Friday Sillies,  Rocktober Music Fest

In the Air Tonight #PhilCollins #RocktoberMusicFest

#FridaySillies Halloween humor

Once again, I’m using this week’s art prompt, LEGENDS, for inspiration in my daily song feature. There are songs penned about actual gruesome crimes but I didn’t want to stroll down that avenue and decided to go with urban legends surrounding popular songs. 

Treblezine writes this about today’s featured song…

During the verse, Collins sings, “Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand.” And from there, a combination of the telephone game and vivid imaginations interpreted the song to be a true story about a supposed drowning incident that Collins witnessed, in which someone refused to come to the aid of the victim. The myth gets even juicier when coupled with a follow-up myth, that Collins came face-to-face with the culprit at a concert while performing the song. It’s good enough to be a movie script, but it might as well be, because it’s complete fiction. Collins has said he was going through a divorce at the time and his own frustration and bewilderment led him to wrote those words, but that the drowning incident in question never happened.


That’s a wrap for now. I invite to visit JingleJangleJungle to join the party. It’s never too late to get in on the action. I’ll be back tomorrow with more mewsic. Until then…rock on, ghouls and guys! X💋X💋, Cathy


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