Friday Fun Stuff

Laughs on Me with #ENT #humor

Purrs and khkkisses, Kittens & Dawgs!  Another week bites the dust. Yesterday, I underwent day surgery for ear tubes only.   Originally the doctor planned to do balloon dilation on eustachian tubes but I found out literally minutes before going into the operating room that the insurance company won’t pay for it.  So I made the decision based on our out-of-cost ($3600-$5000) and knowing that I might need tubes again to wait.  The doctor also recommended it.   I always thought this was a procedure done only on children.  I hope it improves that stuffy, muffled feeling in my ears.  I don’t expect it to fix the loss hearing caused by repeated ear infections from early childhood but the biggest reason for having it done now is to keep from more serious problems developing due to eustachian tube dysfunction.  I won’t be around Blogosphere but you’ll be glad to know I’m doing ok. There’s no pain. Yay! I was given an antibiotic ear drop as a precaution for three days. Ear infection, if it happens, will occur within the first 48-72 hours.  I’m experiencing a cotton-ball fill in my ears but the doctor said that’s normal.  He used larger tubes in my ears with the hope of making the last longer.  I might need a steroid ear drop to reduce the swelling.   This is DH’s off Friday, so I’m sharing nothing but sillies for you. I hope you like today’s contributions as I poke fun at myself with these Friday Sillies!

Thanks for all the prayers and concerns by all who stopped by recently or sent emails. I feel so loved!  Now, before you zip off, I’d like to invite you to cast your vote in my latest BoTB, as well please don’t forget to join me on the dance floor with ‘your choice song picks‘ on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!



Friday Features Linky Party



















  • Dee | Grammy's Grid

    I thought it was only for kids too. Hope it helps you feel better. My ears ring constantly. After a while you would think they’d realize no one is home 🙂 That’s my joke for the day. Enjoyed the humor cartoons because as I always say – Laughter is the best medicine!

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    I’ve had ringing in my ears, intermittantly, since I was a child. It was only a few years ago that I found out “that wasn’t normal”. I was one of those sending good wishes your way and I hope everything has gone right. It makes me so angry when insurance won’t pay for something or puts you through the mill but, whatever happens, I hope it works out right for you. And Bart’s megaphone adventure was too funny. (Testing…)

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m hoping the ear tubes fix the problem, too. Insurance companies are always reluctant to pay on procedures they consider ‘investigative’. I think at some point, this will become covered. The industry just drags its heels slowly and that’s a shame!

  • John Holton

    So, wait… are you going ahead with the dilation? It might seem expensive, but if it gives you enough relief, it’ll be worth it.

    Funny cartoons this week!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      John, I’m going to wait on the dilation procedure for now. The tubes might be enough but if not I can have it done later. I’m not going to know until I see how the tubes alone do. Although it’s too early to say now but the odds of repeating the tubes weights heavily that direction so I thought that might be a good time to do the dilation. I can tell some difference now and I think after the swelling goes down I’ll notice more change.

  • -Eugenia

    Sending hugs and blessings and best wishes! I hope you find some relief for your ears. I’ve had ringing in my ears for years and I just got used to it. I had ear aches, etc. as a child. Have the best weekend possible.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Eugenia, I sometimes have ringing in my ears, too. Due to chronic ear infections as a kid some of my hearing is gone. My eardrums caving in needed serious attention to keep s bad situation from getting worse. Dr. R is keeping an eye on things and I’m sure he’ll make the appropriate calls at the right time. I certainly don’t want to lose my hearing.

  • greyzoned/angelsbark

    Hi Cathy,
    Thanks for letting us know how you’re doing after your procedure. Glad you have no pain. That’s always good! I’m sorry that you couldn’t get the balloon dilation. So much of very necessary and basic care in this country is outrageously expensive and unaffordable for most. It makes me so angry that all these fat cats at the top, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, are getting wealthy on the backs of hard-working Americans. I just saw a report about a young man who died recently because he was rationing out his insulin for his diabetes due to the fact that it had become so expensive he couldn’t afford it. THAT is criminal. And the ridiculous inflated cost of the EpiPens, OMG, just outrageous.
    I hope that what you had done will be effective and that you won’t need the tube dilation after all. Prayers for that!

