Hoo Are You?

Hoo Are You meme?

Last week, I didn’t get to write a separate post for this meme. Simply put, I was short on time. I’m there again this week – short on time that is, but decided to MAKE myself do it anyhow.

I’m on a regime of exercising no less than 3 hours each day, which will give me about 30 miles on my bike. I’ll be maintaining my strict diet on top of that just as long as my energy doesn’t drop. So far, so good! wink-wink

Now to answer Leslie’s questions….

  1. What is your favorite craft or type of craft and if you are a crafter how did you get into it?

My favorite craft, if you can it that, is rubber stamping. I love to make all of our greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.  Try as I may, I can’t remember precisely who got me hooked on this hobby. Wait, yeah I do it was my penpal Darlene Bare.  I had a few other pals who were dabbling with rubber stamps, but Darlene got me involved.  I’m not crazy obsessed with this hobby, but I do have a fair share of stamps that I love and may never even get a chance to use in my life time. lol

  1. What shows have you been watching this summer?

We’ve been watching America’s Got Talent but I’ve really lost interest about a week or two ago after continually seeing some of the best talents cut.  It’s can’t believe how America has failed the really talented ones.

  1. Who does the yard work at your house?

Thankfully, my teenage son takes care of the yard work — mowing, trimming, or digging holes for my plants.  He’s a great helper!

  1. Are you working on any projects inside the home or outside this week?

At the moment, I’m not working on any projects other than maintaining my blog and writing my children’s stories.  I need to begin devoting more time to my stories, as I have a few that need immediate attention.

5. Do you have to worry about getting ready for back to school?

We homeschool.  All I need to do is load the appropriate software curriculum onto my son’s computer because he’s the last of the three, so there’s not much preparation.  Life has gotten a lot simpler with only one child at home and this is his last year of school. Next year, it’ll be college for him if he should decide to go that route.

Wanna join the fun, then link up with Leslie @ Hoo Are you?




  • cathykennedy

    @ec8984ac2e1c753b0b551f1f28db98fc Homeschooling is fun for the most part, but it has it’s moments like anything else.  Do what’s the best for your whole family, and if I can answer any questions you may have then fire them at me.

  • cathykennedy

    @google-8aa934685e80bc6e8e184f9735095c88:disqus Software curriculum can be quirky at times, but for the cost and convenience, then it’s worth it to me. Best of luck to ya!

  • Modern Wivelyhood

    Thanks for your sweet comment! That’s so awesome that you homeschool! My son has one more year of preschool and I probably need to start exploring all my options 🙂

  • Kim Rosema

    I’m going to have to look into the alpha omega that you’re doing. We have our teenager doing high school online and we’re not completely satisfied with it.  I love that she’s home though.  Good for you for exercising 3 hours a day! I can do that occasionally but usually it’s zero to 90 minutes a day. Mostly zero. It was nice to get to know you better!

  • cathykennedy

    Christy’s Cuties I’m hoping the long haul on my exercising regime is only for a short period.  I get crazy like this sometimes where I’m trying to bust off unwanted weight in a small amount of time.  At almost 50, the pounds just don’t fall  off like they did when I was in 30s or even early 40s.  Stupid hormones, right? It’s not always easy to keep up the motivation on a daily basis, but I know once I do it then I’ll feel better for having done it and like the saying goes, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.  This is so true! I love being able to wear my clothes that fit either too snug or not at all.  Just know, I’m here to cheer you on, if you need a pep talk. Good luck!

  • cathykennedy

    @f4ecd07d0d79b962552209b3de81b80b:disqus There is a lot of flexibility with how you can choose to teach your kiddos – text books, Satelite courses, online teaching, or computer software.  For us buying Alpha Omega’s Switched On Schoolhouse was an affordable (compared to other similar options) and convenient for what we wanted.

  • Margaretduarte

    Hi Kathy.  So nice to learn all these things about you.  Rubber stamping sounds like so much fun.  And I didn’t realize that home schooling could be loaded onto the computer, etc.  I thought parents had to come up with their own lesson plans, etc.  Oh my, how wrong I was.  Good luck with your writing.  I know how hard it is to maintain a blog, run a household–and write.  But somehow we manage.

  • Christy's Cuties

    Hi!  Hopping over from Hoo are you.  You really exercise THREE hours a day??  OMGOSH!  I’m trying to make myself do at least 1 and a half hours…it’s not going so well.  LOL  How do you stay so motivated?

  • Crystal

    Good for you guys with Homeschooling! I envy you for having the time to be dedicated to that. I wish I could… and yah for having a teenage son that helps you out. I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to actually help and not ‘help’.  🙂

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