Friday Fun Stuff

Miscellaneous funnies from reserved stash, fill-ins, and more

Another work week is winding down and with no particular direction on what to share, I decided to pull from my funnies reserve these random, unrelated memes and cartoons for this dreary, wet winter day.  I need to chase these dark clouds away with some smiles.  Are you ready? Alrighty, set your hot drink down before your eyes scan any further! 😁

Is your coffee in your hand? Sit it down before proceeding….

All I can say is that fella better have his life insurance policy paid up. 🤣
The Holderness Family Best of 2021: Our Favorite Music Moments

Here are my responses to this week’s fill-ins shared by my blogger buds 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs.

1. I feel sad sometimes when I think about how this virus has robbed us of being around others without worry.  However, I think things could be turning around with this battle against this plague.  Omicron while bad, might be the natural booster our world needs to squash this thing. *fingers crossed, say a little prayer*
2. I wish I could erase ugly words and behavior of others from my memory to free up some space. Saying or doing things in anger is never a good idea. We’re all guilty of this but we need to refrain ourselves from making the situation worse or causing hard feelings later.  
3. Others probably find it annoying that I have a super sunny morning personality.  I actually was told one time that I was super annoying because I was just too happy in the mornings. lol
4. A cure for cancer really needs to be invented.  Although, I have no proof but knowing what I know about how corporate and political power works I’m pretty sure there is a medical cure for just about anything.  They meaning those in control don’t want it because, being sick is a big money for them and they see this as a way to depopulated the world.  It looks like you can have your cake and eat it to.

This is CAAC signing off, up next is Saturday Songsuation.  Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends!


Using my photo from a previous Skywatch Friday segment, I used Pixelmator Pro to remove barbed wire fence before using Brushstroke app to give my image a painting-like effect. I just love this app!

More Friday linky parties…


  • 15andmeowing

    Great bunch of funnies. I like the pizza one. 🙂 Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree with #4. there is so much money in chemo that they would rather poison people with that than make them healthy. I wish I could wake up in a sunny mood- I must have coffee. Have a nice weekend. XO

  • Sandee

    Love the cat eating the groundhog. I laughed out loud.

    I’m usually happy in the mornings too. Not every morning, but most.

    Love all the funnies and the walkie talkie one made me laugh out loud. I stole it for my Facebook page.

    Love your fill-ins. We’re much alike.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah the cat eating the groundhog meme is hilarious. lol No worries on lifting the walkie talkie meme. I can’t recall where I borrowed it but if it makes someone laugh then I’m for spreading the happiness.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I said, I’m happy not wide awake. lol Earlier this week, I set the coffee maker up and flipped it on. I glanced at it once thinking it didn’t look right and when it got done that’s when I realized I had forgot to add the coffee to the basket. That was Monday and I had a number of screwy things go wrong. I could blame it on “Monday” but the truth is I wasn’t feeling my best. Apparently more off-key then I first thought.

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