    I so enjoyed your ear funnies! The Mickey Mouse one cracked me up. Especially the end! I totally get it. I used to live next to an opera singer and sometimes her practicing would get on my nerves. I love so many kinds of music but I just can’t get into opera.
    Bart’s megaphone testing was funny too. I’m not familiar with Milton Crabapple so will have to check into more of his comedy.

    Listening now to your very creative playlist! Some great new-to-me stuff here. I don’t know Fall Out Boy but boy, did I like that song! I also really enjoyed Bruce Cockburn’s song and Jethro Tull: now there’s a blast from the past! Master flutist! Another new-to-me song was “In My Ear”. I wanted to know who it was by so I looked it up and discovered the band to be Toad and the Wet Sprocket. That name!!! I was like “What???” I just had to know more so off to Wiki I went 🙂
    Great story how the name came about if you’re interested:

    Anyway, thanks for updating us on how you’re doing and for the funnies and the great music! Have a restful weekend and hope to see you on Monday…

    Michele at Angels Bark

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for the prayers and lovely e-card. That meant so much to me.

      I think for now postponing the dilation procedure is a safe call. This gives me an opportunity to see if the tubes do what’s needed but if not then go a step further. Who knows maybe insurance will approve it next time. Right now it’s considered investigative which basically means there’s not enough data to support it. That’s so sad to hear about that young man rationing his insulin and caused his death.

      Cutting this short but I’m glad you liked the playlist. 😉

  • messymimi's meanderings

    Wow, i didn’t know they had a procedure for opening the eustachian tubes! Now i’m going to have to look into that, i am so tired of mine being closed and sometimes painful.

    Great funnies, and i am praying for your speedy recovery!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I know Medicare pays for Eustachian Tube Dilation in Tennessee according to my doctor, otherwise, it’s very expensive. It’s definitely worth checking into if you’re having problems. Your insurance might cover it.

  • Lori L MacLaughlin

    I’ve had ringing in my ears for years so I can relate to the hearing issues. The jester comic cracked me up. The videos were pretty funny, too. Thanks for sharing the laughs, and I hope the tubes help.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I’m very happy to learn that you are AOK and pain free at this hour, but I am shocked by the out of pocket cost of the Eustachian tube procedure. I hope you get good enough results from what has been done so far that it won’t be necessary. Even slight to moderate improvement will be a blessing.

    I got a kick out of your hearing related Friday Sillies. When the lady in that first cartoon told the doctor she’d be there with bells on… she meant it literally! 🙂 Milton Crabapple’s stand-up was funny. Time and time again Mrs. Shady claims she has replied verbally to me when she only replied in her mind. I suppose she expects me to read it.

    I never heard of the Chicago area pop punk/alternative rock band Fall Out Boy, but I thoroughly enjoyed their song “Ringing In My Ears” from their 2007 album Infinity on High.

    Thank you for updating us on your situation, Cathy. You are loved! Take care and have a restful weekend, dear friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, I was shocked to death to learn that it, too. I really don’t get it. I was scheduled for ear tubes and to do the dilation doesn’t require a whole lot more from what little I know but what can I say, insurance companies are squirrely this way.

  • Birgit

    I’m glad you only needed the tubes and that it all went well. The cost just floors me so i am so happy that we don’t have to pay for any of that…it should be free every where because it is about ones’ health. The funnies are cute and I like the one with the megaphone. I almost have to do that with one client of mine. When he leaves I have a sore throat from yelling. Have a good and relaxing weekend

    • Cathy Kennedy


      It’s too soon to say that I don’t need the Eustachian Tube Dilation but the doctor’s recommendation to wait and see sounded good. Who knows maybe a year from now if I have to revisit ear tube surgery, then I can check with BC/BS to see if they cover the cost for the dilation process. Maybe, the timing is everything to get done what’s needed without additional cost or harm to me.

  • Comedy Plus

    For the third time, what. Bwahahahahahahahahaha.

    I hope you find some relief and good results so your ears will work far better. Getting old isn’t for sissies.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Big hugs. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Getting older isn’t for sissies for sure but my hearing problem started when I was an infant. I probably needed ear tubes as a kid but for whatever reason never did. Either the doctors didn’t know or my parents couldn’t afford it. Whatever the reason, there are no ill feelings on my part. I just accept as the way things are and try to get things done now that I know better. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Jacqui Murray

    Good luck with this–and I sure hope it works. I’ve never heard of this, would hate that stuffy feeling. I’ve just developed tinnitus so can relate to these hearing problems.

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