Random Tuesday Thoughts

Daughter’s Job Loss to Iced Lemon Cookies – RTT


My oldest daughter started a second job yesterday. She scheduled time off this week from her first job, just so she could go through the training process at Puleo’s Grille to become a server.  Unfortunately, no sooner had she begun her training the rug was quickly jerked from beneath her feet.

It turned out she needed some sort of licenses(costs $100) to be able to serve drinks.  The person who interviewed her failed to give her this bit of info.  I’m totally ignorant on these matters. I didn’t know a waitress had to have a special license to carry drinks to a table. I can see a bartender needing something like this, but a waitress?

She needed this second job, badly. That’s why she applied, right? She doesn’t have the extra money to pay for this licenses, either. For now, she’s out of a second job and isn’t scheduled to work this week, unless she was successful in working something out with her boss.  Poor kiddo!

On a lighter note, we bought my husband seasons one and two of the 80s TV series Remington Steele.  Do you recall it? We enjoyed it back in its day and love it even more now! 

If you haven’t heard of this marvelous series, then allow me to give you the heads up and perhaps you’ll wanna to check it out for yourself.  I know how difficult it is to find quality programming on the ole boob tube today.

Remington Steele trailer

We’ve finished season one and just started season two last night.  This is such a great show!


My husband is a cookie monster. He loves cookies! I kid you not, he can whip out an entire bag by himself, IF he allowed it.  You would think someone like this would be enormously large, but he isn’t.  He’s 5’10” and weighs 156 pounds.

Why am I talking about cookies and his obsession with them?  He’s currently on a lemon cookie kick.  Do you know how difficult it is to find a lemony lemon cookie in the grocery store?  It’s terribly difficult!  This leaves me with one choice and that is to find an outstanding recipe online today to satisfy his cookie craving.  Rachel Ray has a lovely recipe for Iced Lemon Cookies, which I’m definitely going to try this weekend, if not before then. This sounds just like the ticket for winning over DH’s taste buds and no doubt my son’s, too!  I’ll give you the verdict of how this recipe turns out in a not-so-distant post.

We bought a dishwasher June 2010.  This is the first one I’ve had in over 20 years.  Elated to finally have this convenience of a nifty appliance again to do the job I had forgotten sometimes automatic dishwashers don’t do a perfect job.  The biggest problem I have is food particles getting washed back upon the glasses primarily, but sometimes on the dishes, too.  To put it mildly, this is irritating. In a recent post, someone suggested using distilled vinegar as a rinse agent.  I don’t use a rinse agent because I don’t like the idea of chemicals being left on my dishes.  However, vinegar is harmless if ingested and I felt it was worth a try. Last week, I used this little trick and wah-lah…while it’s still not perfect, it is a noticeable improvement. Then I stumbled upon an interesting post from Jenerally Speaking on how to make your own automatic dishwashing detergent. A comment intrigued me saying the home-made stuff worked better than store-bought brands and that it’s cheaper. So, over the weekend I bought the ingredients  and yesterday I mixed everything up.  It made a lot! I have a plastic gallon size container and a disposable Rubbermaid container (5.2 cups) full of home-made automatic dishwashing detergent.  I’ll be giving it a try a little later and the outcome to this experiment will be forthcoming, I promise!

We’re all keeping the rebellious spirit breathing while Keely is taking a hiatus thanks to Stacy. This is your day to unleash the hodgepodge stow away in your noggin.  

I love comments! Who doesn’t right? Be sure to drop me a line or two and above all please leave your blog link inviting me to hop over to your site (my comment widget may or may not be able to retrieve your blog address).

C’mon, you know you wanna do this. Link up below and keep the wayward movement on by rebelling your little heart out!

Have a tremendous Tuesday!




  • cathykennedy

    @b926fc83faa939204bd9afa3a2b9ccaa Just checked and sure enough TN servers must have that license. You learn something new everyday.

  • cathykennedy

    MarthaPA I had to laugh over converting the dishwasher into a storage space. Good use of it, though.

  • cathykennedy

    @b926fc83faa939204bd9afa3a2b9ccaa That’s interesting about the license not required in IL. We’re in TN. I may check on this to satisfy my curiosity. I’ll definitely keep you posted on the cookie recipe.

  • Terra Heck

    I’m so sorry to hear about the deal with your daughter.  I’m not sure where you live, but I’m pretty sure a license isn’t needed in IL.  I just moved to a new residence with a dishwasher included.  I asked the landlord to remove it.  I’m not a fan of them.  Prefer to do them by hand.  I gotta agree with your husband, lemon cookies are awesome!  Let us know how the recipe turns out.  Happy RTT!

  • MarthaPA

    Thanks for stopping by! I loved Remington Steele!  We never use our dishwasher, just 3 of us, easier to just do them after a meal!  In fact we lived here for over a year when my daughter realized we had one!  I store stuff in it!

  • Scriptor

    Even though my dishwasher has been broken for well over a year, I’m interested to see if that homemade detergent works. You know, for when we finally buy one.

  • VandyJ

    If that dishwashing stuff works do share the recipe.  I could be convinced to make our own and could probably get the hubby to help.

  • cathykennedy

    @dd59946358338c38fde2663f87ec28cd I know where you’re coming from. I often tease about just smelling food putting weight on me, NOT fun!  When I was younger BC motherhood, weight was of no concern for me.  Now that I’m pushing ehem…50 then I’m fighting tooth and nail to keep it off. Plus, I’m always exercising! What women have to do to keep looking fabulous, right?

  • Michele

    Sorry to hear about your daughter’s 2nd job not panning out. I hope she finds something else soon.

    My husband eats whatever he feels like and rarely gains an ounce. Me? HA! I look at a carb and gain 3 pounds.

  • Mrs. Claus

    Hope the dishwasher soap works for you.  I have tried it on some weekend dishes (ones left for more than a day) and it’s about as good as Cascade, but all the soapy white rings that used to be left on the tops of my cobalt blue glasses are GONE!  Excited!

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