Maine Vacation 2022

Maine Vacation 2022, Part 18

In this installment, I’m reflecting back at September 21st of our Maine vacation.  On this day, we had our last breakfast with DD#2. She had to get back to her life again. We were happy to spend time with her and it broke our hearts to say goodbye. The only thing that kept us going was, we knew we’d see her in a few weeks at her brother’s wedding.

I’m glad on the day she departed it was sunny. That helped to chase away the glum.  We walked along more of the Bar Harbor Shore Path.  There’s public parking at Grant Park. The shore path crosses the park.  A few days earlier, we attempted to park here.  DD#2 wanted to go into an antique store on Albert Meadow. This time we were fortunate to find an empty space to park.    

We walked The Shore Path to the Town Pier. The ice cream stand we thought was closed for the season was open when we got there, so we indulged ourselves. They had Gifford. I’m sure the locals are like, “Why do tourists buy it from there when you can get it in the grocery store?” I say this because we say the same thing about Mayfield ice cream sold in shops in the foothills. The big difference is Gifford is better than Mayfield.

We still hadn’t walked any of the carriage trails in the park, so after we ate our ice cream we went back to our car to head into the park. We accessed the Carriage Trails from Eagle Lake Rd (route 233) just past Duck Brook Rd (on left) where there’s a small parking area and a view of Eagle Lake.

There was still so much to see but time wasn’t on our side. We probably walked a mile, round trip on the Carriage Trail before leaving. We headed to Northeast Harbor. My memory is foggy to why we decided to go there other than we wanted to enjoy the area. Our notes indicated there was a bakery in Northeast Harbor but it was late in the day. We weren’t hopeful there would be any donuts left but gambled the venture anyhow since we were already going that way. Colonial’s Restaurant and Bakery looked familiar. I got the feeling that maybe we were there in 2004 but neither of us could swear to it. I skimmed quickly through old photos from previous trips but I had nothing. Anyway… we were surprised Colonial’s had some donuts left. As I mentioned, it was late afternoon. We thought it wise to have an early dinner at Colonial’s. We shared the fish and chips entree, then afterwards we ate the donuts. Boy, am I ever glad I sent daily text to the kids or else I wouldn’t remember some things like what donuts we sampled here. We tried the blueberry, apple, and glazed twist donuts. It turned out that our favorite pick was the apple glazed.It was fun.

From there we continued to drive around. Google doesn’t have street view of this portion of Northeast Harbor but I figured out where I snapped the next batch of images. We were at NE Harbor Islesford Ferry on Harbor Dr. DH mentioned having seen this spot in magazine and always wanted to see it. Our timing was just perfect. The evening sunlight lit up the trees across the harbor. We hurried to capture the scene before the magic was gone.

Honestly, I don’t think these photos truly capture how gorgeous the view was and it was beautiful moments such as this that captured a dreamy essence causing us to linger a little longer and wishing for it to not end but night would soon fall, so it was time to head to our room.

That concludes another day in Maine.  I appreciate your visit and your time to journey with me as I enjoy our vacation all over again. Please join me tomorrow for impromptu account of our recent weekend getaway.   X💋X💋, Cathy


I’m joining the wonderful Wordless Wednesday community hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus



    • Cathy Kennedy


      We both love, love ice cream! Frequently, we’ll have ice cream for dessert after dinner even at home. Last night, we didn’t and now I want some! lol

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I really am enjoying sharing this series with everyone. I had worried stretching it out might be a drag but I’ve gotten some positive feedback. There aren’t too many more chapters left in my adventure. I’ll be sad when it’s done. Thanks for joining me, darlin’!

  • Sandee

    So beautiful. I would love to explore Maine. Beautiful state.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs, Cathy. ♥

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild, Wacky and Almost Wordless Wednesday, dear friend! I’ve got my hiking shoes on and my tourist binoculars around my neck and I’m ready to head out with you and DH on the next leg of your Maine adventure.

    That’s right. I forgot that your son’s wedding was coming up a few weeks later, making it a little easier to part with DD2 that day in Maine, since she would be coming down for it. What a glorious, sunny day you had! Hooray for the red, white and blue – the red flowers, the white house and the brilliant blue sky. The views of Bar Harbor, Balance Rock, Egg Rock Light and the boats on the water are all stunning. Your pictures all look like professionally shot postcards.

    It didn’t take you guys long to find ice cream. I too would have indulged, no matter what time of day. Anytime is ice cream time. The scenes you captured along the Carriage Trails are delightful. We have an Eagle Lake in our county. I particularly like the composition showing red wildflowers and rocks in the foreground, aquatic plants rising from the water, the lake encircled by trees and the mountains in the distance.

    As the day wound to a close and you grew weary from the long hike around the lake, Colonial’s Restaurant and Bakery must have seemed like an oasis, or perhaps “just a Mirage” as Tommy James sang. Those donuts look so good I am holding a drool bucket under my chin as I gaze at them and imagine tasting them. You capped off a perfect day of sightseeing by arriving at Northeast Harbor just in time to take excellent pics of the area bathed in the last light of sunset. The picture showing the sun shining on the multicolored fall leaves of the trees and the shades of orange and gold reflected in the water is just gorgeous. It was indeed a magic moment and I can understand why you didn’t want it to end. Thank goodness for these sensational pictures!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back tomorrow to learn more about your recent day trip to NC. See you then!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m glad you were able to join us for another day’s adventure in Maine. If donuts or ice cream are within our proximity then we’re sure to find them. DH can spot a bakery a mile off. He has eagle eyes! The light from the sunset casting on the trees in Northeast Harbor was a breath taking sight. It made me think they were almost on fire. The moments were magical and quick passing. I love that time of day. That far northeast, evening comes much earlier than we’re used to which is a signal of our day coming to a close. My memories from this trip still fondly hand in my thoughts and I so do love revisiting our vacation with every single edition in this series that I share. Thank you for being a part of it, my friend!

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