deciding on my images, I then began the HTML coding.  This is really a simple thing, and a task I have done many times. However, try as I may I could not get it to work properly in my side bar. I don’t know what I was doing wrong, so I abandoned my attempts and found a site that generates HTML coding, which works in my sidebar with no problem. Do you see it in the upper right corner? Please snag it, if you wish.

Anyhow, the crazy thing is that my HTML coding works when placed inside a blog post or even on a page post, but it won’t work in the side bar. Until now, I have never had this problem. Has Blogger done something different? Have you experienced similar trouble? Please enlighten us by sharing!

Let’s get Monday started, so grab a cup of coffee and settle yourself in to read my responses to a few of my favorite Monday memes on Monday Morning Musings!

My first blog hop takes me to The Good Life . Each week, Stash prompts us to create a list of 10 things and Christine submitted today’s prompt.

“10 Things in Your House Which Need to be Fixed”

  1. storm door
  2. shower tiles
  3. kitchen cabinet drawer
  4. carpet
  5. exterior paint job needed
  6. interior paint job needed
  7. recliner worn out
  8. sofa worn out
  9. APC unit needs to replacement battery – just got it on Friday, will change out this week.
  10. My hair – new hair color, not so good.

Forget the home repairs. I’ll just go for a new house with new furniture – the works!  Wouldn’t that be AWESOME? Hey, don’t deprive me of this dream because this is all I have at the moment! 😀


Acting BalancedHeather & her sidekick, Wayne, hosts MQAM hop. Each week, they post four loaner questions to answer, and then allow a free-for-all fifth question of our choice for readers to respond to in the comments. Sounds fun? Then, be sure to visit Acting Balanced for the fun!

Here’s a little more intel to get to know me better…

  1. February 10th is Clean Out Your Computer Day! It is a day to logically review, and delete old files and programs. Will you be taking part? This is a regular state of mind that I try to maintain. After years and years of neglect, I have become more determined to keep unwanted files off my hard drive. All important documents and photos I make sure to archive routinely to an exterior storage. It is safe to say that tomorrow I will be doing something to work toward my goal of keeping my computer clean.
  2. February is also National Grapefruit Month – are you a grapefruit lover? Recipes? I like grapefruit. I prefer eating grapefruit in itself simplest form, sliced in half and sprinkle Splenda on each half. I love the Ruby Red grapefruit variety the best. 

  3. Are you watching the Olympics? What events hold your interest or are you just ignoring the whole thing? I’m catching clips of the games. My favorite events are ski jumping, figure skating, and the luge.

  4. Valentine’s Day is Friday – are you planning to celebrate? The only thing I have planned at the moment is presenting DH with a hand-stamped card and a small box of chocolates. I originally was going to make home-made cinnamon buns, but he said he didn’t want them since he wants to loss some weight. Actually, we both need to drop a few pounds, so this will be a good thing to not make any unnecessary sweets. 

My question is, what is your favorite truffle center in dark, milk, or white chocolate? A favorite easy-to-get truffle that’s sure to satisfy my chocolate craving & nothing tastes better than this an intense 72% cocoa dark chocolate lightly powder sugar dusted shell filled with a SEXsational creamy soft goodies known as Godiva’s Chocolate Lava Cake.  This is sure to make you go Mmm in more ways than one! 😉


Do you like music? Would you like a fun, loving group of loyal bloggers to visit you week after week after week? If you’re nodding your head yes like I think you are, then you’re gonna wanna check out Monday’s Music Moves Me and be a part of the dance floor shaken’! Today’s theme is “love songs“.



  • Stasha

    Anything boozy inside a truffle will do 😉 I could do with a new haircut and color too. In fact that should probably move to number 1 on the list no?

  • Rory Bore

    Oh the To Do fix it list is so long. so so long.
    But we actually did tackle 2 chores today! Left Brain has been steam cleaning the carpets (just downstairs rec room and the master bedroom – all other floors are wood or tile), and since all the furniture is removed I am dusting like a busy bunny! and giving the walls a bit of a wipe down too.
    sticky finger prints — and quite a few spilt coffee drips too! – all over my walls.

    keeping my computer organized is a weekly task. After one computer crash which lost a lot of our pics and docs, we back up to an external drive often.

    I’d say I have earned some of those delicious Lindor Lindt chocolate truffles. I have no idea what the centre is, but they are smooth and tasty.

  • CLR

    Sometimes that is the better plan – scrap the old and go with the new….that would be a dream. New furniture…I have two chairs that will likely shred into a pile of thread and dust very soon…

    Your hair on the list! Love it!

  • Colette S

    Yay! You finally have a button! It’s very nice.
    Sometimes I can’t remember things with html that I learned early on too in blogger.

    I do need to clean out my pc. I like that idea.
    I used to love grapefuit until I got swollen from eating it.

    For chocolate I’ll take any sort of milk chocolate 😉

  • Yona Williams

    LOL @ your hair on the list.

    I am lucky not to have any kitchen cabinets broken or unhinged…although it seems that everything around them needs help…

    I could go for an extra room and I’d be happy.

    Nice blog button 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Our kitchen cabinets are the original ones put in from the 70s and the contractor must have gone with the cheapest thing available. My hair definitely made the list without question. It’s beginning to look a little better with vigorous washing with Dawn dish detergent every night before I use my shampoo, but has a way to go before I’ll be happy. I reckon I will wind up coloring it again in a month to try to correct or miss it up more. lol

  • Clarinda @ Enjoying the Course

    New house and new furniture would definitely be a dream come true. I’d also like that dream to come with a 24/7 maintenance man for the inevitable wear and tear.

    Love how you included your hair in your list. I’m guessing that might be the first thing to get fixed.

  • Christine

    I forgot about our storm door! It was torn off the house in a storm a few years ago, but it’s on a door we never use. Gotta remember to do that this spring! 🙂
    The repairs never end, do they?
    I am loving the Olympics. I always do. I’ll watch any event.
    Computer clean up, huh? I really do need to back up the photos…

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