Recipes,  Wild Wednesdays

Local fall landscape pictures

Last week I didn’t do so hot getting back into the blogging groove. I have too much on my plate around the house to find the time needed for blog hopping but I will get back on track. I ask for patience please.  While on vacation we got out a little.  With the too many things to do and the weather not always cooperating getting out didn’t happen enough. Here are a few pictures I managed to capture. 

Kodak, Tennessee We were turning around in a church parking lot when I spied the cow taking a dip in the water hole. Can you see it? Click to enlarge image.
This is either in Washburn Tennessee or nearby. I lost track. What pulled my eye to this scene is the barn in the distance and the covered rolls of hay to the right but what I didn’t notice is how pretty the veins going across the barbed wire framed the picture. It looks like a string of hearts.
This picture was taken in the vincity of Washburn. Years ago we were up there when I saw the mural on the building side and I beat myself up for not taking a picture. Stumbling on it again, I didn’t let the opportunity pass me by a second chance. The image is faded compared to my first sighting but it’s a delight to finally capture it. Click to enlarge image.

Over the weekend, I snapped this picture of the fall colors behind a neighbor’s house.  It felt like a spring day instead of autumn.

Speaking of the weekend, I made a batch of Coconut Macadamia Cookies.  It’s been a while since I made these last. The first time I had them was while visiting good friends in Florida. After returning home I made some for us because DH just loved them. Here’s my recipe if you’re interested.

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Join my #WildWednesdays linky party where just about anything goes! The concept for this mid-week blog hop was conceived as I found myself moving farther away from photography and more toward art. Of course, that’s not what this party is about. You’re invited to share anything – artwork, DIY projects, photos, music, musings, randomness, recipes, and more! 

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

[tweetthis]#WildWednesdays the linky party where just about anything goes is now open. Promote your favorite post! #photography #music #musings #creativewriting #art[/tweetthis]

Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.


1. It’s the 11th day of the 11th month and bloggers often make lists on days like today. Let’s go with a list of eleven things you’re feeling grateful for today.

  1. I’m grateful President Trump isn’t listening to others to concede the election before suspicions of foul play are cleared up.
  2. I’m grateful for those who fought/fight to keep our nation free.
  3. I’m grateful for the liberties I’ve been given living in America.
  4. I’m grateful for good health.
  5. I’m grateful for a wonderful husband.
  6. I’m grateful for DH’s job.
  7. I’m grateful to be a mom of three kiddos.
  8. I’m grateful my kids have jobs.
  9. I’m grateful I’m a Mimi of one sweet little girl.
  10. I’m grateful DD#1 is able to be home with her precious daughter.
  11. I’m grateful my parents are still living.

2. What’s something you decided to do or act on at the ’11th hour’? 

I haven’t thought about it.

3.  Apparently the Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe contains 11 herbs and spices. What’s a dish you make that calls for exactly eleven ingredients? Feel free to share the list and/or recipe. 

I took a quick peek at a few recipes I made recently that I want to share eventually but none of these have only 11 ingredients, so I’m at a loss on this one. Sorry!

4. Something you remember about your 11-year old self? 

At 11-years of age I was in grade 6.  That was about the time I grew into reading for pleasure. My best friend shared her Nancy Drew book series with me. Occasionally, Mom gave me a little money to buy a new paperbook from Scholastic Books from my English teacher. 

5. The 11th of November is Veterans Day in the US of A. This is a day to honor those who have served their country in war or peace-dead or alive-although according to the government’s website it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices.  Memorial Day is when we honor military personnel who died in service to their country.  Share a thought relating to Veterans Day or tell us something about a Veteran you know-love-admire. 

I’m thankful for those who sacrificed so much for our country. Most of the time those called to serve didn’t have a choice and those I know did not back down from their duties.  I know it had to be a scary thing because I remember how scared I was for my uncles during the Vietnam war.  I was too little to know about the demonstrations and harsh treatment our soldiers got when they came home.  They didn’t ask to do it but did it when called  and then to have the people from this nation to behave this way is disgracing and sickening. I admire every man and woman in uniform. They do what I can not or do not want to do.  May the hard work done by many living and dead never be forgotten, taken for granted, or wasted. You’ll never know how good you have it until it’s been taken away. I pray that we’ll never find ourselves looking back on what was —  freedom of religion, freedom to vote, freedom of education, freedom to buy, freedom to travel, freedom of healthcare, freedom in all things!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I think in light of all the crazy political correctness and the defiance of multi-million dollar star athletes or celebrities lack of respect for the American flag and all it represents that I should do what’s right to honor our brave long ago or present in sharing “Ragged Old Flag” by Johnny Cash because like the old man in the song says, “I’m mighty proud of that ragged old flag!”

