
It’s Spring Time, Can You Feel It?

Daffodowndilly by A.A. Milne

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
“Winter is dead.”

What fun outdoor activities do you enjoy with your children or grandchildren? When my kiddos were small, they loved to use draw colorful chalk designs on the driveway or swing so high ’til their tiny feet almost touched the clouds or blow a multitude of soapy bubbles or have a quiet picnic on a blanket in our yard.

Long last, the end of winter has come and the birth of a new season has emerged – spring.  The grey of winter erases as our world literally springs to life as the glory of a new wardrobe revile sun-bright daffodils, rosy red tulips, smiling purple pansies, magnolia, cherry tree, and redbud blossoms swaying in rhyme with the breeze.

Yesterday, the official first day of spring, was a perfect example of such a magnificent time here in East Tennessee with balmy temperatures in the 70s, rich blue skies, and punchy March winds caressing the skin. It was a day worthy to be outdoors to savor earth’s awakening.

Riddle of the day.


Spring or anytime, I always looked for fun recipes to make with my children. While I cannot give you a personal reference on how tasty the below recipe is, one thing is for certain it sure fits the bill for appearing like a lot of fun.  If I had wee ones in the house, then I’d take a gamble on giving this a try with them.



1 large can of chow mein noodles
4 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 tsp. shortening
“Peeps” (marshmallow chicks) some sort of egg-shaped candy
(jelly beans, M&M’s, etc.).




  1. Melt the chips & shortening in a glass bowl in the microwave (usually about 1 min. to 1 1/2 min.). Stir frequently to avoid burning.
  2. Pour in the noodles & stir till coated.
  3. Drop big spoonfuls on dessert paper plates. Let kids form into ‘nests’.
  4. Add eggs & marshmallow chicks as desired.
  5. Place in fridge for 30 min. to harden.
  6. Eat & enjoy!!

Makes 6-7 nests. NOTE: You can also use butterscotch or white chocolate chips for more variety


Regrettably, when my two oldest kiddos where young I didn’t have the internet to pull creative ideas from.  However, these days there is a sea of ideas floating in cyberspace.  I’m simply in awe of all the wonderful things I can pull easily off the net in a matter of minutes.  Sometimes it’s hard to digest everything, but it is sure nice to have it ready for the taking anytime. Pull up your favorite search engine to begin your hunt for fun spring activities now!

With spring in the air,  what are you looking forward to most?  Do you have a neat spring activity you would like to share?  It’s springtime, can you feel it?  Then, get outdoors and enjoy it!



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