Friday Fill-ins

Friday Hops

For more Friday Funnies, click here!

Today is DH Friday to be at the office. What’s a girl to do? I know, I’ll visit with some of my lovely blog buddies. It’s official the weekend is here, so let’s get this party on the road!

First up is Hilary at Feeling Beachie. She has these fun fill-ins….

1. The last time I was on vacation, I went to Bar Harbor, Maine in 2004 for our 25th Wedding anniversary.
2. For breakfast I like to eat some form of protein usually, like eggs or yogurt to start my day right.
3. My heart hurts when my children suffer through hardships: personal affiliations or broken hearts because I’m a mother and what do mothers want to do? Kiss and fix the boo-boos, inside and out.
4. Why must life in general grow more and more complicated just to drive me nuts and give me grey hair?.

A new meme for me to play in today is Flashback Friday . This is a long ago memory….

1976 We were dating. He was 17 and I was 14. I must have had a loose screw. No really, see what he’s doing? =D

I hook up with Create with Joy on Wednesday and am now joining her for Friendship Friday. Here are her questions:

What do you love most about Autumn? There are simply too many things I like about fall time to say what I love the most, but a few things which come to mind…vivid autumn leaves of red, orange, & gold, crystal clear blue skies, crisp fall air, scents of apple & cinnamon or pumpkin spice, bomb fires, the sound of rustling leaves beneath my feet, early morning wood smoke, …. These are a few of my favorite things. ^.^
Do you do anything special to mark the arrival of this season? Absolutely! I always make certain to have some of our tradition autumn candies such as candy corn on hand and we love to enjoy the taste of pumpkin spice lattes which I make. So better than Starbucks! I display the few autumn decorations I have, too.
Have you written any poetry? Yes a little. The last poem I wrote was for the 11-year anniversary of 9/11 which I called, Rise Up to Never Stay Down.
Taken any photographs? I do and recently I began participating in Wordless Wednesday to spotlight my photos. Take a look at this week’s picturehere!
Made any crafts? The last craft project I did and pretty much all I do is stamp art. I love to make my own greeting cards. In fact, I’m fixing to make some autumn cards today using this stamp from

Image credit

Created any special recipes? Wow, you’re caught me on a good week. Last week, I made for the first time an easy focaccia bread recipe which turned out good. Click here, if you would like a copy.

Mama M. from My Little Life hosts Five Question Friday. This week’s questions are::

1. What is one grammar issue you cannot let go without correction? Being someone who has struggled the better part of my life with mispronunciation of words which largely is the result of some hearing loss, then I am more forgiving of others. But written grammar mistakes is another story. The one thing I hate more than anything is this texting form of spelling. It drives me crazy! Honestly, it’s showing itself  in people’s cyber/snail mail, too. There are just too many misspelled words. Either, people have forgotten how to spell or just too lazy to pick up a dictionary to check it.  
 2. What’s your favorite thing about fall? Simply the thought that it’s autumn and anticipating the beautiful changes that go with the season.
 3. What’s your favorite dish to take to a potluck? Usually dessert of some kind…maybe a cake or cookies.
 4. When do you start Christmas (Holiday) shopping? The question should be when am I not shopping for Christmas? I do this year round, as I do for special occasion shopping. I look for bargains when seasons change with the thought of future gift-giving. Retail prices are murder period.Why pay full price during the height of any shopping season when deep discounts are far better? It took awhile to get into the groove, but now that I am then it has made my life easier.
 5. Did you move homes a lot growing up? No. My parents moved only twice within the same area.

Another round of blank statements comes from Janet @ Friday Fill-Ins.  

1. I don’t know what it’s like to a completely clutter-free home ; I only know to keep filtering through the pile up until at last I can say, “Job done! I’m free of the  mess at last!”  

2. “I Devoted the last 18-years to Home Schooling. Now, What Do I Do?” would be a great title for my life. 

3. A couple of weeks from now my plan is to have our desktop fully restored to the way things were before the hard dish crashed or at least to the last archived state. That’s the best I can hope for. sigh.

4. In a snap, I can forget any number of things.

5. I drove went from sanity to insane and now I fear there is no going back.

6. When the scales showed I was 112 on Sunday  I was happy. 

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to seeing DH come home from work and DS come home from school, tomorrow my plans include not much really, other than what ever comes to mind and Sunday, I want to not really, but have to do the grocery shopping!


Finally, another new one for me to play along in is from Kailani @ An Island Life: In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Kailani prompts us to simply ask a question that doesn’t need a lengthy response. Here’s my question…

When was the last time you did something special just for yourself? 


Feel free to hop along with me today and link up with my friends. Have a fabulously fun weekend!




  • Paula Miller

    Hi Cathy! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting! You must have a LOT of rubber stamps lol. I’m now your newest GFC follower 🙂

    Hope your having a nice weekend!

  • Kayla @ TheEclecticElement

    That kitty picture made me giggle! And that picture of you and hubby is too darling-What a great memory to have 🙂

    As for your question, it’s funny you should ask that because I JUST got my hair cut for myself this week (and I love, love, LOVE it)!

    Hope you’re having a lovely weekend ^.^

  • Lorie Shewbridge

    Great photo of the two of you.. that looks like a cigar he has in his hand… at 17 years old? Shame on him, and yes, what were you thinking? I sure hope he has stopped now.

  • Xmasdolly

    WEll, I must’ve stopped by too late, so I’ll take a pass on this one except to say goodnight my friend. It’s been a very long day for me, and one thing though what is he doing in that picture. I can’t make it out.?????

  • Arlene

    Isn’t it just like a mama to want to shield her babies from heartache and pain? But if we do, they never will learn to make tough decisions, or to lean on God when the storms come.

    I bet Bar Harbor Maine was a wonderful vacation spot!

    Have a blessed weekend.

  • Lucy

    Bar Harbor, Maine sounds beautiful 🙂
    I love the photo, just love it!!
    My brain just couldn’t function this week and I skipped the fill ins but I am enjoying what others came up with 🙂

  • Brenda Youngerman

    WOW… you have been busy today! Lots of questions and lots of answers…
    enjoy the fall… and have a great weekend!

  • RoryBore

    love the kitty picture – hilarious. and that’s my fave thing about Fall, the changing of the leaves and when they fall raking a big pile for the kids to jump in. I don’t think that will ever get “old.”
    pumpkin spice latte recipe — share it maybe?? LOL

    As for your Aloha question: it’s been a while since I did anything special just for me; since I am buried with children right now. ha. With all the back to school supplies, clothing, and program registration fees that are due in September; it’s a tight month! But I did manage to go to a one day woman’s retreat recently because a local church hosted it and I carpooled with other ladies. They even fed us! It was lovely to have fellowship with these wonderful Christian ladies. But next month – October is mommy’s month: when I go to my first Blog Conference! I’ve been saving pennies like crazy! But somehow, Left Brain managed to work some overtime and bought me a new laptop to take!!! Wow. So thanks to hubby – I feel very special!

  • mail4rosey

    I was already following with GFC but saw you on Friendship Friday Hop so came over to visit. 🙂 I’m following you now on Linky too. Your fill-in reminded me that I need to eat breakfast (easy to forget when you’re blog hopping and a minute or two turns into a lot longer). 🙂

    Happy weekend!

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