That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution with Thursday Art Date with Rain.   Thanks for joining me today and may you have a blessed day! X💋X💋, Cathy


  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    Even enlarged, I could barely see the cow – you have a good eye. I also admired the framing in the second picture, and that blazing red tree in still another photo. Our great fall weather and clear blue skies are done with now – rain took care of most of our remaining leaves today. Time to look forward. A gratitude list would help. I do have a lot to be grateful for.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The wind and rain did the same thing here, too. I had hoped we’d see more but didn’t. I do love rich blue skies on a fall day, though. The cows were easier to see in person. I snapped the picture with my iPhone. What I needed was my big girl camera. 😉

    • Cathy Kennedy


      No matter how tough the road is we walk, there are always blessings surrounding us. We just have to look a little harder to see them. I learned this lesson many times over the years. Blessings to you and thanks for visiting. 😉

  • Junie

    Your blog is a breath of fresh air. In your 11 thankfuls are several I intensely agree with! Thank you for posting them! The cookies sound delicious – I love macademian nuts, as well as coconut:) Jesh

  • Memories of Eric and Flynn

    Lovely photos. I did see the cow but had to enlarge first. Those cookies look good but I don’t like coconut. I am thinking that ground almonds would make a good substitute.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      It’s difficult to see the cow. In person, it wasn’t too hard. Ground almonds sound good as a substitute or even almond pieces would be good. I might have to try that!

  • 15andmeowing

    Beautiful photos. It does look like a row of hearts across the fence. Nice to learn more about you with the questions- nice thankfuls. XO

  • jodaley

    I love the Johnny Cash song. Thanks for sharing that today. And I enjoyed your gratitude list. I think we all need to focus on our blessings in this tumultuous season.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      It’s interesting how we can drive outside the city and we’re in the country basically. It’s really nice feel. As much as I’d love to have a place away from town, it’s not feasible with everything we need to do located in busier places. These drives really make for a relaxing day, though. Thanks for visiting!

  • mjgolch

    great pictures,I’m working my way back to the land of Blog,I did one of my usual monday posts and a wordless wednesday post as well.and I have maintained my Facebook presence ever since all the stuff that went down since August of this year.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      You’ve dealt with much in the past few months. It’s understandable that it takes time to get back to normal again but I know you will or at least to a new norm. You’re in my prayers dear friend. Keep pushing forward! Oh yeah, thanks for your service to this country. God bless, my friend!

      • mjgolch

        Thanks Cathy,I even tried to play my hammered dulcimer,it is so out of tume and I gotta relean how to play the tunes that have gotten lost in my memory bank. I guess the tunes are in the use it or lose it catagory because it’s been at least13 years since I played.

  • Willow

    Commenting on Hodgepodge… my husband is a Vietnam vet. He didn’t mention that for a long time in conversations. Our son joined USAR in the 90s and that was not a time that people honored military. But I am proud of them both as well as my father and fil who were WWII vets.
    Loved the photos!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Please offer my thanks to your husband and son for their service. I think any time is a good time to show my respect and appreciation to those defending their country. It’s sad when others don’t feel the same way and have little thought about the importance or sacrifice these people make. Thank you for popping over, my dear!

  • Sandee

    Beautiful fall shots. Wow.

    A huge thank you to all our veterans.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  • Brian

    Those are such pretty scenes, love that farmland. Thank you to all of our heroes, we miss the country you fought so hard for.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Many Americans feel the same. Our country has slipped out of control. While I miss loved ones who’ve gone on to heaven I’m glad they do not have to see this mess. So sad!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild and Almost Wordless Wednesday, dear friend! ( I looked for your Tickle Me Tuesday post all day yesterday and didn’t see anything.)

    I’m happy to know that you and DH were able to venture outdoors and travel around a bit. Looks like you picked some beautiful weather days. I am pleasantly surprised to see the fall leaves still in their glory in your region. Ever since I was a child, the sight of cows grazing in a pasture has brought me joy. Therefore I appreciate the picture you took that day of a cow taking a bath in a farm pond. It is indeed interesting how nature helped you out by covering part of that ugly barbed wire fence as you snapped a picture of a barn in the distance, making for a lovely composition. That mural which turns the entire side of a barn into a canvas, is amazing. I can’t make out much detail (and maybe that’s for the best) but I am sure it has become a local landmark.

    I will share your recipe for Coconut Macadamia Cookies with Mrs. Shady. Especially now with the holidays approaching she should be interested in making a batch. She could serve them when we host a Thanksgiving feast for our extended family.

    As I am sure you know, the answers I would give to the questions and prompts posed in the last segment of your post would differ sharply from yours because I see those same issues from a completely different perspective based on my own life experiences. However I continue to respect your right to express your views, continue to try to understand where you are coming from, and continue to love and appreciate you regardless.

    “Once a friend, always a friend” – Cathy Kennedy

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I skipped yesterday and there will be other days like that to come. With the holidays coming on faster than I know what to do things are expected to get hectic fast. Shoot, it’s already like that! Anywho, so happy you liked the recipe share. I hope Mrs. Shady makes them for you and everyone. It’s a good recipe. We all don’t have to agree with each other but respecting each others right beliefs is the key to making things work in this world. Our differences (mainly political) is proof that people can coexist and even like each other, right? Ahh, you remembered my quote! You’re a dear loyal friend. That means a lot to me! Have a good evening. 🙂

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