Battle of the Bands

Goldeneye BOTB Showdown Results

How are you doing today?  I hope the weekend is a good one for you.  Let me say to all moms, Happy Mother’s Day!  I hope this day is especially good for you.  Yesterday, we were fortunate to spend it with our son and future daughter-in-law.  We took a day trip to Nashville.  Perhaps, I’ll get around to sharing more about that another time but for now you’re here because you want to know if your favorite cover artist in my latest BOTB won, right?  

I don’t think I have to tell you who took the win in this round.  It was quite clear who everyone liked with the votes falling all in one hat with the exception of lone vote that kept this battle from being a total shut out.   Let’s give it up for the winner, Identical Suns!  How about another listen with the band’s self-title album?

My next Battle of the Bands is set for June 1st, so mark your calendar to join the voting process in my next James Bond Theme Song series battle.  You will find me tomorrow boogieing on the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor with no theme prompts giving me to the freedom to go with whatever music moves me.  You can do the same and join the party, just link up below!  



  • Birgit

    I hope you had a beautiful Mother’s day and from what I read, you did. I’m not surprised by the shutout but it was a good battle nonetheless.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Your vote kept this battle from being a shut out which I appreciate. 🙂 My Mother’s Day was very nice, actually Saturday, since we got to spend it with our baby. That was super nice!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, with the lead Identical Suns took right off the bat then I knew it wouldn’t come as a shocker. It would’ve been cool to see things turn around a bit more, though. Oh well…thanks for stopping by and for the warm HMD wishes!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Thank you, Brian for the M-Day wishes from everyone. That was nice. Y’all are such good furriends! Have a lovely week filled with good naps and sun puddles!

  • Arlee Bird

    Happy Mother’s Day! Glad you were able to take that nice drive to Nashville. At least gas where you are is still somewhat affordable. We considered a Sunday drive, but then decided whether we wanted to get groceries for the week or take the drive. We opted for groceries. I guess we could have taken out a loan for the gas, but I think it’s only going to get worse so we’ll save our money.

    Of course I’m not being totally serious, but it sounds feasible.

    Considering the winning group’s name it isn’t a surprise that most of the votes would be identical as well. It really was a better version though and I guess most voters concurred. But they were both good and it was a good Battle.

    You can now find my results as well………

    Arlee Bird

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thank you for the M-Day wishes, my friend. Gas is costly and it’ll probably get worse before it gets better but hopefully we can all keep our heads above water. For sure the votes were identical in this round. I wasn’t sure who’d win when I put these two groups together but I was confident that it wouldn’t be this lopsided. Boy, did I get that wrong! I’m heading your way now to check out your battle results!

  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    My Friend, CAThy ~

    I’m just really glad that you didn’t wind up with a shutout.
    Blowouts are going to happen — always have, always will. But a BOTB shutout has got to be kind of discouraging. Thankfully, I’ve yet to suffer one. But it’ll probably happen someday. I’ve come too dern close a couple times and just barely escaped by the skin o’ muh teefs!

    In this latest Battle, I wound up with a tie. That makes two ties in a row! I’m tempted to put together something pretty lopsided on June 1st just to make sure a winner emerges for me next time.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I believe I recall having at least on shut out but I’ve had many of these lopsided battles over the years. Thanks for dropping by to see how things went down.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Mother’s Day and BOTB Results Day, dear friend! I’m happy to know that you and DH had a nice time in Nashville with your son and his fiancé and that you made it back home to eastern Tennessee safe and sound.

    Yessum, on day one of your band battle I noticed how people were voting and suspected that a landslide was in the making. Any other time, I’d probably vote for the heavier sounding band, but I don’t think such an arrangement was suitable for the Bond song “Goldeneye.” Thanks for including a bonus song by the big winners Identical Suns. I like the group.

    I hope you enjoy your special Mom’s Day, dear friend Cathy, and I’ll see you tamale on 4M Monday. Have a wonderful week!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We had a great time in Nashville with the kids. This was the first for us to really get out to do “normal” things again and it felt wonderful. We found ourselves in the midst of Nashville Predators’ fans Saturday with downtown jammed. We couldn’t see the things we wanted because parking was a huge bust, but despite that we found other ways to enjoy our time together and that was the most important thing anyhow.

      I had hoped things in this battle round would’ve shaped up more even but that didn’t happen. I really didn’t do too well pairing these two against each other.

      Thanks for the Mother Day warm wishes. Please let Mrs. Shady know that I hope that her Mother’s Day was a very good one. I appreciate your early morning visit and will look forward to seeing you tomorrow, dear friend. Have a great week!

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