Random Tuesday Thoughts

Giant Leap to Dodging Bullets

The first man to touch the moon’s surface dies at age 82. Neal Armstrong slipped from this world into the next on Saturday leaving Americans and perhaps the entire global community sadden. I was only 7 years old, as those famous worlds, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” became forever etched into people’s minds.  I was simply too young to remember this moment. Thankfully, recordings of important historical events help to educate future generations for years like this awesome vintage footage of the first man on the moon.


Last week, I rambled in two separate posts about my computer woes that befell us at the start of August. You can read more about it on Tuesday’s Random & Alphabe-Thursday , if you want. To bring you up-to-speed on things, we have our desktop up and running, but our data has not been recovered from the crashed hard drive. As it turns out, we had to send it to a clean room. This is a process where the data is manually retrieved. The drive is physically opened and read. We’re crossing our fingers that the expense is minimal and the process quick.

Yesterday, DS started his first day of college classes. It felt so weird, but in a good weird sorta way to have the entire house to myself. The silence was almost deafening at times. This is going to take my brain a few days to adjust. The real bummer of this whole thing is, now I’m gonna have to take the trash to the curb each week.  I would have him take it down, but we’ve learned if you get it down too early animals will get into it before daybreak. So, I’ll have to go back to doing this chore again myself.

Good news, the weight loss is slowly happening. I lost 6-pounds since the first of July putting me at 113. I’m thrilled that things are progressing in a positive fashion for once. I eat anywhere from 1000 – 1200 calories each day and this is plenty. I make sure to eat a couple of 90 – 100 calories snacks a couple of times throughout the day in between my meals and this really seems to satisfy me. I’m still cycling at least an hour each day, too. Last week that’s about all I could do was 60 minutes a day, but this week I plan to crank things back up!

What’s with the NYC police department? I mean, a gunman killed a former co-worker near the Empire State Building before being shot and killed by NYC police. The weirdest thing is in the process the police injured nine others. I would’ve done a better job than this with my eyes blind folded. Okay, I’m stretching the truth. I’m definitely no marks-woman. Why I couldn’t shoot the side of a barn much less frantic New Yorkers scrambling for their lives! Of course, I haven’t received training like say…said “police officers”. I think it’s time someone(s) to begin making some frequent visits to the target range in his/her spare time….just saying is all.

This sort of thing that happened last week in NYC is one reason why I’m so paranoid about being in crowded situations. It doesn’t matter where you are, if something horrible can go wrong and you’re in with a mess of people then the odds shoot (no pun intended) up drastically of personal injury. No thank you! I’ll stick to going out of my way to avoid lots and lots of people at all cost.

Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your bloggy friends, as you enjoy some  random reflections, considerations, or broodings. While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up!

Have a terrific Tuesday




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